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Condo neighbor won't accept my gift... wtf?


GAF my wife and I are at a loss here and would love more perspective.

The layout: we have 4 other neighbors on our floor. We are unit C. Unit A = young bachelor guy. Unit B = next door late-30s couple. Unit D = older bachelor guy. Unit E = family with young kids (we think Unit E is doing quarantine somewhere else as we haven't seen them in months, but everyone else is in lockdown here). Layout below with hallway in the middle.

   B       A
C  ====================
           D          E

The situation: we got a new puppy pre-lockdown. Puppy sometimes gets anxious and whines for maybe 5 minutes. Pretty rarely but it happens sometimes and we do our best to quiet her down quickly.

The conflict: earlier this week we got a call from security saying someone complained about our dog whining. We felt really bad about it as we try our best to be good neighbors. We did a few tests and realized sound leaks from our front door, so we ordered soundproofing material immediately the remedy the situation. The units are solid concrete between walls (these condos are built like tanks under old building sound codes) and we have never once gotten a complaint about loud video games or movies, etc... So we are pretty sure the front door is the problem.

The peace offering: we wrote a note apologizing to the floor for our puppy's disturbance and let them know we purchased soundproofing material to prevent it from happening again. We gave our phone number and email address so they can ping us if our dog is ever bothering them again. We stapled the note to a gift-wrapped bottle of wine (nothing special) as a small token of appreciation.

The reaction: Unit D took the package, no response (cool). Unit B took the package, sent us a thank you email and let us know they hadn't heard a single sound from our dog (awesome). Unit E isn't around to claim the gift. But Unit A... Didn't touch the gift. In front of their door. For 2 days. It was off to the side, so I even re-moved the gift dead-centre in the door to ensure he couldn't miss. I came back a few hours later to find the gift moved away to the far side of his door (?!?!). He clearly has seen the package, decided he didn't want it, and moved it to the side to enter his condo.

So many questions:
- Why would someone reject a harmless gift?
- Why would he just leave it in front of his door if he doesn't want it. Does he expect someone to throw it out? Or it just sits there for eternity now? Should I just take it back?
- Are there any logical reasons why YOU would reject a gift like this? The best guess we have is perhaps he is a recovering alcoholic who can't bring what looks like a bottle of wine into his house. Seems unlikely given he has parties all the time (pre-lockdown) but who knows.

Have at it, GAF. Wtf is going on? Am I in the wrong here? Am I already dead?
I'll take it.

Am I in the wrong here? Am I already dead?

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Cutty Flam

Who cares bruh let it go. Could be against alcohol, could be worried about COVID-19

It’s generous, but you essentially gave a gift nobody asked for in a time where any random item touched from one another could potentially have the virus on it
just tame your pup to be silent

if i constantly heard audible dog barking my mind would be in axe mode

or not and start a noise war with your neighbors

they'll buy a electric guitar and play the smoke on the water riff until it drives your pup mad and it lunges at your neck
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Unconfirmed Member
I can help you get to the bottom of this but I'm going to need a little more information.

1) What color is A's hair?
2) Where is the elevator located?
3) What breed is your dog?
4) What kind of car does D drive?
5) What ethnicity do you believe E are?


There are things going on here that you aren’t aware of or left out of the post. If A is mad at you, he won’t accept the gift. My guess is that loud tv/video games/music coming from your apartment can be heard outside the apartment. B doesn’t care, giving you the false sense that none of that is audible outside your apartment, but A is sensitive enough to the noise that they’ll have a grudge against you as long as it keeps happening. Lower the overall volume and especially the bass and watch the magic happen.

Soundproofing the front door against your dog barking is the only Magic Beans solution you could come up with while lacking the actual understanding of the situation that I just gave you.

Well you found out who complained so take back the bottle, drink it then piss on his door.
The OP obviously cares about the well being of the people he lives around, so this is not something he would do. Take your terrible suggestions to other forums who would be more receptive to your half-cocked plans. This goes for all the other fuckers posting ignorant bullshit in the thread. I don't need to tag you, you know who you are.
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"Gifts" often have assumed debts attached to them. He could see it as a bribe not to complain about the dog again, or maybe he simply does not accept gifts from people he does not know. He's under no obligation to accept it.


Could be anything from fears of COVID to someone who is an AA non-drinker to who knows what. At the end of the day who cares? You made a nice gesture and they aren't interested I would just let it go.


Thanks everyone. I thought long and hard WWLDD (what would Larry David do?) and took back the wine lol.

I'm going to chalk this up as some strange COVID fear and pay no more mind to it. If you don't see another post from me Unit A axed me in the middle of the night to steal back his wine.


Gold Member
Make sure you take care of your dog bro. Dogs and apartments/condo's usually doesn't end well with neighbors.
Dogs can be an issue in condos and houses. Most of the time they are fine, but..........

1. As a kid, the neighbours big dog jumped the fence one morning as I was walking to school. It bearhugged me. I don't think it wanted to bite, but WTF. My mom scared it away and the neighbour came out

2. When I lived in a condo, the balcony was shared, but had this big heavy metal divider thing. You could move it. But you just leave it there and the wind isn't strong enugh to blow it over, but it is on two legs, so the bottom is an opening. The owners let their dog shit on the balcony. So in cold days, the shit would harden and blow under the divider when it was windy

3. Condo life again way back. People don't know this, but zoning laws require a certain amount of park space per area/people. So in crowded condo areas, there will usually be a small park built which the builders make. Sometimes there's even a kids swing set and benches. Dog owners treat it as a bathroom. You can tell because in the summer the grass is dark green where dogs piss (after it regrows) and in the winter the entire park is yellow and brown splotches everywhere. Ya, this is where kids are supposed to play

4. More condo life, the walkways leading up the condo will sometimes have shit everywhere too.

5. My current neighbour (I live in a detached house) has two huge loud dogs they keep indoors 90% of the time, and in the backyard 10% of the time. Anytime myself, a neighbour or a squirrel gets near, they bark like it's WWII and Nazi dogs want to rip apart anything that moves

6. Every once in a while when I'm near the sidewalk or mowing the lawn I'll see a nice big turd from some asshole who didn't pick up their dogs shit
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Thanks everyone. I thought long and hard WWLDD (what would Larry David do?) and took back the wine lol.

I'm going to chalk this up as some strange COVID fear and pay no more mind to it. If you don't see another post from me Unit A axed me in the middle of the night to steal back his wine.
It’s not COVID, you’re playing loud shit that’s annoying him. Have you seen any other package outside his door? No? That’s right, he accepts his packages, just not from you. Continue to live in your fantasy world though.


I get that you were trying a nice gesture, but if they are right across from you why not just speak in person? If I were to get a note and bottle of wine from a neighbor I didn't know, I'd be kinda weirded out.


It's not that unusual in the current situation, there are many conflicting rumors about how the coronavirus can stay on dead objects for days. Also some people don't like taking any gifts. You shouldn't be an a-hole about making them take it.
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The OP obviously cares about the well being of the people he lives around, so this is not something he would do. Take your terrible suggestions to other forums who would be more receptive to your half-cocked plans. This goes for all the other fuckers posting ignorant bullshit in the thread. I don't need to tag you, you know who you are.
Take your fucking offended attitude to another forum where you'd get banned for saying anything else other than the thread concensus.

Watch out 'other fuckers', Mr. Anal might tag you, oh no 😱

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Who knows dude, it's certainly not your responsibility to worry yourself about it though. It was a nice gesture.

As someone who has lived in condo buildings the last 6 or so years, sometimes you just draw a weird neighbor. And because it's condos, you're way more likely to experience their weirdness firsthand than you would be if you lived in a house.

My current upstairs neighbor is on the spectrum and while he's a nice guy I could totally see him doing something like that.
Nice write up OP, especially with the detail in the layout and occupants. You should give some posting tips to the “neighbor with the car reving his engine” guy.


To solve this... how exactly does the sound travel from your condo to the others?
Could you maybe show us? With lines perhaps? Of diffrent colors?
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I’m choosing to believe the alcoholic theory, because it’s hilarious to imagine your poor neighbor struggling to stay sober one day at a time and then you drop a bottle of his worst nightmare right at his feet.

(It was actually really thoughtful, though. Good on you, and don’t hold yourself responsible for another’s response.)
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