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Controversial Non Gaming Opinions

The controversial gaming opinions thread is a lot of fun, so why not a similar thread for other topics? Obviously, I'll start. Please try to keep it apolitical, I don't want this thread locked.

Ok, so I'm mainly bringing this up because I've heard many times over the years that Courtney Love would be nothing without her marriage to Kurt Cobain and that nobody would give a shit about Hole otherwise. And that might be true to an extent, but I have to be honest, I think I like this album more than anything Nirvana has ever done. And I love Nirvana and consider Bleach and In Utero two of my favorite albums ever, but Live Through This is even better as far as I'm concerned. Pretty On The Inside and Celebrity Skin are also very good, but this one is a 10/10 masterpiece for sure. Say what you will about Courtney Love as a person (although being realistic, Kurt was also kind of a shitty and obnoxious person, but he always gets a pass for it), but trying to argue that Hole wasn't a good band is a laughably bad take in my opinion.



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We in first world societies should be eating more meat alternatives. Impossible Meat, Beyond Burgers, soy alternatives, wheat alternatives, etc. I'm not saying cut out all meat, as it's tasty and amazing, but we can and should be driving more of our diet to healthier alternatives that are also better for the environment. It's just better overall.


  • Al Pacino hasn't been able to play any other role besides Al Pacino since the early 80s. He's been a hack for well over 30 years.
  • Iconic though his portrayal is, Anthony Hopkins isn't the best Hannibal Lecter, that would be Mads Mikkelsen.
  • Batman Forever (starring Val Kilmer, Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Robin) is a good movie.
  • St. Anger is not Metallica's worst album (not counting Lulu at all), and is in fact quite listenable if you're the type that enjoys singing and humming along to the music.
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Gold Member
Old ass 1940s-50s doo wop and Happy Days music (and anything resembling Fallout music) is great. Not the type of shit you'd ever grow up listening to unless you're 70 years old, but I like it. Frank Sinatra is slick

Total Recall is Arnie's best movie

Aside from 1982 ST Wrath of Khan, all other Star Wars and Star Trek movies are mostly shit and a few average at best

As a business major (including grad), IMO if you dont know what to do as a career yet when youre 18, but you know you want a white collar job, pick a business major. It's versatile, it'll be a decent business/commerce declaration degree, it's not that hard (some cases studies, and multiple choice + essay tests), and some of the courses you take are arts anyway (I had to take sociology and psych too) and its such a wide scope of jobs you can surely find something you like from sales to marketing to finance. If you hate it, then in year two switch to arts courses
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1. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook needs to be banned and everyone and their opinion there should be banned for five years to be considered for any social policy.

2. Reaction videos should be banned, clickbait reporting should be right there next to dislike button on youtube.

3. Microsoft need to change the default font in Windows. Its not good for small text.

4. People in developed countries need to stop doing things like
  • Talking about privacy on twitter (you literally start your account about by agreeing to selling yours)
  • Using the word world in wrong context everytime like 'world tour' 'world champion' 'most handsome man in world'( you cant name all the countries in the world), The whole world was into colonizing other - typical british apologist ( Spain, France and England doesnt mean whole world but they still teach this in their school)
  • Reiterating ultra racist notions like people in developing countries keep producing children. (North America and South America of now is literally the overpopulation of Europe)
5. Movies and TVs should be Hiring and potraying people of color who look like normal people. I dont mind diversity but ( every black or brown character nearly comes with a weirdo hair style, awful piercing and vomit inducing look)
Look at Salvor Hardin in the Foundation or the black girl in peacemaker series or the new brown catwomens hairstyle and ear piercings. The Jarett Leto's Joker Syndrome.

6. The I feel I am trans people are a bane on creating positive and effective policy for actual transexual people who are trans by birth

7. Child dating skit or Tv scenes are cringe and not fun, All unnessesary sex scenes in TV series need to go.

8. The only thing needed to be tought in school about racism is that human beings comes in different color due to genetic mutations 30000 years ago.

9. To create actual gender parity more money needs to invested on boys education, policy that address social notions like men asking women and men paying bills most of the time to be man and more importantly for addressing abuse of male chidren, domestic abuse of husbands. Unless super serious policy is made on these front good look achiving any women reform. Also bitches need to roll in engineering college and not for instagram modelling career.

10. Nearly All women in HR department of all companies and organizations should be immediately fired including UN Women. That will solve 99% of hiring issues.
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if this thread doesn't become a festering hole of people trying to think up creative ways of dumping on minorities/progressing social values without sounding political it'll be a miracle lol

unpoluar non gaming opinion... i certainly got a lot of hate for saying i don't like super violent tv shows/movies or getting drunk on beer with a bunch of swingin' dicks the other week
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Fantastic thread. But... I don't know, I'm not seeing many truly controversial opinions so far. I keep reading and thinking, "yup, agree with that"... "Yup, agree with that too."

I'll keep an eye out though. The second I see a really controversial opinion I'm gonna jump on it! 😂


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Fantastic thread. But... I don't know, I'm not seeing many truly controversial opinions so far. I keep reading and thinking, "yup, agree with that"... "Yup, agree with that too."

I'll keep an eye out though. The second I see a really controversial opinion I'm gonna jump on it! 😂

How about this.

Democracy is flawed. Everybody shouldn't have a vote.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
- Diet coke and coke zero only exist so that boys and girls have a drink of their own each. Really they should only need one "alternative" and market that to both. instead they just adjust the formula twice, then have 2 teams trying to market them to different genders. Waste of time. Both taste like shit compared to real coke anyway.

- Lady Gaga has yet to release a bad song.

- Prostitution should be legalized here to reduce unemployment and to help balance the economic deficit.

-Johto has the most re-watch worthy episodes.

-Mewtwo Returns is better than the first movie (but the latter is still better than any movie after the first three).


I like the Last Jedi, because it subverts Star Wars movie exceptions, is full of identity politics, and a product of it's time. It just should not have been a mainline saga movie.

For a baseline;


So bad it's good AND way better than TLJ.
There's too much Content coming out on streaming platforms to the point where it feels like quantity has overtaken quality.

Most releases are rife with bad looking green screen effects/backdrops and forced, pedestrian humor. Movies are churned out so quickly, there's no time for interesting writing and characters.
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