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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread


Why doesn't anyone in gaming understand the difference between glitches and exploits?
Melee is a game built around exploits, not glitches.


Why doesn't anyone in gaming understand the difference between glitches and exploits?
Melee is a game built around exploits, not glitches.

it's neogaf

and the "durrrrr melee is just a bunch of glitches!" shit has been a thing since like 2004. it's never going away.


Unconfirmed Member
Why doesn't anyone in gaming understand the difference between glitches and exploits?
Melee is a game built around exploits, not glitches.

Only one is really even important. Outside of wavedashing and tech based on it, most common tech skills aren't even exploits.

It bothers me even more that people assume L canceling or dash dancing is a glitch/exploit. Both of those were explicitly programmed into the game to work the way they do though.


I remember when I first read on the internet about smash competitive players being elitist and wanting everyone yo play their game on their terms.

Now look at that thread on the gaming side. How the tables have turned.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
it's neogaf

and the "durrrrr melee is just a bunch of glitches!" shit has been a thing since like 2004. it's never going away.

It's funny the people who usually do it will cite other fighting games and are casual as shit stream monsters in those games, at best.
I remember when I first read on the internet about smash competitive players being elitist and wanting everyone yo play their game on their terms.

Now look at that thread on the gaming side. How the tables have turned.

The tables didn't turn at all. It's the same judgemental mindset I had as a teenager at the concept of serious smash matches a decade ago. Only difference is now I can see the irony in how I took others playing differently from me as an insult.


The tables didn't turn at all. It's the same judgemental mindset I had as a teenager at the concept of serious smash matches a decade ago. Only difference is now I can see the irony in how I took others playing differently from me as an insult.

Tbf looking at old Smashboards threads the community was pretty toxic back then. I thought the exact same thing and I don't necessarily think it was without merit, though really I think the biggest problem was just people on both sides doing a poor job of expressing themselves online. I remember a relevant old school Melee player (Gimpyfish) getting into arguments on GameFAQs with someone I knew who was casual and both sides had stupid af arguments.

my friend got to money match amsa @ battle of bc
loud music warning :)

I couldnt tell you a thing about this matchup

This video is amazing

High level Yoshi vs. DK with loud ass meme remix music with sick beats, recorded via phone in what looks likes a club (even though I know it was the BoBC2 afterparty place)
Tbf looking at old Smashboards threads the community was pretty toxic back then. I thought the exact same thing and I don't necessarily think it was without merit, though really I think the biggest problem was just people on both sides doing a poor job of expressing themselves online. I remember a relevant old school Melee player (Gimpyfish) getting into arguments on GameFAQs with someone I knew who was casual and both sides had stupid af arguments.

Oh I didn't take part in forums back then. My teenage bile was pure reaction to the concept of competetive smash with no human interaction coloring things.


This video is amazing

High level Yoshi vs. DK with loud ass meme remix music with sick beats, recorded via phone in what looks likes a club (even though I know it was the BoBC2 afterparty place)

you completely sold me on that video and it did NOT disappoint


I didn't realize they released details. Looking at that infographic, convoluted is putting it mildly.

Also, I wonder if Monster being partnered with every other team is the reason they could only get three gods.


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't realize they released details. Looking at that infographic, convoluted is putting it mildly.

Also, I wonder if Monster being partnered with every other team is the reason they could only get three gods.

Comments on reddit indicated that was the case. They said there were sponsorship issues getting some of the other players they wanted to invite.


Makes me laugh every time I see a thread about WINDJAMMERS HD on gaming side but people still cry about Melee HD being something "not worth it" for Nintendo.


Is anyone gonna Hax$ their controller?

Certainly an interesting proposition. Smashbox was going to conform their box to whatever TOs wanted in order to be legal, Hax opts to make every controller potentially as good as his box.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. I have like 6 GCN controllers and never got one with a decent dashback. I understand that cheating might be an issue, but I'd rather do this than play the controller lottery again.


Unconfirmed Member
Is anyone gonna Hax$ their controller?

Certainly an interesting proposition. Smashbox was going to conform their box to whatever TOs wanted in order to be legal, Hax opts to make every controller potentially as good as his box.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. I have like 6 GCN controllers and never got one with a decent dashback. I understand that cheating might be an issue, but I'd rather do this than play the controller lottery again.

I'd do it but I've never soldered anything and don't know anyone to do it.

And his point is a good one. Basically the quality of a controller shouldn't be factor in determining a match. And "but a lot of gamecube controllers suck and B0XX/Smashbox don't have that problem!" is a pretty poor argument.
I have:

My 1st string controller (Average performance, but looks and feels great. Custom shell from Controlelr Chaos, Custom SmashProof buttons)

My 2nd string controller (Above average performance, original clear controller. Lent out to pros and people in need, my spare)

My 3rd string controller (Slightly below average performance, analog stick is a bit mushy. Original silver controller. My spare spare)

Will Hax Fucking Mod my 3rd string controller to see if I can pull it off.

I'd do it but I've never soldered anything and don't know anyone to do it.

And his point is a good one. Basically the quality of a controller shouldn't be factor in determining a match. And "but a lot of gamecube controllers suck and B0XX/Smashbox don't have that problem!" is a pretty poor argument.

Yeah I love the "Ah you should spend $200 on a controller with just the right defects so it's a "real" controller" vs. These types of mods. I mean Kadano often added different capacitors, extra silicon, etc. to help get similar results. If Hax$ is right in that all it would take is a not totally beat to hell controller and then some code, you could in theory keep the scene going for a long time with this mod.

*EDIT* Just bought the nanos, will arrive Sunday. Bought 3 in case I fuck up or in case the top Melee players in town want the mod done.


It was a little more complicated than we were expecting, but I got some friends together to solder some Arduinos.

Deeeeeeeefinitely worth. Being able to shield drop reliably is a game changer.


One of my homies in our scene has kinda become the "controller guy" over the past few months. Took a break from competing because he was just obsessing over every aspect of the QA and design of the controllers. I'll probably hit him up if it becomes standard, although I just started a few weeks ago. Former Sm4sher but I'm tired of that and want something new. 👍
It was a little more complicated than we were expecting, but I got some friends together to solder some Arduinos.

Deeeeeeeefinitely worth. Being able to shield drop reliably is a game changer.

Have you had any issues with your controller since then? Someone said to add in another part that Hax$ didn't mention to prevent any issues with the controller ports, so I'm waiting for some more reports.

my friend got to money match amsa @ battle of bc
loud music warning :)

I couldnt tell you a thing about this matchup

Also, just a reminder that this is probably one of my favorite Smash videos of this year. It's just got everything. Memes, good Melee between low tiers, people getting into it, beers, mics clipping, the works.

Double Also, Bigger Balc photos are finally coming out and this one came out so perfect:



No problems as far as I can tell. Though, I'd recommend hooking the Arduino in an extension cable so you can switch out controllers and edit the values more easily. It's sort of a pain to get it in the controller.

Gonna try something like this on the next one.
forgot this thread was a thing
momo went ham, and that ending sucked

Also, just a reminder that this is probably one of my favorite Smash videos of this year. It's just got everything. Memes, good Melee between low tiers, people getting into it, beers, mics clipping, the works.

everything is memes when mojo comes to visit


Unconfirmed Member
No problems as far as I can tell. Though, I'd recommend hooking the Arduino in an extension cable so you can switch out controllers and edit the values more easily. It's sort of a pain to get it in the controller.

Gonna try something like this on the next one.

That's awesome. If someone sold something like that I'd be all over it.


I feel like if they weren't playing at 1:00 AM, Plup could have taken that. Every time they cut to the players between games, it was pretty apparent that he needed to get some sleep.

I hope Axe gets another shot at HBox soon.
No problems as far as I can tell. Though, I'd recommend hooking the Arduino in an extension cable so you can switch out controllers and edit the values more easily. It's sort of a pain to get it in the controller.

Gonna try something like this on the next one.

Holy shit that's brilliant. Yeah I'll do that. Also that photo has the extra part in it to normalize the output voltages to what a normal GC controller would use.

Speaking of Brilliant, this guy made it months before Hax$ it seems.

Here's a much better guide IMO, but Hax$ image album is also pretty good for reference:


Hax$ guide seems more "Tournament Edition" focused though, as it draws the least amount of attention, and has purely "grey-area" level updates unlike the above which has updates for things like instant Icies Desynchs.


Make yourselves a favor and get Rivals of Aether people. It's 50% cheaper this Steam sale and online works pretty well as far as I can tell.


Make yourselves a favor and get Rivals of Aether people. It's 50% cheaper this Steam sale and online works pretty well as far as I can tell.

I bought it like a year ago and while I like every iteration of Smash on some level I really didn't like how Aether felt. I couldn't find a control scheme I was happy with, and also getting the Gamecube Controller adapter to work with it was kind of a pain for me on my end for some reason (no idea why since it's always been perfect with Dolphin).


I think it's weird that there needs to be so many regularly for some reason.

Also, I legit find that exfatal dude's posts funny. The rest is just typical (for GAF Melee topics) shit but his is clearly passive aggressive trolling flame-bait that takes me back to old-school GameFAQs.

Also, I have a hunch that a lot of the recent hate comes from a Super Best Friends Play segment given the fact that they seem to have a relatively large presence of fans on GAF. (and a lot of them keep bringing up the dashback problem while not really understanding it)


Leffen's impressions on hax's memory card hack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fR86RMgHCw

about the video...

(note: natural perfect angle = the single perfect angle on an unmodded controler)

Leffen's main problem with the angles seems to be their implementation.

With the mod as it is, there is no incentive for aiming at the natural perfect angle, as all the new (perfect) angles were added past it (further up).

With the mod, if you aim at the natural perfect angle, but miss, you'll still get a perfect angle if you overshot (as that's where all the new angles were added), but not if you undershot.

So, instead, you now aim at the new angles (aiming at the middle of the "new angles section"), so that you can both overshoot and undershoot, and still get the perfect angle.

This would be a problem with a notched controller, because it means aiming past the notch.

Basically, if you wanted to take advantage of the mod, your inputs for a long wavedash would have to slightly change, depending if the mod was turned on or off, which doesn't sound ideal.

If you wanted your inputs to remain the same, you would have to implement the mod differently, assuming that's possible?

Could you put the new (perfect) angles added by the mod, surrounding the natural perfect angle? (i.e. it would have some additional perfect angle values on either side)

You would lose the closest angles to the natural perfect angle, but you would be able to get consistent perfect wavedashes when aiming at it.

With a notched controller, you would get consistent perfect wavedashes by using the notch (unlike with the current implementation).

With that kind of implementation, you would be able to take advantage of the mod without the need of changing your inputs, no?

Would something similar be possible? would it bring problems?


When the Fox FSmashes inwards on FD, to run the entire length of the stage, cross the Marth up, and FSmash him back the way he came. Twice.

I lost it.


Unconfirmed Member
That feel when I watch an uploaded set with players that have techskill notably worse than mine.

So many missed opportunities for that Fox. Did he shine once in game one?
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