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Consoles screenshots thread (PS4/Xbone/WiiU) [Up: Thread rules in OP]






So this is basically another photomode thread now?

Posts don't even get labeled anymore?

That's never been a requirement. It was a suggestion by users in the thread, specifically for racing games with photo modes that substantially increase IQ (like shadow sampling, motion blur sampling, AA, etc) to the level that they don't accurately reflect in-game IQ anymore.


That's never been a requirement. It was a suggestion by users in the thread, specifically for racing games with photo modes that substantially increase IQ (like shadow sampling, motion blur sampling, AA, etc) to the level that they don't accurately reflect in-game IQ anymore.
True, however it wasn't in particular aimed at racing games. I was one the few who suggest the photo mode tag to be used when ever someone posts a photo mode shot, and I made it clear that it was aimed at all photo mode shots.

It was called to live because some wanted to ban photo mode shots from Forza Horizon 2 while allowing photo mode shots from Infamous/TLOU, for example. To treat all photo modes as equal no matter the changes brought by photo mode. And I think that this page alone proofs really well that having a photo mode alone, even without adding AA and whatnot, alters the looks of a game substantially.


True, however it wasn't in particular aimed at racing games. I was one the few who suggest the photo mode tag to be used when ever someone posts a photo mode shot, and I made it clear that it was aimed at all photo mode shots.

It was called to live because some wanted to ban photo mode shots from Forza Horizon 2 while allowing photo mode shots from Infamous/TLOU, for example. To tread all photo modes as equal no matter the changes brought by photo mode. And I think that this page alone proofs really well that having a photo mode alone, even without adding AA and whatnot, alters the looks of a game substantially.

Yeah, and I provided my view on the subject as well:
The difference between the photo modes in games like Infamous and Last of Us is that those are still running in real time with whatever alterations you use, so they are still representing the real time graphics of the game as you are playing it. They are using the same depth of field and color correction effects the actual game uses when you are playing.

The photo modes in things like Forza or Gran Turismo are rendering out essentially a pristine still frame once you position your camera, so the IQ is impeccable, but it doesn't represent what the game actually looks like in real time when you are playing it. They seem to be supersampling the frame for perfect AA, increasing the sampling for motion blur dramatically, and perhaps even increasing the texture filtering, effects which if turned on all the time would probably result in a game running at 5fps. It can be misleading in the way bullshots are if people don't present them properly.

I still stand by the idea that there is a substantial difference between photo-modes that simply run in real time using identical effects to what you would encounter during normal play, thereby letting you "show off" the actual graphics of the game from a different persepctive, versus those that actively increase fidelity of effects to a point that it isn't reflecting real time graphics anymore.


Yeah, and I provided my view on the subject as well:

I still stand by the idea that there is a substantial difference between photo-modes that simply run in real time using identical effects to what you would encounter during normal play, thereby letting you "show off" the actual graphics of the game from a different persepctive, versus those that actively increase fidelity of effects to a point that it isn't reflecting real time graphics anymore.
As do I stand by my opinion I posted at that time. I still don't see why we should handle photo modes differently from each other. I don't care whether something can be achieved realtime, if it doesn't look like the game it doesn't look the game simple as that. Or do you want me to believe that I can play TLoU in black and white with black bars?

My point is and I'll stick with that: Photo mode changes how a game looks, some more than others, and most of the time the result isn't representative at all to how the game is actually displayed on a users screen regardless if it was real time or not.

I'm fine with users posting photo mode shots, just mark them as such regardless of the render path used to achieve that picture. And I thank CheezyMac88, and others, for tagging his/her shots as photo mode. And I apologies to the others for kinda going off-topic.
beautiful pics in the last few pages.. especially that DriveClub.

here's some more Alien: Isolation (PS4, USB) because i think it's lovely.




damn androids.. i messed that one up real good though.
Those inFamous shots are ridiculously good.

This thread needs to go back to gaming discussion though, has died a death since it moved to community.

Where's the Resogun photo mode photos?





This thread needs to go back to gaming discussion though, has died a death since it moved to community.
It has seen darker days, but yeah moving it back to gaming would be better for this thread. Although I suspect that the mods would want a yearly version of this thread for that.
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