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Controversial Non Gaming Opinions


I’m tired of every corny joke I tell being called a Dad Joke. When did this phenomenon happen? What separates a joke from a dad joke? Was this always a thing? As my mortal body slowly decays, have my jokes, too, also taken on a different state of being?
That's a good one. Something about getting old enough to appreciate the finer things in life.

I have another. Comic books are dumb. They aren't as good a storytelling medium as books or as good a visual medium as film or animation. I started reading the omnibus of The Terminator but I stopped on page 2 because I thought "why bother when there's zero chance this is anywhere close to as good as the movies?"

The only exceptions are the bite size comic strips where the whole narrative is about one gag, such as Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, or The Far Side.

I've read visual novels and I've read comic books and without exception, if there even is a substantial story, it would have been better as a novel or short story.


Matrix 2 and 3 are absolutely necessary. It's a complete trilogy, that you can only really understand if you have seen all of them.

Also: The Witcher (the TV Show from Netflix) is a bad adaptation. Every change made from the novels is a bad choice, especially about Foltest.
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I’m tired of every corny joke I tell being called a Dad Joke. When did this phenomenon happen? What separates a joke from a dad joke? Was this always a thing? As my mortal body slowly decays, have my jokes, too, also taken on a different state of being?

Monkey see monkey do

Life is a series of inputs and outputs and free will may not even exist


Every time I watch the rap'ish interlude in this video i respect its integrity more... even that wimpy 'wooooo' he pulls

Dont Look At Me Nick Offerman GIF by hero0fwar


Neighbours from Hell
Women look way more attractive dressed down than dressed up. I think makeup and stuff is not appealing. We’ve just conditioned ourselves to it and if we just all looked at one another without altering ones face our perceptions of beauty would readjust back to normalcy.

I don’t think in many circumstances punching someone should be against the law. If your neighbor calls your mother a nasty word or something, you should be legally able to go over and knock his ass out. The world would be a humbler place if more people got their asses kicked.


I think that except when you are on vacation, eating out isn't worth it. It's expensive and usually not worth the price.

End Game was a bad ending and took most of the steam out of the MCU for me. The Big battle was pointless as it all came down to a handful of characters. Bla

Infinity War was great and I knew they weren't really going to kill half of the cast. But the moment it became clear it would all be solved with time travel I was extremely underwhelmed.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
- Diet coke and coke zero only exist so that boys and girls have a drink of their own each. Really they should only need one "alternative" and market that to both. instead they just adjust the formula twice, then have 2 teams trying to market them to different genders. Waste of time. Both taste like shit compared to real coke anyway.

Wait which one is the girl drink and which one is the boys? I drink Coke Zero.


  • Batman Forever (starring Val Kilmer, Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Robin) is a good movie.
  • St. Anger is not Metallica's worst album (not counting Lulu at all), and is in fact quite listenable if you're the type that enjoys singing and humming along to the music.
agreed and agreed. even more controversial maybe... I LIKE THE ST ANGER SNARE DRUM!
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Biggest Trails Stan
Digimon > Pokemon
Yokai Watch > Pokemon

Joker is one of the most overrated and overhyped film I ever saw. The plot was predictable. The only thing good about the film is Jouquin Phoenix portrayal of the Joker. Don't get me wrong it's a good film but it's no Dark Knight

As for the MCU, Phase 4 has been mostly Disappointing. I'm hoping I enjoy Eternals and Hawkeye but I doubt it
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"Betray your constituents" is the defining trend of our generation. This applies to absolutely everything, even gaming (Nintendo's "Blue Ocean" strategy, "Gamers don't need to be your audience" etc). Look and you will see this happening to everything you love.

The problem is said constituents are cretins and convince themselves it's good because it hastens gratification and removes the need to be rigorous when evaluating things.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
To make everyone happy and less divided, we should do away with nations and national identity and live with a one world state. All former nations of the world will be renamed after colours and numbers (Region Blue 15 for France, or Red 1 for USA).


To make everyone happy and less divided, we should do away with nations and national identity and live with a one world state. All former nations of the world will be renamed after colours and numbers (Region Blue 15 for France, or Red 1 for USA).
And why is the USA number one?

See, I've blown a hole in your idea and I barely had to nudge a brain cell. That's why we have nation states. We're just as tribalistic as ever.


The more facts you learn about Courtney Love, the more controversial your opinions get. Be careful, or that "empowering role model" will black pill you.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
And why is the USA number one?

See, I've blown a hole in your idea and I barely had to nudge a brain cell. That's why we have nation states. We're just as tribalistic as ever.

Tribalism can be outlawed by being mauled to death by rabid dogs.

There. I've just solved the tribalism issues humanity has always had to deal with.

Or if that doesn't work, here is a better option.

We keep nation states, but rather than wasting money on weapons and armed forces, when two nations have a disagreement, the leaders of said nations have to strip naked and fight to the death. It could also be televised for entertainment.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Hole 'borrowed' a lot from an mostly unknown band as well as the persistent rumors of 'help' from her late husband

Was the music on those early albums good? I suppose but how much did Courtney Love have to do with that? the world may never know

I don't remember much of sentiment that 'hole makes bad music' it was moreso 'hole is unoriginal' and fuck CL in general


American politics and social issues being literally everywhere on the internet and how it affects entertainment and basically being the status quo of what and how we talk about everything is fucking annoying and retarded.
I don't even think that most Americans like it either there is no escape from it.

But imagine it's not your native issues it's just a bunch of foreigners surrounding you at all times and being completely insane about it 24/7.
And if you're not American and you're LARP:ing as one just to be '' part of the conversation '' then seriously go and fuck yourself stfu.


Coffee tastes terrible

The Purge movies and tv shows are both good

The Simpsons can still be good sometimes

Nirvana was good but in some ways they took the fun out of rock.


Coffee tastes terrible

The Purge movies and tv shows are both good

The Simpsons can still be good sometimes

Nirvana was good but in some ways they took the fun out of rock.
The history of coffee had to have been something like....

“I have a brilliant idea for a drink! Let's take these seeds, burn them to a crisp, grind them up and push water through it to extract the burnt flavor that tastes like ash!”

“That sounds fucking terrible why would anyone drink that?”

“It helps you get up for work”

“Let's make a whole pot!”


If God determines when it is your time to go, and heaven is so great, why do religious people desperately cling to life in hospitals? Why even go to said hospital? Shouldn't you be happy to go? I know suicide isn't allowed, but it isn't suicide to not go to the hospital.


Biggest Trails Stan
If God determines when it is your time to go, and heaven is so great, why do religious people desperately cling to life in hospitals? Why even go to said hospital? Shouldn't you be happy to go? I know suicide isn't allowed, but it isn't suicide to not go to the hospital.
Yep not only that but if commiting suicide is a sin since it goes against how God wants you to die, does that mean he's as all knowing as the Bible say he is


Yep not only that but if commiting suicide is a sin since it goes against how God wants you to die, does that mean he's as all knowing as the Bible say he is

Not to mention people don’t usually choose to become suicidally depressed so basically this would be like God going, “oh, you got cancer due to no fault of your own? Well, fuck you, you’re now going to be subject to the most horrific tortures that even the most sick fucks of humanity couldn’t invent or fathom because you got dealt a shit hand. Meanwhile, I’ll let this repeated rapist enjoy eternal peace and happiness because he felt bad about his horrible actions near the end of his mortal life. This is totally reasonable and what a loving deity would do and not the works of a psychopath who did some fucked up shit if one actually really looks into the first 2/3 of this book I ask my followers to read yet most choose to either not read or conveniently skim over/excuse said fucked up shit.”

To be clear, I have nothing against the people who follow this as long as they don’t use it to excuse asshole-ish behavior (which some definitely do), you do you as long as you’re not a jackass, but yeah I’m a lot happier that I can now spend my Sunday mornings at home and not listening to some boring shit and lame music* for an hour.

*although the band Newsboys I admit enjoying in the early 2000’s. Don’t know if it would hold up for me now but back then they had some decent songs


Biggest Trails Stan
Not to mention people don’t usually choose to become suicidally depressed so basically this would be like God going, “oh, you got cancer due to no fault of your own? Well, fuck you, you’re now going to be subject to the most horrific tortures that even the most sick fucks of humanity couldn’t invent or fathom because you got dealt a shit hand. Meanwhile, I’ll let this repeated rapist enjoy eternal peace and happiness because he felt bad about his horrible actions near the end of his mortal life. This is totally reasonable and what a loving deity would do and not the works of a psychopath who did some fucked up shit if one actually really looks into the first 2/3 of this book I ask my followers to read yet most choose to either not read or conveniently skim over/excuse said fucked up shit.”

To be clear, I have nothing against the people who follow this as long as they don’t use it to excuse asshole-ish behavior (which some definitely do), you do you as long as you’re not a jackass, but yeah I’m a lot happier that I can now spend my Sunday mornings at home and not listening to some boring shit and lame music* for an hour.

*although the band Newsboys I admit enjoying in the early 2000’s. Don’t know if it would hold up for me now but back then they had some decent songs
My main issue with Christians summed up in one post.

But yeah I agree believe whatever you want to as long as you don't force your beliefs on me.

Let me just say most religious people in general are the shittiest people, not just Christians.
American politics and social issues being literally everywhere on the internet and how it affects entertainment and basically being the status quo of what and how we talk about everything is fucking annoying and retarded.
I don't even think that most Americans like it either there is no escape from it.

But imagine it's not your native issues it's just a bunch of foreigners surrounding you at all times and being completely insane about it 24/7.
And if you're not American and you're LARP:ing as one just to be '' part of the conversation '' then seriously go and fuck yourself stfu.
This is why Reddit and Twitter are shit.


This is why Reddit and Twitter are shit.

Both Twitter and Reddit have a majority American userbase by a significant margin, it makes sense to some extent the largest groups after that are like around 5% I think and it goes down significantly after that while the US userbase is like around 50+%.
The thing is tho that it's not even representative of Americans at large, on Twitter 80% of Tweets are made by 10% of the users.
And most users on both Twitter and Reddit don't actually '' use '' it, they just read or have an account and throw a like/ comment very irregularly.

The people that are actually active are young adult males of higher education from big cities ( education doesn't necessarily make you more intelligent, loads of highly educated dumbfucks ).
It's not even representative of Americans Twitter and Reddit are only really representative of very small subsections of Americans.
Which is why it's so fucking insane and it breeds so much extreme and in severe need of touching grass mindset and views.
So much for '' diversity ''...

The most frustrating thing about it is that these people have so little of an actual life and spend so much time online that they're able to essentially hijack the internet and make themselves seem normal wherever they go.
Someone who sits around for 8+ hours a day on Twitter or Reddit and actively tweet/ comment, upvote/ downvote, retweetings etc etc is going to essentially completely negate thousands of normal people who are not doing that and are just the silent minority.
It's like this in politics too especially in your own town the people that are going to be politically effective are the loud ones who show up every meeting and yell not the silent majority.

I think it becomes especially obvious a lot of the time with fanart and cosplay, there's a very actively negative group of people on Reddit who hate it especially if it's suggestive or even just feminine for that matter at all.
It usually gets upvoted in the 95-99% range even if it's not that high it's usually around 88%+ or something like that.
But then try to scroll down into the comments, it's just excessive levels of negativity and complaining the comments and the actual upvotes are like two separate universes.
If you only went by the comments you'd think Reddit is like the Sarkeesian fanpage or something.
Fat people shouldn't be allowed in public.
They shouldn't be allowed on dating apps, either.
This is a dumb post if I ever saw one. Maybe you're just joking, but obviously people should be allowed to be wherever the hell they want.
I'm in pretty good shape so I'm not coming at this from an "I'm offended" perspective.

Now, I will agree that obesity shouldn't be shamed -- but on the flip side, it shouldn't be celebrated, either. No, being obese is not healthy, and it certainly is not beautiful. (Although the latter point is debatable because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But it certainly isn't beautiful to me). Be realistic.

Regarding dating apps, I get hit up a lot by fat chicks when I'm on those apps, and all I do is either ignore them or write a polite "I'm not interested, good luck in your search" message to those that write to me. I do think that language should be more accurate and be more reflective of reality. No, chick, you're not "curvy" -- you're straight up obese. I immediately have much higher respect for chicks that label themselves "overweight" or "a few extra pounds" or whatever label exists that is more accurate than something like "curvy." Still won't go out with them though.
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