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Conker - New Screens


Well, the only thing that should be changed in the fight against Uga Buga is the horrible camera gradient that hesitated between showing your left feet in full screen or some part of the ground with you running as a fool to find where Uga Buga was...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mama Smurf said:
I hope the music has been as improved as the graphics. Those tunes with an earlift will be bliss.

...based on the recent videos, it hasn't really changed much.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
MrPing1000 said:
looks very very nice but why a remake of a game that didnt come out that long ago?

Well, the multiplayer is basically all new...and that is a BIG selling feature.


MrPing1000 said:
looks very very nice but why a remake of a game that didnt come out that long ago?

Besides the multiplayer, not that many people played Conker as it came out at the very end of the N64's time. This gives the game a new lease on life.


MrPing1000 said:
looks very very nice but why a remake of a game that didnt come out that long ago?
no one complained about GTA, MGS:TS, RE, and others this generation.
not to mention the countless sequels from the previous generation.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Lots of people complained.

I have no problem with any of them, but there were definitely lots of complaints. It's not like there have been many in this topic anyway.


Hang out with Steve.
Yeah, I may have to get this one after all. Not really interested in the multiplayer games, but the original was fun and it'd be cool to play it with better graphics and fewer framerate issues.


DSN2K said:
I think this is the best looking game on the console, im shocked.
Keep in mind that these screens are obviously "composed", and are rendered at a much much higher resolution than the game you will be playing on the actual xbox hardware, the same goes for the textures.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Squeak said:
Keep in mind that these screens are obviously "composed", and are rendered at a much much higher resolution than the game you will be playing on the actual xbox hardware, the same goes for the textures.

No, the same does not go for the textures. Like most shots these days, only the image quality is tampered with...

The actual content in the shots will be exactly as you see it...

Also consider that most people are fully aware of how XBOX games typically look on their TVs, so I don't think anyone is expecting IQ like that...


Squeak said:
Keep in mind that these screens are obviously "composed", and are rendered at a much much higher resolution than the game you will be playing on the actual xbox hardware, the same goes for the textures.

Rolly eyes would not do this justice.


Squeak said:
Keep in mind that these screens are obviously "composed", and are rendered at a much much higher resolution than the game you will be playing on the actual xbox hardware, the same goes for the textures.
textures are untouched.


Chili Con Carnage!
the screens are missing all the particle effects that are in the videos too, so the game actually looks BETTER than these screens.


dark10x said:
No, the same does not go for the textures. Like most shots these days, only the image quality is tampered with...
Textures of that resolution and number of layers in the furshading, is far better than anything seen on xbox up until now. What makes you think Rare would be able to make such a leap ahead of other equal developers, like Bungie?


What make you think Rare would be able to make such a leap ahead of of other equal developers, like Bungie?
Just look at what Rare did with the Gamecube and SFA. Also art style has a HUGE difference on where games hide their flaws and 'hacks'.


Chili Con Carnage!
Rare arent doing the same things as Bungie, Halo 2s levels are huge compared to Conkers (bigger than Halos as said in the updates and Halos levels were much larger than any section of conker) Rare also dont have to cope with loads of enemies on screen, the ones that are there are less detailed, theres also no complex AI routines.

This is obviously from the Spooky scenario, but I don't recognize it at all. It looks nothing like the mansion. New area perhaps (please)?


The game looks outstanding. Didn't play the original, because by the time it came out I was quite tired of the endless flood of 3D platformers that came out last generation. It seems to be highly rated, so I'll definitely give it a shot when it's released.

Also, I don't agree that it's the best looking Xbox title. It's certainly up there, but I think HALO 2 will leave a better impression this fall.


It looks great but it just hasn't been long enough, nor was the game great enough to warrant a remake.

Especially considering the huge budget it had to begin with then flopped. Now its being delayed so the remake budget is probable getting up there. If you consider what this game will cost all in, it basically sucks.


darscot said:
It looks great but it just hasn't been long enough, nor was the game great enough to warrant a remake.

Especially considering the huge budget it had to begin with then flopped. Now its being delayed so the remake budget is probable getting up there. If you consider what this game will cost all in, it basically sucks.


Conker sucks because of its budget?


I enjoyed the original I thought it was a great game. Was it good enought to warrant spending more money on one of the biggest delayed games on the N64. Big delays always equal big budget. Now Microsoft has decided to spend more money and then you guessed it further delays. If anything leaves me at a loss for words that does.

Considering it probable has more development time and budget the Zelda OoT. Yes! Also OoT also spawned a sequel that reused a portion of the original budget. I prefer my gaming dollars are put to better use.


Im pretty sure gamers dont care how much money was spent, just as long as we get the game.

Its MS problem not ours


I felt the first RE deserved it. It was a classic and earned enough money to pay for the development of the remake and several sequels and earned profit on that.

See the difference.


I felt the first RE deserved it. It was a classic and earned enough money to pay for the development of the remake and several sequels and earned profit on that.
What does money earned have to do with anything? Many people enjoyed Conker's, and most who probably would have liked it never got the chance to play it because it was on the N64.
If a company is willing to fork over the cash to make it, then who cares.

REmake probably would have happened anyway, but it happened pretty early.


I enjoyed Conker it was a great game. But it was a flop and a disaster at the box office so to speak. There already doing a remake, it seems odd to me. I don't feel the remake is going to be worth any more of my money.

RE and MGS were both huge succeses so it makes more sense to me as to why their doing a remake. When Conker first dropped people had waited so damn long nobody cared. Now I'm suppose to be excited again?


Mama Smurf said:
No, people who didn't play it are.

This thread sure took a stupid turn.

Exactly. I never played the original and can't wait to play L&R... however, I must admit that if releasing the game at the enf of the N64's life cycle was a bad idea, why is it that releasing it at the end of Xbox's life cycle is a good idea?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
dark10x said:
No, the same does not go for the textures. Like most shots these days, only the image quality is tampered with...

The actual content in the shots will be exactly as you see it...

Also consider that most people are fully aware of how XBOX games typically look on their TVs, so I don't think anyone is expecting IQ like that...

it wouldn't be a screen thread without someone like squeak bringing this issue up, as if they're informing the masses.


darscot said:
I enjoyed Conker it was a great game. But it was a flop and a disaster at the box office so to speak. There already doing a remake, it seems odd to me. I don't feel the remake is going to be worth any more of my money.

RE and MGS were both huge succeses so it makes more sense to me as to why their doing a remake. When Conker first dropped people had waited so damn long nobody cared. Now I'm suppose to be excited again?
YEAH!!! Let's milk the shit out of strong IPs and when an actual game people would love to see remade is done, let shit on it.



I guess great graphics on a Rare title don't impress anymore it's just expected. If the online play is great I might grab this and live. The single player is just too much been there done that.

Great point Jedimike I never thought of that.


I guess that's part of what I find so odd. Nobody gave a shit about this game the first time around but now it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.


darscot said:
I guess that's part of what I find so odd. Nobody gave a shit about this game the first time around but now it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
no one gave a shit about Grim Fandango I guess either? Or System Shock 2?

Lots of people enjoyed the game on the N64. It wasn't sucessful when compared to other N64 Nintendo published titles. But the game made a long lasting impression on gaming.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
LOADS of people absolutely couldn't wait for the game first time round. On message boards at least, which is the same situation as here.

Plus the Xbox really does have a different demographic to the N64, and if Conker comes out first half next year, it'll be a year earlier than it did in the N64's time. Then there's the whole Live element...I don't know how it's going to do, but I think it's worth the remake.


Hang out with Steve.
Well, it was an M-rated game with cartoony graphics on an N64. Most of the target demographic didn't OWN an N64, hence the poor sales. It's possible that it might do better on Xbox, but it's still a niche product. I think it'll be a minor title in terms of units sold.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not sure what MS are after with this game anyway. I guess there's a little hope of a mascot, but they've got Banjo too and he's far more popular. Guess that's being saved for the Xenon though.


it seems like yesterday when people were laughing and rolling their eyes at ken lobb when he said rare were making the best graphics on xbox.


not an idiot
Keep in mind, Conker on N64 came out when the DreamCast and Playstation 2 were out. Nobody played the game on N64 but diehard Nintendo fans mostly. Most gamers had long sinced moved on from the N64 to other newer, better platforms. I never even heard of this game till Xbox anyhow. The game needed to be remade because most everyone skipped it.


shpankey said:
Keep in mind, Conker on N64 came out when the DreamCast and Playstation 2 were out. Nobody played the game on N64 but diehard Nintendo fans mostly. Most gamers had long sinced moved on from the N64 to other newer, better platforms.
Tell me about it! I sold my N64 waaaay to early! I missed out on Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, Majora's Mask and so on... but I wasn't more then 14 years at that time. Didn't have so much sta$h :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Squeak said:
Textures of that resolution and number of layers in the furshading, is far better than anything seen on xbox up until now. What makes you think Rare would be able to make such a leap ahead of other equal developers, like Bungie?

For one, they have already proven that they can deliver games with tech that goes beyond what a lot of other devs are doing. Star Fox Adventures on GC, for example, showcases a lot of things that we really haven't seen from other developers.

The fact of the matter is, all of the content in those shots represents what you will see on your screen. These textures aren't that great, either. Some of them are high-res, but look at the actual ground in those green shots? The fur shading is hardly out of reach either...

The ONLY thing that was modified is the image quality, which is common practice these days. Developers never (or VERY rarely) release shots with upgraded textures and effects UNLESS they are clearly denoted as renders. You're foolish if you believe they would do that...as it would just be a waste of time.

Seriously, look...


Look at that ground texture. That isn't exactly super high-res, is it? They aren't going to go in and SELECTIVELY choose random textures to enhance JUST for screens. That isn't going to happen, especially at this stage in the game.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
I am not easily impressed,but thats looking incredible.

And Darscot,stop grabbing arguments from garbade bin,there is a reason they are there,and they smell bad.

Oh and Conker running life looked same,there are tons of cool details,like jumping into grass,and tons of butterflies fly out,but since you are in a sort of cave or something,they richochet from walls looking for exit,if you jump to them they will change thier route,this looks awesome in real.
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