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Condo neighbor won't accept my gift... wtf?


Maybe they just wan’t to be left alone and like everyone says in this day and age maybe he’s a little spooked by the Wu flu.
In all honesty I’d be pretty pissed if my neighbor had a dog that whines for even 5 minutes a day, maybe he works a late shift and it disturbs his sleep who knows. He doesn’t owe you a thing and his response tells you all you need to know, leave them alone.
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Maybe they just wan’t to be left alone and like everyone says in this day and age maybe he’s a little spooked by the Wu flu.
In all honesty I’d be pretty pissed if my neighbor had a dog that whines for even 5 minutes a day, maybe he works a late shift and it disturbs his sleep who knows. He doesn’t owe you a thing and his response tells you all you need to know, leave them alone.

We just found Biff Biff 's neighbor


GAF my wife and I are at a loss here and would love more perspective.

The layout: we have 4 other neighbors on our floor. We are unit C. Unit A = young bachelor guy. Unit B = next door late-30s couple. Unit D = older bachelor guy. Unit E = family with young kids (we think Unit E is doing quarantine somewhere else as we haven't seen them in months, but everyone else is in lockdown here). Layout below with hallway in the middle.

   B       A
C  ====================
           D          E

The situation: we got a new puppy pre-lockdown. Puppy sometimes gets anxious and whines for maybe 5 minutes. Pretty rarely but it happens sometimes and we do our best to quiet her down quickly.

The conflict: earlier this week we got a call from security saying someone complained about our dog whining. We felt really bad about it as we try our best to be good neighbors. We did a few tests and realized sound leaks from our front door, so we ordered soundproofing material immediately the remedy the situation. The units are solid concrete between walls (these condos are built like tanks under old building sound codes) and we have never once gotten a complaint about loud video games or movies, etc... So we are pretty sure the front door is the problem.

The peace offering: we wrote a note apologizing to the floor for our puppy's disturbance and let them know we purchased soundproofing material to prevent it from happening again. We gave our phone number and email address so they can ping us if our dog is ever bothering them again. We stapled the note to a gift-wrapped bottle of wine (nothing special) as a small token of appreciation.

The reaction: Unit D took the package, no response (cool). Unit B took the package, sent us a thank you email and let us know they hadn't heard a single sound from our dog (awesome). Unit E isn't around to claim the gift. But Unit A... Didn't touch the gift. In front of their door. For 2 days. It was off to the side, so I even re-moved the gift dead-centre in the door to ensure he couldn't miss. I came back a few hours later to find the gift moved away to the far side of his door (?!?!). He clearly has seen the package, decided he didn't want it, and moved it to the side to enter his condo.

So many questions:
- Why would someone reject a harmless gift?
- Why would he just leave it in front of his door if he doesn't want it. Does he expect someone to throw it out? Or it just sits there for eternity now? Should I just take it back?
- Are there any logical reasons why YOU would reject a gift like this? The best guess we have is perhaps he is a recovering alcoholic who can't bring what looks like a bottle of wine into his house. Seems unlikely given he has parties all the time (pre-lockdown) but who knows.

Have at it, GAF. Wtf is going on? Am I in the wrong here? Am I already dead?

He prefers Resetera and knows its a gift from a Neogaf member. ;)

Or maybe take out the wine and put a water bottle in it. Maybe he is not in alcohol
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Sounds to me it's mostly likely a covid 19 fear. They may not know who it's from if they didn't even pick it up to read the note.

Dai Kaiju

"Would you like some cheese with that whine/wine?"

It looks like you're calling whoever complained a whiner in a passive aggressive way. Wine is not a good peace offering ever.


Definitely the most annoying thing about condo life. Dogs.
Next would be parties and noise late into the night.
Do not miss this at all


The alcoholic angle doesn't make any sense. Why would he just leave it there to keep temping him? He'd at least pour it out.

I guess it could be virus concerns, even though it'd be stupid. We all need groceries eventually and they're as potentially contaminated as the bottle of wine.


I wouldn't take it personally. As others have said, there are several potential explanations for why he behaved that way, most of which don't involve any malice or resentment on his part.

But do work on training your dog to be quiet. Other people don't deserve to be annoyed by your personal choices.
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