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Consoles screenshots thread (PS4/Xbone/WiiU) [Up: Thread rules in OP]


Love the atmosphere, lighting, and environments. I wish it was more than "just" another vague narrative Metroidvania puzzle game though because as solid as the game is, I don't think the mechanics and storytelling do the environments justice





Love the atmosphere, lighting, and environments. I wish it was more than "just" another vague narrative Metroidvania puzzle game though because as solid as the game is, I don't think the mechanics and storytelling do the environments justice

I love the art style as well, posted some pics a few pages back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=148147970&postcount=16457

It fits really well into a dark, mysterious space saga. I am not very far into the game, but it would be great if there would be a story / background fitting that art style.
They won't, nice pics as well, seems to be the best looking PS4 game out now with the weather patch.

Thanks, although it's photo mode and I think Killzone still takes that title. (however, DC during gameplay looks sometimes to good to cover it with a screenshot even in photo mode haha. I love setting single tracks to 7 AM + 60x speed + clouds&weather on dynamic. Really makes their effort shine.
I'm still hoping they will change the compression, it's a disservice to them even though I know most the general public won't notice. But damn it, they gave us uncompressed PNGs last gen, that was basically overkill haha

Anyway, First Light shots from my playthrough:




(and yeah I'm using imgur for convenience, sorry. Doesn't matter too much even with the compression level via USB export :p . Minus pics in this thread also sometimes don't load for me.)
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