My PS4 hard drive is in desperate need of a clean up. Gigs of pics + footage.

Your picture looks a little dark on these screens.
Does anyone have any pictures of Infamous: Second Son?
At least we don't have pages full of Wii U screenshots...
I went through my captures of Infamous Second Son on my PS4 and was mortified to find that I have taken HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of screenshots. My goodness. I must be pressing the share button every minute that I'm playing.
Maybe a rule for this thread should be that a game can't be more than 2 posts in a row or something. With how few big games get released these days it gets a bit onesided.
Does anyone have any pictures of Infamous: Second Son?
Isn't anyone going to post any inFamous: Second Son screenshots?
I went through my captures of Infamous Second Son on my PS4 and was mortified to find that I have taken HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of screenshots. My goodness. I must be pressing the share button every minute that I'm playing.
Is this blurry?(excuse the DOF in the background)
At least we don't have pages full of Wii U screenshots...
Enjoy....At least we don't have pages full of Wii U screenshots...
Well, and this applies to all consoles, I don't see the point in posting somewhat ugly shots. There are some gorgeous Wii U games with appropriate shots in this thread but some of them really stick out like a sore thumb.We do have pages full of wiiu screen shots. How does this make you feel????
Well, and this applies to all consoles, I don't see the point in posting somewhat ugly shots. There are some gorgeous Wii U games with appropriate shots in this thread but some of them really stick out like a sore thumb.
I mean, when you have this...
...compared to this...
It really stands out and paints the system in a negative light.
I quite like seeing the odd ugly-ass shot (the LCU shot you posted stuck out especially). It helps provide some perspective to the great looking stuff.Well, and this applies to all consoles, I don't see the point in posting somewhat ugly shots. There are some gorgeous Wii U games with appropriate shots in this thread but some of them really stick out like a sore thumb.
I quite like seeing the odd ugly-ass shot (the LCU shot you posted stuck out especially). It helps provide some perspective to the great looking stuff.
Love the way the clothes look on the infamous dude. Do they animate when he runs/moves etc?
Also, this is quickly becoming an Infamous OT.
It's just so perfect for screenshotting and the image quality is superb. It's the one game that has me coming back to this thread regularly at this point.I'm sure the inFamous shots will die down in a week or so.
Love the way the clothes look on the infamous dude. Do they animate when he runs/moves etc?
Also, this is quickly becoming an Infamous OT.
Capture card.Still trying to understand how to take uncompressed screenshot on PS4 :/
And they need to add a similar option on the X1 asap
Love the way the clothes look on the infamous dude. Do they animate when he runs/moves etc?
Doubtful at this rate, maybe when some more PS4 games come out.I'm sure the inFamous shots will die down in a week or so.
So I didn't take this shot, but for some reason the detail on Deslin's sneakers and jeans blew me away with how lifelike they look =O
There's plenty of nice looking X1 games, though. No worries there.I wish there were more X1 screenshots in here. I know it's hard to capture because there's no screenshot feature. Part of me is worried though something like that would just add ridicule to threads like these though. Maybe MS thinks the same way.
I wish there were more X1 screenshots in here. I know it's hard to capture because there's no screenshot feature. Part of me is worried though something like that would just add ridicule to threads like these though. Maybe MS thinks the same way.
So I didn't take this shot, but for some reason the detail on Deslin's sneakers and jeans blew me away with how lifelike they look =O
I would too. I hope they add the feature later on. It seems so simple too it makes me wonder why they haven't done it already. Just export to one drive.No. People don't ridicule Wii U screenshots in here much so they definitely wouldn't for XB1. The lack of a screenshot feature on the system is a massive oversight IMO. I take screenshots WAY more than I do videos.
I wish they could go back and patch in the AA from Infamous into Killzone, get rid of that dithering/dot artifact that shows up occasionally and overall sharpen it up a bit.
Well, and this applies to all consoles, I don't see the point in posting somewhat ugly shots. There are some gorgeous Wii U games with appropriate shots in this thread but some of them really stick out like a sore thumb.
I mean, when you have this...
...compared to this...
It really stands out and paints the system in a negative light.
Love this shot. I always really liked the design of the titans. It's like they know they're going to blow up quickly, need a large supply, and build them cheaply.
I have to say, the WiiU's presence in this thread have completely shocked me. I didn't know that it was pushing out visuals that have been shown in the thread. WiiU's doing some good work. So.. theres folks like me that aren't being affected by the 'negative light' of other screens.
Screens are screens, some are good, some are bad. But it looks like the WiiU has some good looking titles, and it aint afraid to show it!