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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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Jay Seven

These aren't the actions of a germaphobe. A germaphobe doesn't buy food from someone they don't know. These were the actions of someone with very very poor social skills.
I keep scrolling past this thread title and laughing to myself because my instant reaction is "yes that is so dramatic of you"


Neo Member
So many posts on GAF are about a guy going a year with his coworker calling him by the wrong name and not saying anything about it. You spoke your mind, it wasnt an overreaction, you weren't rude about it. Arnold is a weirdo for doing that not you. Seems like anyone saying it's an overreaction would have just put their head down and let it slide not wanting to ruffle feathers. Our society should be more open and less prone to people being offended by stuff like this I think, we would be better off.

Of course there's a line that can be crossed, to be an asshole or offensive or a dick but you certainly did not cross it here.


If OP doesn't want someone picking up his food and sniffing it, it's his right and I don't blame him. He could have gone about telling his co-worker that he doesn't like people doing that to his food in a better way (Minus the making him buy him another lunch), but it's pretty standard etiquette not to touch people's food, much less sniff it, that you barely know like that, so the co-worker should really know better.

If you want to fix any future problems OP, just explain to him why what he did might have bothered you, apologize for maybe overreacting a bit, and leave it at that. He'll know better in the future and it'll free your mind from worrying about it anymore.
I like how the OP found the single post that agreed with him, then quoted it and responded to it like, "Yeah I knew you guys would agree with me!!!" Particularly when the entire point of the thread was supposedly to get feedback about if he was being unreasonable.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
I just remembered that I almost murdered my roommate for literally sticking his foot on my sandwich. I probably would have seriously hurt him if I had caught him.
So many posts on GAF are about a guy going a year with his coworker calling him by the wrong name and not saying anything about it. You spoke your mind, it wasnt an overreaction, you weren't rude about it. Arnold is a weirdo for doing that not you. Seems like anyone saying it's an overreaction would have just put their head down and let it slide not wanting to ruffle feathers. Our society should be more open and less prone to people being offended by stuff like this I think, we would be better off.

Of course there's a line that can be crossed, to be an asshole or offensive or a dick but you certainly did not cross it here.

You sound like you read what you wanted. quite of number of people said they would have said something. Demanding he buy you a new lunch is on another level.


I wouldn't have asked them to buy me a new one, just a quick "WTF are you doing with my food, don't do that!" would be enough, but it's pretty weird to take someone's food that is closed in a container, and open it and smell it while they're off refilling water.

I guess i can see someone doing that with their boyfriend/girlfriend's food or something, but not just some coworker that they've only known a few weeks


Neo Member
You sound like you read what you wanted. quite of number of people said they would have said something. Demanding he buy you a new lunch is on another level.

I read 3 or 4 pages and most just said it was an overreaction, not specifying why. While I still don't think its rude to ask him to get him a new meal, I can see why people might have issue with that.
He went to far physically grabbing your food without your permission, but he seems like he shows affection/friendship through physicality, some people are like that. I'm a shoulder patter or hugger myself, even when its coworkers. I just like people to know I'm their friend and appreciate them.

I would never do something like he did without you being practically my best friend or related, and even then as a bit it seems really strange.

You need to apologize though. Just explain it, that your phobia caused you to overreact, before it hurts your reputation.


I just remembered that I almost murdered my roommate for literally sticking his foot on my sandwich. I probably would have seriously hurt him if I had caught him.

Oh you think that was the only thing he was sticking in your sandwich when you weren't looking…
Would you have made him pay if instead of sniffing he just farted in the general vicinity as you opened up your food? I mean if you're worried about other people's particles he'd basically be aerosol spraying the contents of his asshole all over the room, including your lunch.


^ Yep, don't care how many people have interacted with the food, the less there are the better (plus, out of sight out of mind). I've read enough of GAF threads about bathing/deodorant/brushing teeth/whatever to only confirm that people are dirty, nasty fucks.

needing everything inside sanitized, untouched, distilled, and processed boxes to be considered edible isn't crazy in a first-world society, but it is a huge deviation from a natural human experience
I like how the OP found the single post that agreed with him, then quoted it and responded to it like, "Yeah I knew you guys would agree with me!!!" Particularly when the entire point of the thread was supposedly to get feedback about if he was being unreasonable.

Welcome to every GAF advice thread that involves basic human interaction skills.


I read 3 or 4 pages and most just said it was an overreaction, not specifying why. While I still don't think its rude to ask him to get him a new meal, I can see why people might have issue with that.

Yeah it's a disproportionate response, makes a scene, damages your relationship with that person and by extension the office, is mildly irrational and overall just a big foot in mouth thing socially. It's just a low emotional iq thing. It would be seen as quite rude to ask him to get another lunch, then passive aggressively leaving it on his desk.


Guys, Arnold picked his food up. You don't handle someone else's food. Super weird.

And he talks close to him like, directly to his face, he could at least send a mail or give a call. Sooo weeiiiiiiiird.
He picked a food box up, big deal. That same lunch box cooked by a dude who probably only rinse his hands under the water for 2 sec and half after taking a shit (best case scenario). Arnold is his coworker, jeez.


You could have handled the situation better but in fairness to you, grabbing a up close whiff of someone else's food is weird.

Why do some people in here sound so angry with OP? Need to chill out more than he should have during the actual disagreement.


I work in a kitchen, and made myself a sandwich which this new bread we got in. My coworker sniffed it, picked off a little piece and tasted it and I wasn't even as mad as you.
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