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There I said it. Someone had to do it.
I know plenty of you feel the same even though some of you wouldn't agree with it in public. This thread is dedicated to YOU and all the other people who think this disease is just a huge conspiracy in itself.
I don't say the virus isn't real, but the magnitude of its severity is a hoax and what we, the people on this earth, and our world economy have to endure due to the circumstances we are facing or will face is just...not imaginable.
I can't say why this Virus was created but it definitely wasn't a "coincidence". Theres numerious conspiracies on why sars 2 was manifactured but we will probably never find the answer.
Edit: I'm glad though that alot of people are waking up right now.

It's Time To Wake Up (The Covid Con)
When I say locked down early, late I am talking relative to a countries infection growth rate, not in terms of day/date. Countries that did best are ones that had good track and trace with voluntary distancing measures that the population followed like South Korea and Japan. Then you have...
There I said it. Someone had to do it.
I know plenty of you feel the same even though some of you wouldn't agree with it in public. This thread is dedicated to YOU and all the other people who think this disease is just a huge conspiracy in itself.
I don't say the virus isn't real, but the magnitude of its severity is a hoax and what we, the people on this earth, and our world economy have to endure due to the circumstances we are facing or will face is just...not imaginable.
I can't say why this Virus was created but it definitely wasn't a "coincidence". Theres numerious conspiracies on why sars 2 was manifactured but we will probably never find the answer.
Edit: I'm glad though that alot of people are waking up right now.
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