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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

This phrase demonstrates a lack of understanding of how our immune systems work. Our immune systems will be trained either way by a real virus or by an imitation. The difference is that the real virus has a much higher chance of killing you before your training is complete.

It's not at all the same.


Rodent Whores
It is a distinction certainly. On its face. Whether it’s an acceptable distinction will be up for people to decide. But to pretend it’s not relevant is simply ignoring reality. I’ll leave the legality up to lawyers. But in terms of what whether citizens find it acceptable will be up to them, as this is a democracy.
I'm not pretending it's irrelevant. I'm acknowledging reality and the sober truth that in a sea of bad options, it's one of the least bad.


It is a distinction certainly. On its face. Whether it’s an acceptable distinction will be up for people to decide. But to pretend it’s not relevant is simply ignoring reality. I’ll leave the legality up to lawyers. But in terms of what whether citizens find it acceptable will be up to them, as this is a democracy.

He said its a distinction without a difference. And it is.

The distinction you are making is completely arbitrary without any real cause to label it as affecting the outcome in a significant way. If its one vaccine plus a booster or two, what is the difference when the vaccine is mandatory? They didn't need the booster for the other virus because the first vaccine was good enough.
I'm not pretending it's irrelevant. I'm acknowledging reality and the sober truth that in a sea of bad options, it's one of the least bad.
Fair enough.
He said its a distinction without a difference. And it is.

The distinction you are making is completely arbitrary without any real cause to label it as affecting the outcome in a significant way. If its one vaccine plus a booster or two, what is the difference when the vaccine is mandatory? They didn't need the booster for the other virus because the first vaccine was good enough.
a booster or two? For how long? Biannual shots for the rest of our lives? Or I can’t get lunch at a restaurant? When does the threat of covid go away? Maybe in 10 years when 80% of the globe has had their shots and boosters. It’s relevant in the sense it is a significant imposition on human freedom compared to an individual shot. Not to mention no one is checking my vaccine papers to see if I got the MMR shot when I’m ordering dinner. This isn’t even remotely up for debate. I’m not sure why you are confused.

People will have to decide whether they want to live in that society.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
If I don't have covid 19 yet I will, I'll get the delta eventually, and the lambda. I'll get whatever viruses come after that, and I'll have my natural immune system and you'll have one that is dependent on vaccines. Scientists who only discovered germs within the last few hundred years have not done a better job than millions of years of natural selection.
That's why we have a vaccine instead of a drug. So we can use our natural immune system. Plus don't worry as we are seeing it is still possible to get COVID after being vaccinated if you are so desperate to get it.
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Gold Member
If I don't have covid 19 yet I will, I'll get the delta eventually, and the lambda. I'll get whatever viruses come after that, and I'll have my natural immune system and you'll have one that is dependent on vaccines. Scientists who only discovered germs within the last few hundred years have not done a better job than millions of years of natural selection.
Confused Joe Rogan GIF


I got my 2 shots but I don’t plan on being injected every few months for the rest of my life… I miss the old world

I miss it too but it isnt coming back, not for a long long time.

Im past the point of missing and at the point of adjusting my perspective to live with the new thing as long as I need to.
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If I don't have covid 19 yet I will, I'll get the delta eventually, and the lambda. I'll get whatever viruses come after that, and I'll have my natural immune system and you'll have one that is dependent on vaccines. Scientists who only discovered germs within the last few hundred years have not done a better job than millions of years of natural selection.

Natural selection would have had you killed a long time ago if it wasn't for scientists.
Bro aren't you due for your 2nd or 3rd booster since it's sooo effective we won't need boosters , but now the most immuno-comprimised will need boosters.
And the rest of you who took the Vax...stay tuned to what the mististry of truth will fill you in on.

flu shots are given once a year, you really should have calibrated your expectations of a coronavirus vaccine based on that

i suppose it’s not as fun as straw-man trolling on NeoGAF though

Cutty Flam

Long post incoming, just some thoughts about the past week and a half I went through while sick and recovering from a virus

Went to the DMV to take care of some things (fuck the DMV btw) and think I caught the virus there. That was on the 4th of August I was there. By the night of the 5th felt minor symptoms. Quarantined for a few days, took a Covid-19 test and results came back negative on the 9th so ended quarantine in the strictest sense and allowed myself to roam a little more freely since the virus was apparently killed off within my system. But this is what I wanted to share with others. I received the J&J vaccine around the middle of March; so that's almost 5 months of my immune system developing its defenses against the vaccine's spiked proteins afterward. If I did in fact have the SARS-CoV-2 virus, then I will say that the vaccine does a great job at killing it quickly once contracted. But even with the vaccine, whatever I got is a bit different from everything else I've had throughout my life. It seems that my sense of smell is altered, and potentially for weeks if not months? I'll have to wait and see. But there is a unique scent that I smell now with every other breath through my nose that has stuck with me since the day after I got my test and it's as strong as it was then as it is now. Like no sign of it lessening. It's just kind of like this post-sickness 'charred' semi-metallic kind of smell you get after a really bad flu if you can recall that ever happening to you. Except in my case, it felt like a minor cold at worst. But there is no denying it; my sense of smell is probably going to stay like this for a while I would guess

The other thing that doesn't seem normal after having dealt with this little virus is that these mini-fevers have been coming at me despite having killed the virus off within my system. The virus is dead in my body, all that remains are dead virus fragments of whatever virus it was, dbris, etc. But for some reason I'll still get warm, just warm enough to know that im kinda above what im supposed to be, yet not an actual fever. This will last a several hours then go away. Usually happens in afternoon or late afternoon and then it will settle and temp. will feel back to normal again. It's kind of weird. But the mini 'fevers' aren't the worrisome part. It's the strange scent that im smelling. If im going with my gut here, I believe I caught the virus at the DMV, my body thankfully did a fairly decent job of attacking it thanks to the vaccine and the virus itself was probably killed within my system in 3 days give or take. Definitely before the 5th day after feeling symptoms because I took the nasal swab test for Covid-19th on my 4th day after symptoms

I took a lot off medicine too, some really effective flu natural remedy medicine that works well for me every time. So even with all my resting, the vaccine, the medicine being used every few hours, that virus (whatever which one it happened to be) took about 4 days to kill off, and somehow it still managed to damage my olfactory senses a little bit. Just wanted to share my experience in this thread and say that I hope people protect themselves from getting sick, especially those who have chosen to refuse their option to receive the vaccine options available. I've never smelled such a strong scent like this before after sickness. It's like a circuit or fuse went out in my body and im forced to constantly breathe in the scent of that having happened. Except I know what im smelling is actually damaged cells. We'll see how long it lasts, but it shouldn't last much longer than another couple weeks I would hope. I've had some bad, bad upper respiratory infections before with a ton of mucus and chest feeling pretty heavy all that but never has my sense of smell been affected like this. Strange thing is that the cold seemed to have only lasted 4 days for me, and didn't seem that bad at all but now im left with this odd post-sickness scent. It honestly doesn't bother me much, the scent itself doesn't, except for the fact that I know im only smelling this scent because something in my body didn't do to well against the virus i was batting

Well, that's what I have to say. For what it's worth, this is what happened to me and I'll see how it goes from here. But yea main takeaway is that my sense of smell is sort of altered now and it's like a reminder to me that something inside my body whether it be my nose, somewhere in my chest? maybe everywhere? kinda took a hit even though it didn't really seem like it at the time tbh

Hopefully this helps others or at least someone


Sigh, this pandemic is going to last for the rest of our lives isn’t it? I mean, the Spanish Flu of 1918 didn’t mutate like this right?

While the world and europe, who have been on lockdowns on and off for close to 16 months and have 40-50% of their adult populations vaccinated, are having issues fighting delta, Sweden surprisingly isn't.


Surprisingly, burger media hasn't reported the sweden case in a long time.


I went through the whole Robert "Post" Malone rabbit hole of the spike protein toxicity in vaccines, what a trip.
From my limited understanding, the authors of the papers that triggered his fears don't agree with his conclusions and site new data supporting the safety and correct function of the methods used.
"Post" Malone never claimed that he was completely sure tho, he only speculated that it is a risk not being talked much and should be considered as far as he knows.
There are even claims that people vaccinated are actually developing resistance to the damage done by the spikes proteins which would explain the lack of long covid on vaccinated population.

People wouldn't even had known about this unless you were already into reading papers and shit 20 years ago, can't deny it was a fun trip.

Feeling Cute Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
While the world and europe, who have been on lockdowns on and off for close to 16 months and have 40-50% of their adult populations vaccinated, are having issues fighting delta, Sweden surprisingly isn't.


Surprisingly, burger media hasn't reported the sweden case in a long time.

burger media stopped reporting the sweden case when it was clear that they had like 15x the amount of deaths as their neighbour Norway, when they put on restrictions around Christmas 2020 and when they could no longer be used as the example of a country-doing-it-right by that burger media

ps I have no idea what burger media means but I guess to you I'm using it wrong, so I'll continue to use it


While the world and europe, who have been on lockdowns on and off for close to 16 months and have 40-50% of their adult populations vaccinated, are having issues fighting delta, Sweden surprisingly isn't.


Surprisingly, burger media hasn't reported the sweden case in a long time.
Decent vaccination rates, restrictions and excellent healthcare suited to their culture have kept their deaths low going as they begin their experience of the Delta wave.

They're getting the rise in Delta infections which this graph doesn't show, but fortunately this graph does show that with good heath management it keeps deaths low.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
While the world and europe, who have been on lockdowns on and off for close to 16 months and have 40-50% of their adult populations vaccinated, are having issues fighting delta, Sweden surprisingly isn't.


Surprisingly, burger media hasn't reported the sweden case in a long time.
Except that comparable countries death rates look like 8 bit graphics.


I miss it too but it isnt coming back, not for a long long time.

Im past the point of missing and at the point of adjusting my perspective to live with the new thing as long as I need to.
I'm not sure where this "the old world isn't coming back" idea is coming from.

Once I got my pass we went to Spain for a week and it was pretty much like a normal vacation.
Wearing masks on the flight was the only thing that was "unusual" but all we did was have fresh masks that we only put on once on the flight and it was not really all that unpleasant.

I've been to a few football (soccer) games since mid-July and it's fine. The majority not even wearing masks and stadiums are back at full capacity as of the start of August.

I suppose it depends where you are in the world but the EU and UK are largely going about life as usual.

I don't know about things like nightclubs etc cos I am a bit old for that but it looks like as long as people are vaccinated they are allowed to go back to mostly normal?

I have no idea about vaccination levels there but it seems more or less back to normality.


Gold Member
It irks me that, in the US at least, there is zero discussion about folks previously exposed to covid and whether they can be considered in the "vaccinated" crowd or sent to the back of the bus with the unwashed unvaxxed peeps.

I mean, for a long while there we considered the plasma for anyone with just a positive covid test to be Medicine, and we can certainly do an antibody test to detect any residual response, so I don't see why documentation of a positive covid PCR test or retesting to confirm antibody presence isn't the equivalent to being vaccinated so those folks don't have to go through the symptoms again (which were mild but not nothing for most of us) for zero apparent benefit other than being let back intto the cool cat club.

In Europe at least it seems like a somewhat recent covid exposure does count, though over here that info gets buried at the bottom of the article, if mentioned at all.
I'm not sure where this "the old world isn't coming back" idea is coming from.

Once I got my pass we went to Spain for a week and it was pretty much like a normal vacation.
Wearing masks on the flight was the only thing that was "unusual" but all we did was have fresh masks that we only put on once on the flight and it was not really all that unpleasant.

I've been to a few football (soccer) games since mid-July and it's fine. The majority not even wearing masks and stadiums are back at full capacity as of the start of August.

I suppose it depends where you are in the world but the EU and UK are largely going about life as usual.

I don't know about things like nightclubs etc cos I am a bit old for that but it looks like as long as people are vaccinated they are allowed to go back to mostly normal?

I have no idea about vaccination levels there but it seems more or less back to normality.

I will give it a full year with vaccines before seeing what normality looks like one way or another
I will give it a full year with vaccines before seeing what normality looks like one way or another
Life will be what we make it. It will be normal if we accept the relatively small personal risk covid poses, particularly to those of us who are vaccinated and decide to live normally. If we decide to pursue some kind of public health security state in order to ameliorate the risk that covid poses, that is the society we will live in. We get to decide. The virus is what the virus is. We don’t have to throw our way of life away unless we do not value it as much as we value feeling a bit safer.
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Life will be what we make it. It will be normal if we accept the relatively small personal risk covid poses, particularly to those of us who are vaccinated and decide to live normally. If we decide to pursue some kind of public health security state in order to ameliorate the risk that covid poses, that is the society we will live in. We get to decide. The virus is what the virus is. We don’t have to throw our way of life away unless we do not value it as much as we value feeling a bit safer.

obviously no matter what normality looks like people will get on with it


It irks me that, in the US at least, there is zero discussion about folks previously exposed to covid and whether they can be considered in the "vaccinated" crowd or sent to the back of the bus with the unwashed unvaxxed peeps.

I mean, for a long while there we considered the plasma for anyone with just a positive covid test to be Medicine, and we can certainly do an antibody test to detect any residual response, so I don't see why documentation of a positive covid PCR test or retesting to confirm antibody presence isn't the equivalent to being vaccinated so those folks don't have to go through the symptoms again (which were mild but not nothing for most of us) for zero apparent benefit other than being let back intto the cool cat club.

In Europe at least it seems like a somewhat recent covid exposure does count, though over here that info gets buried at the bottom of the article, if mentioned at all.
Yeah, they changed the guidelines for those with a previous covid infection recently. It used to be 90 days after last positive test but they've said now that was just a supply issue and not necessarily based on a health reason. My 73 year old father-in-law got covid a few months and he has been waiting for the vaccine but I guess he's going to get it soon now.



Lock 'em up.
That is so infuriating and you know it happens thousands of times a day around the country from selfish assholes.

It’s one thing if you spread unknowingly, we all accept that risk but to go out like that is just unconscionable.


Rodent Whores
I went through the whole Robert "Post" Malone rabbit hole of the spike protein toxicity in vaccines, what a trip.
From my limited understanding, the authors of the papers that triggered his fears don't agree with his conclusions and site new data supporting the safety and correct function of the methods used.
"Post" Malone never claimed that he was completely sure tho, he only speculated that it is a risk not being talked much and should be considered as far as he knows.
There are even claims that people vaccinated are actually developing resistance to the damage done by the spikes proteins which would explain the lack of long covid on vaccinated population.

People wouldn't even had known about this unless you were already into reading papers and shit 20 years ago, can't deny it was a fun trip.

Feeling Cute Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Yeah, those fears are unfounded. I debunked it a while back in the thread when it first started making the rounds.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

Lock 'em up.
I saw that. It's insane. And I half agree.

If those parents are just Covid triluthers like some of the people in here and sent their kid anyway then yeah some kind of police involvement is needed. But if this is a "if I call in to work then I'll lose my job" kind of situation then I have at least some sympathy for them.

Lock 'em up.
Glad we don't have people like you running things.

"We are not seeking to invest our limited resources in bringing charges against the parent at this time. We are seeking cooperation from our community members,"

Look an adult that realizes communication and cooperation pays off in dividends. Mean while your approach would just result in a parent jailed, rising tensions, and kids would still be sent to school sick.

Look past the headline of "bad parent knowingly sends covid 19 infected kid to school". Understand, that in America, we have families that live paycheck to paycheck, have no healthcare and rely on the public school system to babysit their kids.

We should be talking about better social safety nets to prevent situations like these not jail time


Rodent Whores
I went through the whole Robert "Post" Malone rabbit hole of the spike protein toxicity in vaccines, what a trip.
From my limited understanding, the authors of the papers that triggered his fears don't agree with his conclusions and site new data supporting the safety and correct function of the methods used.
"Post" Malone never claimed that he was completely sure tho, he only speculated that it is a risk not being talked much and should be considered as far as he knows.
There are even claims that people vaccinated are actually developing resistance to the damage done by the spikes proteins which would explain the lack of long covid on vaccinated population.

People wouldn't even had known about this unless you were already into reading papers and shit 20 years ago, can't deny it was a fun trip.

Feeling Cute Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
If you want to read the post here it is:

How about we take this step by step.

1:42 Steve presents a strawman that all the pushback he ever gets is people who say this is wrong, who are "blue-pilled", who can't argue any of the points of cite any counter-evidence. This is not true. There are real counterpoints to what he is saying, yet he declares victory against this strawman.

3:25 Steve talks about how all this started by listing anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence of eyewitness testimony are weak forms of evidence. There is no way to conclude with certainty that the symptoms they describe are real or that they are caused by the vaccine.

13:12 They all agree that it's anecdotal, and Bret proceeds to give his own anecdotal second-person testimony, which is not strong evidence of vaccine harm. That's pretty much pointless. I could just as well bring in a bunch of other people who claim that they and everyone they know had no problems with it at all.

4:25 Steve claims, "If it's really a safe vaccine, then what I just saw is impossible". No. This is an unsubstantiated claim. What he just saw is totally possible if the vaccine is safe. Those symptoms could have been caused by something else. The wife could have done numerous other things that day that could have caused her symptoms.

5:05 Steve references Byram Bridle, and claims, that Bridle did a FOIA request about the vaccine safety studies and concluded that the vaccine isn't staying where it's supposed to be. "It goes to your brain, your heart . . ."

This is the Japanese paper he's referencing: https://www.pmda.go.jp/drugs/2021/P20210212001/672212000_30300AMX00231_I100_1.pdf
The table showing the data is on page 16.

First of all, this table is not analyzing the actual vaccine, nor the spike protein. What this experiment measured is the lipid nanoparticle that contained luciferase-encoding RNA for detection purposes . "Test Article: [ 3H]-Labelled LNP-mRNA formulation containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159"

Second of all, if we assume that the results for luciferase-encoding RNA lipid nanoparticles will act exactly the same as lipid nanoparticles containing the actual vaccine mRNA, then we must consider this -

This study was done on rats and not humans.

The dosage given to the rat was 50 micrograms. This is 300 to 1000 times the dosage that the human vaccine has.

It goes to the brain and heart? Let's look at the table. After 48 hours the amount of lipid nanoparticles in the brain is 0.009% of the initial dose. In the heart, it's 0.030%. That's not a lot. Most of it is still in the injection site (24.6%) or in the liver (16.2%) where it's supposed to go because your liver is what breaks down and neutralizes foreign substances in your body. (like alcohol).

Furthermore, don't just look at the table. Look at the analysis given regarding these results (page 45) European version linked so that you have English:

I can only wonder why they choose to link the Japanese paper when the European study it is referencing is right there. Is it because there's none of the English within the Japanese paper that describes and interprets these results as safe? Or is it just incompetency? I have no idea.

Moving on...

5:46 Bret claims the spike protein is cytotoxic. The protein is dangerous, sure, when attached to the actual COVID19 virus. However, the spike protein on its own is not. The spike protein that is generated from the mRNA vaccine isn't even the same kind of protein and it is designed to be more benign. Bret just claims "we know it's toxic" but doesn't prove it. When you get sick with COVID 19, the virus is entering your lungs and airways and causing damage. The vaccine puts the spike protein generating mRNA into your muscle tissue, and as I already showed, it more or less stays put until it gets broken down naturally.

6:15 Steve claims that one of the "scary" things is that the biodistribution peaks in the ovaries. I assume he's referencing that Japanese source again, but looking at that table shows this is not true.

Look at page 17 of the Japanese link. Ovaries. After 48 hours, the concentration is 0.095 % of the dose. How is that "peaking" in the ovaries????

6:42 "We now know the spike protein is very dangerous". Unsubstantiated claim. Yes it's dangerous when attached to COVID19, but its danger as a component to vaccine therapy is unsubstantiated.

8:19 They talk about spike proteins being cleaved off and roaming free, but they haven't shown how this is a problem.

10:30 Steve talks again about the cleaved off spike proteins going all around your body, but I've already shown how his analysis of the study that he is basing his opinion on is flawed. He then goes on to talk about anecdotal side effects, and uses loaded language like "victims" of the vaccine in order to elicit an emotional response even though there is no concrete proof that demonstrates a link between those things. It's just "The did one thing and some time later something else happened". That's not enough evidence to link those two events in a causal relationship.

I assume he's using this study which studied a whopping 13 people to demonstrate cleaved spike proteins in the blood. The problem is, there is no demonstration of the cytotoxicity of the modified spike protein, plus the concentrations that they are present are so incredibly small that you need a specialized super machine to even detect it.

According to this study, they detected concentrations of spike protein at 68 picrograms per mL. 68 picograms is really tiny.

Furthermore, in the conflicts of interests section, you can see how they have interests tied to the maker of the machine whose specialty is being able to detect very very very small amounts of concentrations of things.

12:25 Steve again uses gruesome descriptive language to elicit an emotional response, even though there is no justification for linking a miscarriage with the vaccine. This hypothetical doctor would put down the most plausible explanation.

Going to Steve's website, the first piece of "evidence" is a chart listing VAERS deaths.

Right off the bat, he commits a correlation not causation error.

This explains it:


Is it true that VAERS says 3,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines?

Answered from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD, MPH:​

No. Here's some context to explain the confusion.

After clinical trials, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors vaccine safety. VAERS is intentionally set up to capture adverse events that are not thought to be caused by vaccines. It is the best tool we have to find what may be previously unrecognized and extraordinarily rare adverse events that may eventually be linked.

VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination." The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable."

Reporting even unrelated deaths

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires health care providers to report any serious adverse event (including death) that happens after a COVID-19 vaccination – whether or not the provider thinks there is any link. The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.

That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 140 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination.

As of May 10, there have been 4,434 reports of death following a COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS. Doctors at the CDC review each reported death, looking at death certificates, autopsy and medical records. They have no reason to believe that COVID-19 vaccines cause death.



I’d be interested to see a run down of lockdown statuses across America.

1000 deaths a day is at least ten times what the U.K is having completely unlocked. 144000 cases a day is roughly five times UK‘s amount.

US population is about five times that of the UK’s.

So cases comparable, deaths far higher. Vaccine effect. Higher take up in U.K means lower death rate. And that’s between a fully unlocked country and one that isn’t.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I’d be interested to see a run down of lockdown statuses across America.

1000 deaths a day is at least ten times what the U.K is having completely unlocked. 144000 cases a day is roughly five times UK‘s amount.

US population is about five times that of the UK’s.

So cases comparable, deaths far higher. Vaccine effect. Higher take up in U.K means lower death rate. And that’s between a fully unlocked country and one that isn’t.
US is more or less fully unlocked as well. We're not going back. I mean maybe mask mandates and vaccine or testing requirements but we can't close things back up again.


I think this is why multiple types of mandates are coming:

Those unvaccinated 18 long term care home workers in that one care home who infected those under their care started the general acceptance and recent wave of mandatory vaccinations. It could have always been in the works and were just waiting for a clusterfuck like that to show that it's needed to keep people under the care of others healthy.

It's always a few fucking yahoos that rules have to be made for that everyone else has to follow.


I’d be interested to see a run down of lockdown statuses across America.

1000 deaths a day is at least ten times what the U.K is having completely unlocked. 144000 cases a day is roughly five times UK‘s amount.

US population is about five times that of the UK’s.

So cases comparable, deaths far higher. Vaccine effect. Higher take up in U.K means lower death rate. And that’s between a fully unlocked country and one that isn’t.
Didn’t the UK go through this surge already? What were the daily deaths then?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think this is why multiple types of mandates are coming:

Honestly hitting unvaccinated people with high bills if they land in a hospital seems super fair to me. Like if you're insurance doesn't cover elective surgery it shouldn't cover elective illness either.

Or, perhaps a bit more sensibly, unvaccinated people should simply have to pay more for insurance:

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Didn’t the UK go through this surge already? What were the daily deaths then?

With delta you mean? The highest seven day average of deaths we've ever had is 85 per day. Highest seven day average cases was 48,000. Highest seven day hospitalisations average was 900.

US deaths seven day average highest during delta is 651 per day so far, so much higher unfortunately. Seven day average for cases highest is 128,000. Hospitalisations 14,000.
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With delta you mean? The highest seven day average of deaths we've ever had is 85 per day. Highest seven day average cases was 48,000. Highest seven day hospitalisations average was 900.

US deaths seven day average highest during delta is 651 per day so far, so much higher unfortunately. Seven day average for cases highest is 128,000. Hospitalisations 14,000.

USA hasn't peaked with its Delta cases yet either
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