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Crackdown 2 demo impressions


I only had time to play for 20 minutes, but it's... Crackdown :)

Random, quick impressions:

The amount of characters they can get on screen is impressive, though texture quality has taken a hit (though there may be a better variety?). And I am actually kinda bummed out that they used the same world. Yes, there are plenty of aspects of it that have been modified, but it still felt too familiar, and a LOT of the fun of the first one for me was exploring the world, and scaling those tall towers in sai-gen, I believe it was called? And that's gone, right? I honestly didn't look :lol


How is it possible for the graphics to be worse on a sequel years later...I have to believe its just the demo.


Gold Member
oh boy, this looks like shit compared to crackdown 1 and even more after playing hundreds of hours of red dead redemption


LQX said:
How is it possible for the graphics to be worse on a sequel years later...I have to believe its just the demo.
they only had one year for the sequel.
the big problem is that microsoft only wants to use that game as a testballoon. crackdown wasnt a huge hit. it did ok. they just want to see if this is a franchise that can stand on its own, without putting much money into the development.

cd2 is still fun and i enjoy the demo, but this should be so much more.
i dont think you should blame the developers here.


Junior Member
S1kkZ said:
cd2 is still fun and i enjoy the demo, but this should be so much more.

Yeah, considering how little they've changed in regards to the gameplay and what not, they should have at least set the game in a new city.


Mairu said:
Aiming is messed up. I'd have groups of enemies in front of me and locking on would target enemies far away. Really frustrating.

This is the issue I had with Crackdown the first, but I'm not surprised they didn't fix it. It's still partially broken in series' like GTA.

The worst is when you kill an enemy and aren't within immediate distance to another, you have to let go of the trigger and press it down again to lock on to another enemy, instead of just being able to flick the right analog in a direction of another one. I suppose if you time your trigger lock-on's right you can swap through enemies quickly enough, but it can be so janky in conjunction with the game's camera.

Otherwise, I goofed off for 30 minutes so I had a blast.


S1kkZ said:
they only had one year for the sequel.
the big problem is that microsoft only wants to use that game as a testballoon. crackdown wasnt a huge hit. it did ok. they just want to see if this is a franchise that can stand on its own, without putting much money into the development.

cd2 is still fun and i enjoy the demo, but this should be so much more.
i dont think you should blame the developers here.

Now hold it right there. Crackdown 1 was a big hit (1.5 million copies, helped of course by the Halo 3 beta), and it is widely regarding as one of the better games in the 360 library. You need to remember that you're playing a 30-minute demo. Having a pretty good understanding of Crackdown, reading impressions, and watching vids like this, it is pretty easy to see that the full Crackdown 2 game will not be lacking in the fun department.


soldat7 said:
Now hold it right there. Crackdown 1 was a big hit (1.5 million copies, helped of course by the Halo 3 beta), and it is widely regarding as one of the better games in the 360 library. You need to remember that you're playing a DEMO. Having a pretty good understanding of Crackdown, reading impressions, and watching vids like this, it is pretty easy to see that the full Crackdown 2 game will not be lacking in the fun department.
like i said: i really enjoy the demo and i have much fun.
that still doesnt change the fact that ms fucked up here. they had the chance to let the original developers work on a sequel in late 2007. in early 2009 they realised: oh shit, we dont have many games for 2010! lets get some dudes and crank out a crackdown sequel!

i think the developers did the best they could and i hope the game does well. i want cd3!


Pandoracell said:
I only had time to play for 20 minutes, but it's... Crackdown :)

Random, quick impressions:

The amount of characters they can get on screen is impressive, though texture quality has taken a hit (though there may be a better variety?). And I am actually kinda bummed out that they used the same world. Yes, there are plenty of aspects of it that have been modified, but it still felt too familiar, and a LOT of the fun of the first one for me was exploring the world, and scaling those tall towers in sai-gen, I believe it was called? And that's gone, right? I honestly didn't look :lol

That's my biggest reservation with Crackdown 2. Using the same city for a full-on sequel is extremely disappointing.


soldat7 said:
Now hold it right there. Crackdown 1 was a big hit (1.5 million copies, helped of course by the Halo 3 beta), and it is widely regarding as one of the better games in the 360 library. You need to remember that you're playing a 30-minute demo. Having a pretty good understanding of Crackdown, reading impressions, and watching vids like this, it is pretty easy to see that the full Crackdown 2 game will not be lacking in the fun department.

Well, one could argue that those 1.5 million copies sold was helped A LOT by the Halo 3 beta, though of course we could never know. How much buzz was there for Crackdown before the beta announcement?

I'll be honest, I bought the original Crackdown mostly for the H3 beta. It looked interesting to me regardless, but I was planning on getting it sometime down the road when it was cheaper. But the game turned out to be fantastic, and ultimately provided me more fun than the H3 beta did.


S1kkZ said:
they had the chance to let the original developers work on a sequel in late 2007. in early 2009 they realised: oh shit, we dont have many games for 2010! lets get some dudes and crank out a crackdown sequel!

Ruffian Games was formed by former RTW employees. The Crackdown 2 development contains a ton of people that worked on the original Crackdown. And in a game where leveling up takes place over the course of many hours, I don't think we should condemn the final game due to a 30-minute limited demo. Sure, the final game might not be what we hope it will be, but I just think this slice is not indicative of the final product.

(Of course, I will need to test this theory empirically. Demo code please! :D )


Don´t get the "this looks shit compared to crackdown 1" comments. This looks sharper and has more variety in the textures as CD1. Lighting has also improved. Sure it´s not a big of an improvement overall, but there were changes made. *shrugs*

fedit: the races feel good now!
anyone manage to get a helicopter?

I wasn't able to jump high enough to try high jacking one when the air support came.

They demo would have been awesome if it had Keys to the City


ExtraKr1spy said:
They demo would have been awesome if it had Keys to the City

Speaking of that, has it been confirmed at all for it, or something similar, to appear in the full game?
This demo is so fun, I ran through it 4 or 5 times in a row. It reminded me how great Crackdown is. I also managed to pull off 2 of the achievements so far. THe ground pound one and the Street Sweeper one.
Pandoracell said:
Speaking of that, has it been confirmed at all for it, or something similar, to appear in the full game?

Forgot which website but in an interview they said Keys to the City will be free DLC again


Gold Member
soldat7 said:
I think he was saying that Red Dead looked awesome, making Crackdown 2 look that much worse.

seriously, they should have released this as dlc. or as a budget title.
My only complaint about the demo is that it needs to be at least an hour long. Other than that, I'm all good. Game is amazing!


ExtraKr1spy said:
Forgot which website but in an interview they said Keys to the City will be free DLC again

Cool, thanks :)

And whoever mentioned the pixelated sky, I noticed that as well. I feel like i'm playing Quake 1 :p
it's not that bad, no need to flame :)
-Yeti said:
My only complaint about the demo is that it needs to be at least an hour long. Other than that, I'm all good. Game is amazing!
Yeah, even 45 min would be better. In the original Crackdown demo you could max out 1 or 2 skills before time ran out. But it is way harder in this demo.


I didn't feel like the graphics were worse. I did feel like the starting area of the demo was rather bland though, and I could not get my bearings on where I was in Pacific City based on the first game (or is the demo in a new area not in the first game?). Framerate is definitely better than the first game.

As for the helicopter I don't understand how to call it. It says to press the back button but doing that pulls up some kind of objectives list for me. Am I missing something there?

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I feared all of that zombie shit was going to get in the way of everything else. IDK who thought that was a good idea.


darkressurection said:
Yeah, even 45 min would be better. In the original Crackdown demo you could max out 1 or 2 skills before time ran out. But it is way harder in this demo.


Aside from that, I am freaking LOVING this demo :D. It's amazing in every way and pretty much an upgrade from everything in CD1. But I must say I don't like the night parts as much yet. Maybe it has to grow on you and once you get more awesome tools it will be more fun to dispose of those freaks :p.

The announcer is cool as ever :D. I also love that you can finally manually set the SFX volume. GAME ROCKS

Day one
cjelly said:
My only complaint is that the demo isn't long enough...

CD1 demo was great because it let you level up really quickly to get a feel of how the game plays further in.
THis demo seems the same to me, you get accelerated leveling up but there is more then 4 stages now, you get a huge area if you turn around and run into the city at the start.

I like how so far it's been mini objectives which do different things instead of just groups of gang members you have to kill, this time you need to do things like call heli support and fight off the cell gang members until it arrives, or activate some sunlight beacon thing by finding it and then standing on a switch with your friends, also some orbs require you to be with a partner to claim it, aka only online can you collect the live orbs.

I also like how nighttime turns people and fills the streets with zombie monster things, those experiments you see in crackdown 1 but 10 times worse :lol stay up high or you get mobbed.

At first the game felt like it was just crackdown 1.5 with worse looking character faces (sorry whoever made those models, crackdown 1's look much better) and the overall graphical look seems like a step back, but there is a lot of new fresh looking areas and textures even if it is the same city, it's changed a lot just like Stillwater in Saint's row 1 & 2.

Demo feels good, but it's not a game I want to buy at launch for full price.
After playing the demo 3 or 4 times in single player, I feel like the biggest draw will probably be the four player co-op.

Just about the core mechanics, the shooting and targeting feels bad. It locks onto thing far in the distance and even if you release it to try again, it will lock onto the same thing from far away. It just feels really weird.

also, are transforming cars gone now?

soldat7 said:
Yup. Too memory/cpu intensive for some reason this time around.

that's kinda weak. I thought that stuff was badass in the first game


Night is way better, you guys don't know what you're talking about :p. It's far more interesting than standing in front of a firing squad all day.


Trucker Sexologist
I don't think there's anything other than standard co-op in the demo, but did they ever release a list of all the multiplayer modes in the game?


soldat7 said:
Yup. Too memory/cpu intensive for some reason this time around.

Well, that is quite possibly the most stupid excuse I've seen. Too memory/cpu intensive for a sequel 3 years later? Bah.

ShapeGSX said:
They wanted to use the memory for other stuff in the new game.

Fair enough.

Transforming vehicles was the only thing that made the vehicle skill worthwhile though, imo. You could go from a fairly standard sports car, to a bad ass super car with a built in machine gun.

And now the trade off is... You need a higher skill to unlock vehicles. Meh. The whole excitement of leveling the vehicle skill in the first game was seeing just what the next transformation was going to be.


pahamrick said:
Well, that is quite possibly the most stupid excuse I've seen. Too memory/cpu intensive for a sequel 3 years later? Bah.

They wanted to use the memory for other stuff in the new game.
Whoops. Wrote this in the other thread:


The verdict.

It's weird going back to ground level after like 5 years as a top level agent, so my first instant reaction is that it's a bit more weaksauce then the original. There are a few things that are unquestionably less smooth at the outset: you can not hold a target and then melee them. This was my melee process of choice in the OG Crackton and losing it is going to take some getting used to. That being said, it seems like it's now an autolock situation and melee can lead to combos. Which is okay, I guess.

One downside to the constant crazy shit everywhere is that you're constantly occupied and you don't really feel the urge to just explore. When I did clear out an area enough to have some fun though, the "level" design is really spectacular. The big tanker at the dock leading to the antenna which itself led to a giant sky bridge which then itself led to a huge other structure that I couldn't even get to shows a lot of promise for the final game.

It's a tough game to judge because I played the OG Crackton SO MUCH and right now there's a lot different. That's not to say it's not fun, because I was certainly never bored, but it is a new game. Plus.
BenjaminBirdie said:
One downside to the constant crazy shit everywhere is that you're constantly occupied and you don't really feel the urge to just explore. When I did clear out an area enough to have some fun though, the "level" design is really spectacular. The big tanker at the dock leading to the antenna which itself led to a giant sky bridge which then itself led to a huge other structure that I couldn't even get to shows a lot of promise for the final game.
Crackdown 1 was like this also, when you are level 1 with all mobs in full force it was tough and busy everywhere, This demo just sticks you at the beginning of crackdown 2 so it's fully expected until you start weeding out the thugs.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Whoops. Wrote this in the other thread:


The verdict.

It's weird going back to ground level after like 5 years as a top level agent, so my first instant reaction is that it's a bit more weaksauce then the original. There are a few things that are unquestionably less smooth at the outset: you can not hold a target and then melee them. This was my melee process of choice in the OG Crackton and losing it is going to take some getting used to. That being said, it seems like it's now an autolock situation and melee can lead to combos. Which is okay, I guess.

One downside to the constant crazy shit everywhere is that you're constantly occupied and you don't really feel the urge to just explore. When I did clear out an area enough to have some fun though, the "level" design is really spectacular. The big tanker at the dock leading to the antenna which itself led to a giant sky bridge which then itself led to a huge other structure that I couldn't even get to shows a lot of promise for the final game.

It's a tough game to judge because I played the OG Crackton SO MUCH and right now there's a lot different. That's not to say it's not fun, because I was certainly never bored, but it is a new game. Plus.


My only real gripes so far have been the lack of transforming vehicles and the always auto-aggro enemies. It has been a year+ since I last played CD1, but I was pretty sure there was some kind of meter that measured your aggression with the peace keepers and that areas gangs. So, if you didn't mess with the gangs they would leave you alone to explore the area to your heart's content.

Or am I miss-remembering?
Diablohead said:
Crackdown 1 was like this also, when you are level 1 with all mobs in full force it was tough and busy everywhere, This demo just sticks you at the beginning of crackdown 2 so it's fully expected until you start weeding out the thugs.

Very true. I hope there is that point where you just clear the whole city out.
pahamrick said:

My only real gripes so far have been the lack of transforming vehicles and the always auto-aggro enemies. It has been a year+ since I last played CD1, but I was pretty sure there was some kind of meter that measured you're aggression with the peace keepers and that areas gangs. So, if you didn't mess with the gangs they would leave you alone to explore the area to your heart's content.

Or am I miss-remembering?

You are not. I was waiting for that too, or at least the red Agency symbol to pop up to let me know I was FFUUUUU


Played the demo a few times now and I'm really loving it.

The only problem I find is that once I've got my character levelled up to a point where I can just destroy everything, jump around, get new vehicles and weapons the demo has run out of time.

As a few people have pointed out the graphics aren't all that but I really didn't notice it too much because I was having a blast playing it and was constantly on the move.


day 1 for sure. It feels a bit weird to be so underpowered in the demo, but at AG level 3, boy this is fun again. Driving is fun as hell at night, freaks are nice targets. Anyone encountered the big or fast freaks yet?


Diablohead said:
Crackdown 1 was like this also, when you are level 1 with all mobs in full force it was tough and busy everywhere, This demo just sticks you at the beginning of crackdown 2 so it's fully expected until you start weeding out the thugs.

Yeah the demo just makes me want the full game so I can clear myself some space and explore. So much of the time I put in to Crackdown was after I had cleared all the gangs and spent time working on all the other aspects of the game, it's easy to forget I was ever shooting people.


How powered up were you guys able to get your Agent within the time limit of the demo?


The amount of experience you get from doing the appropriate actions is probably boosted from what you'd normally accrue, but it was fun trying to get as powerful as possible in 30 minutes while tearing shit up. :lol
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