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Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says any Cowboy player disrespecting the flag won't play

Jones seems like the type of guy who would own slaves if it was legal

God in a way he kind of does

He's Leo Dicaprio's character in Django. Everything about his persona tells me he'd be staging mandingo fights with his "Negro brutes" if we were in a different era.


The GOP wanted this culture war, they've got it.

The NFL is aligning itself with far right extremists. People should let the far right extremists support the league.

Football was going to go the way of boxing anyway thanks to CTE and other injuries. It can go a lot faster now and the country would be better off for it.

And I say that as a Giants fan with a cousin who used to play for them.


time to take my meds
Sadly i dont see any cowboy player kneeling. I'll be 100% surprised if that happens.

Trump wins this weekend, unfortunately.


The NFL is aligning itself with far right extremists. People should let the far right extremists support the league.

Well, I'm curious to see where the NFL and Roger Goodwell goes with this. I haven't been supporting the Cowboys so I frankly don't care what Jones does with his shitty team. But if Goodwell proceeds to side with Jones's decision and apply it to the league - which then pushes my favourite team to accept the notion that players who peacefully protest have to be punished - then so long NFL and thanks for the memories. I can choose to personally protest against the league by refusing to support my team, refuse to spend money to travel and watch NFL games, refuse to spend my money on NFL merch and refuse to not even acknowledge the NFL in any of my casual sport discussions.

Trump wins this weekend, unfortunately.

He was winning ever since people like Jones started acknowledging him instead of dismissing him for the racist orange schmuck that he is.


Old white racists take care of their own.

Money talks my friend.

"See what Trump is saying and doing to all those unfortunate people? Muslims, Mexicans, Women, the dead victims in Puerto Rico"

"Yeah, but he got money and is now the leader of the free world. Come ooooooooon! Get in line!"


I haven't watched a game this year. It says a lot when I watched the first set of downs last night and switched to the Yanks / Indians game.

Gimme baseball any day of the week.
Can you people stop with the empty threats. NFL has been doing this shit forever basically. You’ll stop watching if they bench players for kneeling but they blackballed a player from the league for kneeling and you still watch. Teams openly sign domestic abusers and rapists. Any attempt at trying to educate people on concussions is usually shot down to protect their money.

None of that was ever enough to get you guys to stop, but benching a player just because Trump is now involved is the tipping point.

Stop lying to yourself. You’ll tune in every Sunday
I haven't watched a game this year. It says a lot when I watched the first set of downs last night and switched to the Yanks / Indians game.

Gimme baseball any day of the week.
The NFL biggest problem before all of this started is that they had a shitty product. Now they have a shitty product that's aligning itself with white supremacists... in a league that's 70% AA.

These NFL executives are supposed to intelligent millionaires and billionaires yet still haven't figured out what Trump wanted most was to destroy their businesses. He's a petty man going down the list of everyone who's ever slighted him and the NFL is just dumb enough to fall for his trap card.


Unconfirmed Member
The whole team should get together and take the knee. What's Jerry gonna do then? Bench the whole team?


The NFL biggest problem before all of this started is that they had a shitty product. Now they have a shitty product that's aligning itself with white supremacists... in a league that's 70% AA.

These NFL executives are supposed to intelligent millionaires and billionaires yet still haven't figured out what Trump wanted most was to destroy their businesses. He's a petty man going down the list of everyone who's ever slighted him and the NFL is just dumb enough to fall for his trap card.

His tax plan huge gift to owners. Estate tax alone will make each owner a BILLION dollars. Don’t be fooled. He knows who butters his bread https://t.co/nva8pjx1JY

Referencing this tweet:

The President takes aim at the NFL’s “tax breaks” https://t.co/16xvWNLYwb

Banner is a former NFL team GM and VP


Jones seems like the type of guy who would own slaves if it was legal

God in a way he kind of does

Terry Crews explained pretty accurately the relationship between NFL players.

Contracts can be broken up and as a player you could thrown out like trash if you can't perform well or something else.
It's like the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute.

I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.
His tax plan huge gift to owners. Estate tax alone will make each owner a BILLION dollars. Don’t be fooled. He knows who butters his bread https://t.co/nva8pjx1JY

Referencing this tweet:

The President takes aim at the NFL’s “tax breaks” https://t.co/16xvWNLYwb

Banner is a former NFL team GM and VP
Right now his tax plan is looking like it's going to have the same fate as his health care plan precisely because he's spending all of his time tweeting about NFL players insteaded of pushing his own unpopular legislation.


The GOP wanted this culture war, they've got it.

The NFL is aligning itself with far right extremists. People should let the far right extremists support the league.

Football was going to go the way of boxing anyway thanks to CTE and other injuries. It can go a lot faster now and the country would be better off for it.

And I say that as a Giants fan with a cousin who used to play for them.

You say that in a year that Boxing absolutely killed ('scuse the phrase)


Terry Crews explained pretty accurately the relationship between NFL players.

Contracts can be broken up and as a player you could thrown out like trash if you can't perform well or something else.
It's like the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute.

I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.

Oh cool. Love Terry. You got a source for this?


Terry Crews explained pretty accurately the relationship between NFL players.

Contracts can be broken up and as a player you could thrown out like trash if you can't perform well or something else.
It's like the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute.

I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.

It still amazes me that that’s allowed. Literally the only sport with that.

Blame the NFLPA. They cow down to the owners every time a new CBA is due. MLBPA AND NBAPA are a lot more stronger and united


Junior Member
Can you people stop with the empty threats. NFL has been doing this shit forever basically. You’ll stop watching if they bench players for kneeling but they blackballed a player from the league for kneeling and you still watch. Teams openly sign domestic abusers and rapists. Any attempt at trying to educate people on concussions is usually shot down to protect their money.

None of that was ever enough to get you guys to stop, but benching a player just because Trump is now involved is the tipping point.

Stop lying to yourself. You’ll tune in every Sunday
The viewing numbers heavily declining says otherwise. The NFL is scared and theg should be.


Terry Crews explained pretty accurately the relationship between NFL players.

Contracts can be broken up and as a player you could thrown out like trash if you can't perform well or something else.
It's like the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute.

I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.

Kinda like how slaves were thrown away when they weren't useful. I swear, more and more it seems like the NFL operates a meat market for owners to buy and sell black men to make money off of. The league is mostly black players but not a single black owner.

Fuck Jerry Jones, I hope all his slav... er players take a knee and back his rich ass into a corner. How the NFL handles this situation will probably determine if I continue to watch football. I love playing Fantasy Football but I'm not sure if I can continue to support this anymore.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Can you people stop with the empty threats. NFL has been doing this shit forever basically. You’ll stop watching if they bench players for kneeling but they blackballed a player from the league for kneeling and you still watch. Teams openly sign domestic abusers and rapists. Any attempt at trying to educate people on concussions is usually shot down to protect their money.

None of that was ever enough to get you guys to stop, but benching a player just because Trump is now involved is the tipping point.

Stop lying to yourself. You’ll tune in every Sunday

I've already stopped watching NFL games due to the concussion/CTE stuff.


He measures in centimeters
Well, I'm curious to see where the NFL and Roger Goodwell goes with this. I haven't been supporting the Cowboys so I frankly don't care what Jones does with his shitty team. But if Goodwell proceeds to side with Jones's decision and apply it to the league - which then pushes my favourite team to accept the notion that players who peacefully protest have to be punished - then so long NFL and thanks for the memories. I can choose to personally protest against the league by refusing to support my team, refuse to spend money to travel and watch NFL games, refuse to spend my money on NFL merch and refuse to not even acknowledge the NFL in any of my casual sport discussions.

They already have...or Kaepernick would have a job. Are you talking your specific team or the NFL in general? Between the NFL going alt-right, non-guaranteed contracts, and CTE issues I have pretty much stepped away. I'll watch a few minutes of a game if it is interesting and I have nothing better to do but that is about it.


It's really scary how Americans can recognize the dangerous and regressive Kim regime in North Korea but cheer forced patriotism.

Black people today are still treated as property by these 'owners.'

I really wish the entire team would kneel, and effectively end their season. Jerry Jones isn't the one who is keeping the 4 something billion team afloat, it's the players.

Do they, though?

Could be just, NK against USA, NK bad!


Blame the NFLPA. They cow down to the owners every time a new CBA is due. MLBPA AND NBAPA are a lot more stronger and united
I think you mean "kowtow." Maybe. FYI. Unless "cow down" is a phrase I'm just not familiar with.
Damn, the Trump regime ushering in a new era of suffocating authoritarianism. Now that he's in charge every wanna-be Himmler comes crawling out of the woodwork trying to tell you what to do. Fuck fascists, the flag is nothing but a piece of cloth that represents the ideals of a nation, and if that ideal is Trump's America, I won't respect it.


I think you mean "kowtow." Maybe. FYI. Unless "cow down" is a phrase I'm just not familiar with.

Cow down. Kowtow, bow down how ever you want to phrase it. You have players like Erick Winston who talk loud and angry but then kiss the owners ass in the back ground because he is more worried about having a job after he quits playing than getting what is best for the players


I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.

The NFLPA is the weakest of the pro sports unions.

Combination of the short season so any work stoppage is much more impactful to the players, the short average career (something like 3 seasons), NCAA is a gigantic feeder league and actual competition for viewership and really the overall demographic for the fans seem to at least somewhat antagonistic to the union.


Terry Crews explained pretty accurately the relationship between NFL players.

Contracts can be broken up and as a player you could thrown out like trash if you can't perform well or something else.
It's like the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute.

I didn't know that's only like this in the NFL.
Yup. Baseball and basketball are much better sports to play. In the NBA players are making 30 million dollars a year and aren't hall of famers and in Baseball you can have a good year or 2 then get a 7 year guaranteed contract and stink. Aside from CTE, any up and coming athlete should choose a different sport just from the money aspect
Do they, though?

Could be just, NK against USA, NK bad!

For other countries USA does seem to have a lot of forced patriotism.
I can understand, since it has such a short history as a country and it helps to unite and create an identity (doesn't quite work as good when you exclude people because of the color of their skin.. but anyway). But that is not needed anymore. USA is a full blown country with a history now.

Pledge the allegiance every fucking day, the Anthem constantly everywhere (not just for national teams, but even for clubteams, the flag everywhere (EVERYWHERE).
I mean, it's no where near North Korea, don't get me wrong.
The players are already getting fucked over with non-guaranteed contracts in an environment where life long injury is a real possibility and now they want to let these owners suppress them further in a majority black sport?

What am embarrassment. And I couldnt' be more disappointed with these athletes.



I'm a Dolphins fan. This is fucking terrible from Gase. What is his problem with guys taking a knee? Why is it even his business?

I'm rapidly losing faith in him. He's coming across as an angry, dour, inflexible man who isn't good at the one thing he's supposed to be good at (calling plays on offense) and who puts up this aura of an 'iron fist of control' but who had his oline coach snorting coke before his meetings and was clueless about it.

Yeah, not happy about this. I'm guessing Stephen Ross and the rest of the owners have had a look at the TV ratings and said 'okay this shit needs to stop now' and the messaging is filtering down to the coaches. But it's garbage. The 'flag kneel' is one of the best protests I've ever seen - maximum publicity for minimum disruption and harm caused.


The viewership declining is mainly from racists protesting.

Ratings were declining last year too and it wasn't because people were upset with Kap. That was an excuse the people who were upset with Kap made to pretend he was hurting the league.

Ratings have been declining because the quality of the game hasn't been as good. Simple as that.

M.J. Doja

Can someone give me a quick rundown of what the whole kneeling thing is about and why it's making such a fuzz?

Kneeling during the anthem to protest police brutality.

The powers that be (Trump and his followers) see this as disrespectful to the country, or the flag, something like that.

I can't figure out much more of it.


Ratings were declining last year too and it wasn't because people were upset with Kap. That was an excuse the people who were upset with Kap made to pretend he was hurting the league.

Ratings have been declining because the quality of the game hasn't been as good. Simple as that.

Yea, no idea how people are falling for the bullshit co-opting of why the ratings are declining and attributing it to people who couldn't turn off a football game if their life depended on it.

Hearing some bullshit "keep politics out of sports" white asshole saying they are going to stop watching football is the biggest pile of horse shit you can hear
The players are already getting fucked over with non-guaranteed contracts in an environment where life long injury is a real possibility and now they want to let these owners suppress them further in a majority black sport?

What am embarrassment. And I couldnt' be more disappointed with these athletes.
They don't owe you anything. Are you giving to give up your livelihood to make a political stand? Their average career is 2-3 years.
I'm a Dolphins fan. This is fucking terrible from Gase. What is his problem with guys taking a knee? Why is it even his business?

I'm rapidly losing faith in him. He's coming across as an angry, dour, inflexible man who isn't good at the one thing he's supposed to be good at (calling plays on offense) and who puts up this aura of an 'iron fist of control' but who had his oline coach snorting coke before his meetings and was clueless about it.

Yeah, not happy about this. I'm guessing Stephen Ross and the rest of the owners have had a look at the TV ratings and said 'okay this shit needs to stop now' and the messaging is filtering down to the coaches. But it's garbage. The 'flag kneel' is one of the best protests I've ever seen - maximum publicity for minimum disruption and harm caused.

The sad thing about Gase is tame ass reaction to Foerster.

"Breh we're going to stand for the anthem. Oh, as to my reaction to my guy doing FUCKING CRACK before our meetings in our workplace?" :

Gase said he learned of the video late last night, when General Manager Chris Grier called to tell him.

“I don’t think I can say what my reaction was,” Gase said.

Gase didn’t say if he demanded the resignation.

“He’s disappointed,” Gase said of Foerster, “he’s upset, he’s mad at himself. It’s unfortunate. . . .

“It is what it is,” Gase said. “That’s what [this league] is. Just keep dealing with situations that come up and move on.”

Gase said he’s known Foerster since 2008, and worked with him previously in San Francisco.

“It’s not a good situation,” Gase said. “It wasn’t something that you would expect. Things happen sometimes that you don’t anticipate and you have to deal with it. It’s not fun, especially when you’re close with somebody. You’ve got to take the next swtep and move on. We’re going to play on Sunday.”

things happen brehs


Kneeling during the anthem to protest police brutality.

The powers that be (Trump and his followers) see this as disrespectful to the country, or the flag, something like that.

I can't figure out much more of it.

I don't think they actually see that way, but are twisting it intentionally to stop any protest / bringing into discussion police brutality.

I feel the disrespecting our flag line is just a cover.


For other countries USA does seem to have a lot of forced patriotism.
I can understand, since it has such a short history as a country and it helps to unite and create an identity (doesn't quite work as good when you exclude people because of the color of their skin.. but anyway). But that is not needed anymore. USA is a full blown country with a history now.

Pledge the allegiance every fucking day, the Anthem constantly everywhere (not just for national teams, but even for clubteams, the flag everywhere (EVERYWHERE).
I mean, it's no where near North Korea, don't get me wrong.

I think you misread, I was a bit vague.

I meant that Americans for forced patriotism probably have no clue about what goes on in North Korea.
I don't think they actually see that way, but are twisting it intentionally to stop any protest / bringing into discussion police brutality.

I feel the disrespecting our flag line is just a cover.
It is. 40% of those who don't approve of the anthem protest don't approve of kneeling BEFORE the anthem either. "nigger shut up about your issues and entertain me"
They don't owe you anything. Are you giving to give up your livelihood to make a political stand? Their average career is 2-3 years.

This isn't just about the politics. My disappointment is them continuing to have the absolute worst PA in all of sports despite the money the NFL brings in, and the length of the average career is why they should be gathering together to ensure more protections for themselves in an environment that is becoming more dangerous year over year.
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