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Coolest scariest game monsters???


OK so what do you think is the scariest or coolest game monster? Not counting a monster from a movie or comic.

For me the scariest monster was from the game Alone in the Dark. When you would go into the library this purple monster would chase you and could walk through walls, and the music was very creepy. I loved it. And it scared the shit out of me.

What about you?


The big black ball in Impossible Mission.

You'd enter this one room, and there were no robots in it, so it was silent. Just you and some furniture. Then, the black ball would gradually descend into the screen. Every single time, I knew it was coming, and it still scared me anyway.


Couple of X-Com favs.


First time you catch a glimpse of one, then bam you lose control of your best soldier, who spins around and guns down two crouching squadmates before running off into the shadows. You're still trying to figure out what the hell is happening when your soldiers, one by one, succumb to terror and throw down their weapons and run off to be either mind controled to god knows where or easily killed. A truly scary enemy because you'd only glimpse them in the distance and suddenly you lose control of your team. Nothing worse than having one last panicing trooper who finally pulls themselves back together and kills a few aliens, only to open a door and see the darkened shape of their former teammate there.


Ahh, these bastards. At this point of the game I was cruising, easily killing Reapers, Sectoids and Snakemen. Then on a Terror mission one of these runs out from behind cover.. and runs, and runs. With waaaay more movement points than any other enemy (and way more than any of my soldiers at the time) the Chryssalid is able to scramble all the way to my huddled troops and attack one - who immediately turns into another Chryssalid. So damn scary, because they were tough to kill and if they did kill one of your squad their corpse would hatch another Chryssalid, so I'd actually throw proximity grenades on the corpses of fallen comrades "just in case" they came back from the dead. A great enemy because they totally ruined all the effective ambush strats you had developed up to that point. When just *one* of these ran into a cluster of troops you'd panic because you knew it was going to take all your guys ignoring everything else to take him down, and the odds were that at least a few troops were going to die from friendly fire but you had no choice because if the Chryssalid successfully created another one the whole mission was going to end in utter failure.


House of the Dead 2 - with the zombies having terrifying names such as Larry, Max, Gregory, Richard, Steve, Randy, Peter, Johnny...the list of average names goes on. Really, check out the instruction manual on the DC game to find all the hilarious info out.

pH33r RANDY!!!!!!!!!1!!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
That weird couple you fought against in Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon. I don't have any screens of them, but they were very freaky, yet very cool at the same time. (They had these wicked laughs, too)
^^Haha, they had great names too -- Spring Breeze Dancin' and something else...

Anyway, I may as well be the first to say:

Nothing like running around the bowels of the prison being chased by this thing.

Agent X

My vote goes to the snapping jaws in Todd's Adventures in Slime World.

I give Sea Manky credit for mentioning this in this Slime World thread I started here a few days ago. Those things were nasty, especially the hidden ones that you can't see until they gobble you up--and by that time it's too late!

After I posted that thread, I played the game again for the first time in a while (probably at least a year), and when one of those snapping jaws emerged from the ground and swallowed up my character, it gave me quite a scare! Even when you know where they're supposed to be, if you happen to accidentally slip up (maybe you misjudged a jump) and trigger one, it'll elicit some strong emotions (usually accompanied by strong language). These creatures also make an annoyingly loud noise when they appear, which roughly translates into English as "You screwed the pooch, pal."

Believe me, it never gets old!


The little demon babies in the first Silent Hill creeped me out.
And before it gets drilled into the ground, the SS2 monkeys got me a few times, too.

Sorry, I can't think of anything really elitist at the moment, or I'd list that, too.


Babyflies in Doom 3 are just disturbing, coupled with the little kids yelling :\

And I seem to recall yelling when Gohma fell from the roof in OoT


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Ya those cybernanny things that guarded the eggs in System Shock 2 were freaky as all hell.

Also every fucking monster from Zombies Ate My Neighbors minus the zombies themselves

Particularly the devil dolls w/ throwing axes, the maniacal chainsaw men, and those fucking sand worms
Semjaza Azazel said:
I always found their laugh really disturbing... plus the way they fall apart in flames when you finally kill one of the damn things.
argh, their laugh was the worst

remember that level in the factory with conveyer belts where it was filled with them and there were just axes everywhere?


There were some fun enemies in that game, like the zombies, mummies, aliens, and whatnot... but those fucking axe murderers, evil dolls, sand worms, wolfmen, and others... god damn


never found ZAMN to be a scary game...wtf bollocks!

well...maybe not scary, but yeah, the later enemies were much better than the zombies...when i first got up to them, i hated those freaking sand worms
They weren't scary as in I was actually scared in the least (unlike Crimson Heads or evil midget babies in Silent Hill 1)... they just made you fear for your health.
The Haunts on the Cathedral level in Thief the Dark Project

also the first appearance of the Floating Lady in Fatal Frame when she peeks round a corner...


Those spiders in RE were so gut wrenching, and those weird gorilla like things were even worse.

The giant Octoroks in WW were creepy, I'd hate to be in that boat when those things were around. Octoroks in general have always been creepy to me, those crescent eyes are just so spooky.

Another thing about WW were those black colored fairies, they aren't really enemies, but eww, I'd hate to see one of those in person. When I saw the first giant one popping up on the screen I thought I had been tricked and was about to fight an enemy.

Funky Papa

Calder is right on the money with the UFO aliens, I literally had nightmares with those ugly motherf*ckers. The way they break havok con your team ruining even the most carefully planned mission is nasty as hell.

I also find rather scary the monkeys from System Shock, I shrudded whenever I heard them screaming. Nasty creatures.

PS: Pyramid Head does nothing to me. Cookie cutter, easy and undisturbing. I just can't understand his cult status among certain terror fans, sorry.

PS2: Watch out for the little girl in red from F.E.A.R.


That weird couple you fought against in Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon. I don't have any screens of them, but they were very freaky, yet very cool at the same time. (They had these wicked laughs, too)
The man was called "Dancing"...I don't remember the girl's name...Anyways they were not monsters !!!! And they had tons of fans !!!! Awesome final song.

BTW, my choice is obviously Pyramid Head. The worst moment is when you face him on the apartments...


Ill Saint

Pyramid Head, easily. Such a unique, messed up design... really hellish and unnatural.

System Shock is scary as fuck simply because of the atmosphere. The feeling of isolation and impending doom is what does it for me, definitely not just those little monkeys. The midwives on the other hand? Spooky shit.


My top three scariest:

3. Vores (aka Shalrath), from Quake.
2. ReDeads from Zelda OOT, the way they rape your head is just plain wrong.
1. The Monkey from Turok, you just cant kill the little bastard!!!


The falling woman with the broken legs and arms in Fatal Frame 2. I never became comfortable with her. That whole game freaked me out though. I played it again recently and it holds up well. Great game..:)
"PS: Pyramid Head does nothing to me. Cookie cutter"

Cookie cutter? WTF? What monster looks anything like him? Even his purpose is pretty original.

Funky Papa

SolidSnakex said:
What monster looks anything like him?
Sorry, cookie cutter is not the correct description for him, it is more like dull and generic. I am tired of that kind of artistic direction, it is like Marilyn Manson. I was cool years ago, now is so used and copied that it is not disturbing anymore.

I am not saying that my choices are prettier, but Pyramid Head was far away from scary, just like the whole game. I am still banging my head against the wall for buying SH2.
In Alone in the Dark, the ghost things. I remember just wanting to get out of the room before the ghosts began attacking (turning into spinning colors). Once they hit you, you were dead.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Semjaza Azazel said:
I find pretty much everything in System Shock 2 freakier than creatures in any other game I've played.

agreed. Especially those Shotgun zombie mongs. With the rebirth Mod even moreso.
Funky Papa said:
Sorry, cookie cutter is not the correct description for him, it is more like dull and generic. I am tired of that kind of artistic direction, it is like Marilyn Manson. I was cool years ago, now is so used and copied that it is not disturbing anymore.

I am not saying that my choices are prettier, but Pyramid Head was far away from scary, just like the whole game. I am still banging my head against the wall for buying SH2.

What made him scary isn't really his design, it's his purpose. Most monsters only have 1 purpose and that's to kill you, his was more to torture you mentally until you just want to die.
the zombies in the Cradle level of Thief: DS, they have metal prisons over their heads and hands and when they go near the lights they make them flicker, theres only 6 of them as well. When u first enter the area where they are u see one sprint past the doorway infront of you..... "Ohh shit shit shit shit, wtf was that?"

Funky Papa

What about the dancing ghosts from Alone in the Dark? The ones that appeared to dance with their couples when you played The Beautiful Blue Danube on the gramophone from the dance room. They gave me goosebumps.

That game had so many great moments.


The Chryssalids in X-Com always made me so freaking nervous! They were lethal! As soon as I discovered one during a mission, I started thinking "shit, can I kill it now?! I have to kill it now, otherwise I'm screwed!!!"

Then you realize you've already wasted all your turns with all your characters except for one with a measly pistol, and that one of your teammates will probably be turned into a chryssalid during the next turn. Always felt sorry for the guy/girl being sacrificed, would probably be happier off as a dead person. And I would have to kill him/her with my own soldiers as well. :(

The only thing that made me feel safe against just about any enemy was the tank. Oh, how I loved you tank! Made me feel invincible. Until someone started throwing grenades at it, and I had to see that "spin into a mess of scrap" animation. :(

Oh, how I despised the Chryssalids...and now I feel like playing X-com again.
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