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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread

Thanks, man! Yeah, I've been to the past 3 Combo Breaker's but those aren't really big on Smash. And yeah, I've heard that friendlies are really difficult to get to at EVO so I'll definitely try to find some guys I can play with in rooms. I'm flying out to Vegas tomorrow and staying on Monday so I'll definitely have time to do Vegas things.

We have a room at the Mandalay Bay, worst case if you can't find anyone to body PM me and we'll have a setup in the room!


Keep me updated in here friends, I'm in Italy with little/no internet access this weekend ��
Ouch, that's terrible.

Chillin' almost lost early in pool (against a Marth), last stock situation.

Toph and Scar being terrible casters so far, no idea why they are allowed to cast the main Evo stream now. Not commentating a not-so-good match and saying they respect the viewers more than the players and thus talking about random stuff is so disrespectful and a terrible example.


Amsa tearing apart his pools matches is my new favorite thing.

Also, yeah. Scar and Toph aren't doing a great job. Put Phil on the mic.


It happens in a lot of games, Scar is a great personality for his show or whatever, but I never really liked him for commentating, it's just he has the hot reddit PR to be the top8 main guys. While I have this problem with Phil and HMW who I rank higher, Scar obviously goes on off topic long rants during sets and that's his main flaw, he kind of drags out moments and vocabulary when it's not needed.

Like in one of the early sets of the days, he was explaining SDI, instead of saying something like "Oh he used SDI, the player times it and can get out of certain multihits" he went into explaining every type of DI, how to do them on the stick, and how the characters specifically move in response. In turn he missed an entire set of things actually happening and the viewer learned nothing of the set/players that they could of googled. It's just a shame because EVO is definitely time that used be used concisely and efficiently especially now what it's Saturday finals.


Unconfirmed Member
I like Scar's commentary when he's not "trying." Scar is hilarious with the right co-commentator. Like Mango.

I don't like any tryhard, professional, esports commentary.


I really don't care for wobbling, but I can tolerate it when I know someone is gonna get Yayuhz'd on.

Edit: Florida Falcos looking hot today. Granted, DK, but Ringler is really good.


Nothing too notably happened today. Some two-three players went earlier to losers' than expected but that was all. Right?
Day 1 is always like this, I'm pretty sure Melee has the lowest upset potential out of all the games at Evo so nothing happens in pools.


I like Scar's commentary when he's not "trying." Scar is hilarious with the right co-commentator. Like Mango.

I don't like any tryhard, professional, esports commentary.
I mean I get it, Yipes and Chris Matrix is probably my favorite commentary duo in all games, but that's mainly because of literally 0% downtime in marvel so super active playbyplay style is great. In Melee there is usually more spots to breathe and in the very bad matchups we get Scar complaining about past tournaments instead, or a Waffle/Phil set-long basketball comparison, I mean, I love informal commentary but Melee is probably the worse at going far and away off the set, which Yipes and other FGC still manage to maintain.

Semi On topic, At least I watched some Guilty Gear, and sets this Evo were insane, I really appreciate the commentators coming up from the beggining of Sign because following that game initially was either JPN only commentators or literal weeb bait waifu commentary 99% of the time.
Fun fact, my brother took those two stocks.

I was one game away from making it out on Loser's Side. Only so many Foxes and Marths a Peach can cheat death against.
Nice job to your bro, unfortunatley fucked financially so couldn't attend this year, I think you posted before but did you enter anything else? Either way, hope you enjoy the rest of fuckin evo.

Met Hbox and got a wristband. (I'm one of his subs)

Anyone here make it out of pools?

Nope. Went 2-2. :/ Got eliminated by a Pika player.


Scar and Toph are, by far, the worst commentary duo in the scene. Paired with other people they can actually be pretty good, but together their worst tendencies are magnified.

Imo webs is probably the best individual commentator and can be paired with almost anyone to great effect.


Speaking of great commentators, wasn't Prog on the list? Would be cool to see him and D1 back together.

Also, agree about Webs. Too bad he doesn't travel more.


Unconfirmed Member
This is honestly my best case scenario. The only game I saw of his was against ICs so I have no idea how on he is this weekend though.

I wouldn't read too much into day one anyway. Seen plenty of top players come off less than great pool performances and still win or place well.
I don't like how Scar uses every possible moment to discuss himself or Mang0, but when he decides not to he's pretty fun. Toph is good.

HMW is amazing, don't like Phil much though.

Prog/D1 combo used to be the best but that's because they were the only two. Prog is not good anymore; he talks too slow and is overall pretty boring. D1 went from good to bad to good again.

Other notable combinations?

Honestly the best commentators are the players themselves. They're just so much more interesting - Hax, Leffen, Wobbles, etc.


Day 1 is always like this, I'm pretty sure Melee has the lowest upset potential out of all the games at Evo so nothing happens in pools.

It's the game with the highest skill ceiling there after all.

Speaking of great commentators, wasn't Prog on the list? Would be cool to see him and D1 back together.

Also, agree about Webs. Too bad he doesn't travel more.
Completely agree with this.


I don't like how Scar uses every possible moment to discuss himself or Mang0, but when he decides not to he's pretty fun. Toph is good.

HMW is amazing, don't like Phil much though.

Prog/D1 combo used to be the best but that's because they were the only two. Prog is not good anymore; he talks too slow and is overall pretty boring. D1 went from good to bad to good again.

Other notable combinations?

Honestly the best commentators are the players themselves. They're just so much more interesting - Hax, Leffen, Wobbles, etc.

Webs is overlooked but he is one of the absolute best in my opinion. Him and Wobbles or PPMD would be the best possible duo.


Really feel like n0ne gave that first game away in the name of swag. I mean, I can respect it, but still bummed out that we didn't get a game 3.


Apparently Hax took game 1 off HBox, but then his B0xx broke, so he forfeited game 3.

Hax$ had counterpick advantage vs HBox then his controller malfunctioned. Insane.


He will certainly have to step his game up. Not everyone will be so forgiving.

I kinda wish the game sound would be just a bit higher. It's one of the best parts of the game after all.


Wizzy... (Axe is so good, though)

Is n0ne in top 32?

There's no way I'm going to last til 4am for top 8. I'll have to catch up tomorrow.


Honestly, the Melee stream is terrible. Yesterday it started late and went down in the middle, the 20k+ viewers not recovering for hours until the end. Today the same happens. Guess someone just doesn't like the game.
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