That's a new form of pest control lol.
Trials are starting in Florida!
Trials are starting in Florida!
Every year, mosquitoes infect 400 million people with dengue fever, causing severe headaches and joint pain. Since a 2009 outbreak in Key West, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District has spent $1 million a year to try to curb the primary vector: Aedes aegypti. Last July, another mosquito-borne virus reached U.S. shores: chikungunya. Now officials are considering a radicaland highly controversialapproach to control the spread of tropical disease: genetically modified mosquitoes.
1. The Aedes aegypti mosquito thrives in urban settings and is highly resistant to insecticide. Plus it almost exclusively bites people. It has successfully spread around the world on the back of human transport, says Andy McKemey of insect-control company Oxitec. It is the rat of the insect world.
2. To keep populations in check, Oxitec genetically modified the insects. They injected mosquito eggs with synthetic DNA that codes for a self-limiting gene. This doesnt kill the mosquitoes outright, but it prevents their offspring from reaching adulthood to mate.
3. We release sufficient numbers of males to out-compete locals, McKemey says, and that gene is passed to their progeny. Then additional releases of modified moquitoes ensure that the wild populations are diminished enough to no longer pose a threat.