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Console SRPG fans thoughts?


Have any of you played or even seen SD Generation Gundam Neo? I picked this up a couple years back... and was unable to play through much of it due to it been in japanese. Recently got back to it after finding a decent FAQ/translation of the game.

If you've played this game, how do you find it? Compared to other SRPG games? The presentation is pretty neat and the combat system isn't too bad; moderate difficulty, that apparently ramps up through multiple play throughs.


I haven't heard of this series. I see there's a couple of FAQs out for it from GameFAQs, but it doesn't say much about how the game plays. Is this like the Super Robot Wars series?
It's very similar, but it only uses Gundam. SD Gundam is the origin of the term SD, or Super Deformed (NOT Superior Defender).


Well, if it's really close, I'll tell you this much...

Super Robot Wars' (Taisen) closest translation came in the form of Zone of Enders on GBA. It was very similar. I wouldn't say the Robot Wars games are great SRPGs, but there is some appeal to them. Recruiting the new robots from different series, buying and upgrading weapons and skills, and turn-based strategy itself is were all mildly entertaining. The animated cutscenes for the fights were always fun to watch. It had a smidge of Front Mission feel to it with the pilot skills.

I'd like to see something along these lines ported to the US.


SRW is too super-niche and a double-fisted licensing nightmare (brokering deals with the japanese studios that own the characters *and* the myriad US companies who own the sub-licenses) to be worth doing. no SRW game will ever come out here, unless the facts about gaming (or licensing) change a lot.


How about Atari uses the Transformer license on it? Heck, use their Dragonball Z license on it at the same time :)
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