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Commercials you just despise

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Nikashi said:
That new Pepto Bismol commercial with the stupid "Macarena" thing, where they all grab their asses when it says "Diarrhea".

Fucking EW. I don't need to know that you're making brown lakes in your pants :p
I was at a Chili's eating lunch one day. We were in tha bar because that is where a seat was open, and that comercial came on ESPN hella loud while I was eating soup.... :( :(
WasabiKing said:
1. Six Flags Commercial
Who's idea was it to take a horribly madeup "old" man as the source of all things fun. He shuffles his feet, walks slowly, then breaks out in a dance.

Whose idea, I don't know. But I want to give them a medal.


There's this one Coors Lite commercial with these two guys on a date with two girls. One of the guys sees some other girl checking him out so he "orders" by shouting out his phone number. What a fucking annoying commercial.


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
My all time number one most hated commercial is that STUPID black and white Gilette ad where they act like if you shave w/ Gilette you are the greatest thing ever. It starts off saying something like "You know that feeling you get after a perfect shave, it's like you're on top of the world, and can do anything" then acts like shaving will get you anything in your life. Dear lord do I hate that stupid ass commercial.

Beyond that one, a lot of the ones mentioned here. There are some really horrible car dealership ones that are on at school, they are just embarassing.



Some guy singing "Where do they go?" in reference to people that take "the Nestea plunge" and then we find out that they go to a tropical paradise with mermaids who sound more like dolphins.

Because DIFFERENT and WEIRD equals COOL.


Socreges said:

Some guy singing "Where do they go?" in reference to people that take "the Nestea plunge" and then we find out that they go to a tropical paradise with mermaids who sound more like dolphins.

Because DIFFERENT and WEIRD equals COOL.

Actually, that's a series of commercials, with the ending being different on each one.
I forgot those damn wireless network ads, I forget which company...

"I call this my "I'm a fucking idiot and I talk to much and I never shut up and I'm an idiot and here's a random sound effect" plan!"


How could I forget about those stupid gum ads? I just can't understand why a piece of gum would have a Scottish accent.


Fucking cell phone commercials.

Hey friends

Here is a pic of Brad, sitting at beach



[insert stupid rock music in back while the announcer gives details about the phone plan]

Ughh, I hate that shit. And those old GAP commercials where they used to do dance numbers to songs from The Kinks. Fucking shiat, I would literally leave the room.




Rockman said:
That mitsubishi car commercial with that bitch waving her hands like a break dancer. I want to smash her face with a sledgehammer.

LOL yes..I think that song got outdated for who knows how many years when Mitsu decided to use it.


LOL, the Chapelle spoof of the Mistubishi commercial is classic.

"What the hell are you doin? You're gonna have to stop that. Bitch, I'm serious. Get the hell outta my car!"
Most annoying first:

1. Enzyte - beyond the previously mentioned reasons for this commercial's awefulness, they never mention what exactly "natural male enhancement" is. At least Viagra ads mention erectile dysfunction. Show me an Enzyte ad with a guy saying "I took Enzyte and now my dick works right", and it'll be a huge improvement. Provided there's no whistling or creepy guys with big smiles, of course.

2. Ebay "Broadway" commercials - Gay in the most accurate use of the word outside of sexual orientation.

3. Truth commercials - Cigarettes are dangerous? OMGNOWAYWTF?! Preach on, you brave truth tellers!
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