First off, no, I am not the victim of some abusive childhood. I grew up as a resonably normal (if not a tad sheltered) kid in a middle class family, but even so, as all children get older they eventually butt heads with their male parental figure. It's part of the process of growing up, and as you get older, part of you yearns for the day when you're as strong as the guy you (hopefully) looked up to. Now that I'm in my 20's, I can firmly say my borderline 50 year old dad could probably still kick my ass. Granted, he's been in the law enforcement bit'nis for about the entire duration of my life as his son and with that comes a great deal of knowledge in the art of beating the crap out of people, but part of me can't help but think "I'm young - I should be vigirous, physically fit, etc", instead, I'm your run of the mill moderately pastey IT support typecast. Oh well. In a few years, when I totally go to a gym and stuff, it's on!