Enjoying the sunset.
Dat anisotropic filtering! Good job Nintendo!
Is this game using x8 or x16 aniso?
Enjoying the sunset.
Seems like it, and I have no idea what they were thinking.
Some KI screens I took:
Dat compression.
Someone with a capture device please take screenshots with it to compare the quality.
Dat anisotropic filtering! Good job Nintendo!
Is this game using x8 or x16 aniso?
More NFS MW U Shots
Wait, really, it's forced and there's nothing we can do about it?:/Crushed and sharpened.
I'm reminded of Zyrusticae's PC shots in the PC thread when he crushed the fuck out of everything using SweetFX. Except here MS doesn't even give you a choice as to whether you want your game to look like utter shit.
Dat anisotropic filtering! Good job Nintendo!
Is this game using x8 or x16 aniso?
Lol, it's actually pretty funny that it's Nintendo getting this stuff right.
Not universally, check Pikmin shots.
Mario is them learning their lesson from Pikmin 3 (and more about HD development techniques in general). It is a later release after all.
Mario is them learning their lesson from Pikmin 3 (and more about HD development techniques in general). It is a later release after all.
Looking at shadow rendering, i'm not so sure. Its basically the same as in Galaxy.
Wait, really, it's forced and there's nothing we can do about it?:/
It's going to be a pain capturing screens of X1 games.:/Yup. Seems to happen to most upscaled games on Xbone bar Ryse.
Nor is it a Wii game at heart.
Not sure what you mean, but shadows in a Mario game are always about functionality, since it's a platformer.
It's going to be a pain capturing screens of X1 games.:/
Dat compression.
Someone with a capture device please take screenshots with it to compare the quality.
Seems like it, and I have no idea what they were thinking.
Some KI screens I took:
Facebook holds screenshots much better than Twitter (what those screens are using). I set all my uploads to private so I'm not bothering my friends with my annoying game stuff, but I still can set it to public later if I like, and I can still share the image/video through a direct link.
Here's an example of a Facebook screen
See? Not too bad.
Enjoying the sunset.
And the 8-bit luigi on the ground lol.
And the 8-bit luigi on the ground lol.
This seems to be a problem with all Xbone games except for Forza.Crushed and sharpened.
I'm reminded of Zyrusticae's PC shots in the PC thread when he crushed the fuck out of everything using SweetFX. Except here MS doesn't even give you a choice as to whether you want your game to look like utter shit.
ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I just noticed! MIND BLOWN
Can someone point it out....I can't seem to see it
I feel stupid
btw Buying a Wii u just for this game. Looks amazing.
I'm just... a box... in a skate...... wearing a tanooki suit that you can't even see because.... I'm a box... in a skate.
My first Wii U browser screenshot had to be taken.
The white part on the ground is his overalls/pants then follow the ground up. Look at it when the image is quoted.
Obligatory Resogun shot
Assassin's Creed 4 graphics sucks on every platforms
The forests are awful and these colors make it look like a sega game.
Nope, it's the post AA, some sections will have jaggies and others won't.Some of these 3D World screens look more Jaggy than other and sometimes same scene screen shots which looks clean as fuck. Is it the upload site?
Obligatory Resogun shot
Yeah they're 720p shots.This seems to be a problem with all Xbone games except for Forza.
What the hell is going on? I'm assuming, those being 720p shots, that there is no scaling going on. Is it a problem with the console itself?
PS4's built in capture feature can't handle particles without compression the hell out of them(definitely when uploading to another site), heck even my capture card can't handle them properly either, it takes a really, really good capture card to have no compression with particles everywhere.Looks awesome, but god damn the compression artefacts