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Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says any Cowboy player disrespecting the flag won't play


The Autumn Wind
Jerry Jones needs to fucking drop dead already. Dude has been showing his racist ass for years.


Be so nice if all of them "disrespect the flag" and see if they'd forfeit a game for it.

I dare ya. I double dare ya.


Aren't football players a dime a dozen. I'm sure there will be lots of players willing to fill in if they get the chance. The players know this.


Aren't football players a dime a dozen. I'm sure there will be lots of players willing to fill in if they get the chance. The players know this.

GOOD football players aren't 'a dime a dozen'

Dak and Zeke are probably worth 50m a year combined to the Cowboys right now if not more


Meanwhile in nearby Houston...

Technically in Boston but still


The Real Abed

Be so nice if all of them "disrespect the flag" and see if they'd forfeit a game for it.

I dare ya. I double dare ya.
This please. I don't even like sports but come on. If they back down now then the racists win. They have no choice but to kneel and risk not playing. Let's just hope it keeps going and getting worse and worse for the owners.

I work with someone who doesn't get it. He is hell bent on believing it's disrespecting the flag. You can't argue with him either. So I hope they keep doing it every single goddamned week until something breaks.
Some older White male co-workers were talking about players kneeling the other day. One of them was trying to bring MLK Jr into the discussion with the other implying he wouldn't agree with the actions.

I wanted to shit in my hand and fling it at them for being so ignorant of the struggles of MLK Jr during the Civil Rights Movement.


Everyone shut up, get in rank and file and be proud of this beautiful country. Respecting the flag is serious buisness yo!

God how I hate these nationalistic.. ehm sorry patriotic rhetoric. Reminds me way too much at Nazi Germany.


lol no fucking way jerry would bench dak, zeke, tyron smith, or any of the dallas stars

just showboating. jerry & the cowboys can get fucked


What time is it?
Just when you think it can't be any more difficult to cheer for your home town team. Thanks, Jerry!


2 weeks ago rich old white dude "protested" with his fellow players. Today he orders them not to protest if they wish to play. Mmmmmmmmm delicious predictable hypocrisy.


Let's all honor the flag and give a big fuck you to Jerry by exercising our right to kneel during the national anthem.
Also thank god the government isn’t smart, especially this administration. They can have all the power in the world but don’t even realize it

People will gladly give up their rights if it hurts colored people. Such as in this case, people will gladly give up their free speech if it means black players can’t kneel. Just imagine what else they can do.
1. Bench entire team for kneeling
2. Forfeit the game due to having no active players
3. ????
4. Profit?

I don't know, seems stupid business wise. I wonder what he will do if all the replacement players also keep kneeling.


White supremacy allows them to make it into whatever they want.

If the NFL actually mandates this as a rule, I'm not watching anymore

The NFL is kind screwed whatever they do. They've already lost viewers due to players taking a knee, and if they mandate people stand for the anthem they are going to lose viewers like yourself.
1. Bench entire team for kneeling
2. Forfeit the game due to having no active players
3. ????
4. Profit?

I don't know, seems stupid business wise. I wonder what he will do if all the replacement players also keep kneeling.
They weren’t kneeling before, they aren’t going to kneel now

If they didn’t give a shit about their own kind getting murdered with no consequences why would they start kneeling now?


From Charles Robinson of Yahoo.com:

Cowboys have gone from America’s Team to Trump's MAGA Team

For months, the alternative facts of the Donald Trump Administration have been parsed, catalogued and dissected, with seemingly all manner of political statements subject to a debate over accuracy. But at least one declaration has passed into legitimacy.

President Trump told the truth about Jerry Jones. And ever since, America’s Team has become the political property of Team America.

In September, Trump said the Dallas Cowboys owner would find a way to halt protests when it came time for his team to honor the American flag on a football field. And on Sunday night, Jones affirmed it, drawing a political line down the middle of his locker room and essentially threatening the job and livelihood of any Cowboys player who would dare cross it.

Whether intended or not, the Big “D” in Dallas and the Big “D” in the White House are in perfect alignment. And just like that, they became Donald Trump’s team. His shining beacon. The political chip he will play over and over again on Sundays. That’s what Jerry Jones invited. He took Trump’s declarations on striking down “son of a bitch” anthem-kneelers and backed it up with his own franchise.

Will that compass get ripped as being hypocritical? Undoubtedly. That’s what happens when a team roster has occasionally been a weigh station for a woman batterer, drunk drivers, drug abusers, a man convicted of manslaughter and more. All manner of flawed personalities that Jones has defended in the past. But a man taking a knee? Unacceptable.

Jones would rather not play than play with a guy who takes a knee during the national anthem. Those words might as well have been written by Trump, who has repeatedly said NFL players should be forced to stand for the flag and national anthem or be fired.

It’s Jones’ prerogative. It’s his team. The players are his employees. And barring a massive fistfight with the players union over freedom of speech, he can go ahead and suspend whoever he wants over the anthem protests. At the end of the day, it’s his bottom line that he has to worry about.

I said GOT DAMN!

Robinson about to get suspended for dropping fire.
No one should be shocked that Jones, of all people, is doing this. The man is an opportunist. Everything he does is for himself and his brand.

Jones doesn’t care about his players and neither does the NFL. That organization has showed their true colors time and time again with the amount of bullshit they let players get away with. They do it all for the almighty dollar.
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