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Craig Kilborn quits The Late late show

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xsarien said:
Perhaps Letterman realized that without writers, Kilborn's about as funny as a bag of sand.

LOL I never understood his comedy... never laughed once at his jokes, and always thought the sort of exchanges with his celebrity guests were a bit on the inappropriate side. Not to mention those lame "5 questions" he would ask seemed rather pointless.


And this is just as I've started to like him! His show, in the beginning was way to slow paced...and the jokes just didn't hit. These days I like him more than even Conan. I wonder if he'll pursue acting now.


Fatalah said:
And this is just as I've started to like him! His show, in the beginning was way to slow paced...and the jokes just didn't hit. These days I like him more than even Conan. I wonder if he'll pursue acting now.

Acting? I guess he does have Old School under his belt now.
I just don't think he'd make a very good actor.


3pheMeraLmiX said:
LOL I never understood his comedy... never laughed once at his jokes, and always thought the sort of exchanges with his celebrity guests were a bit on the inappropriate side. Not to mention those lame "5 questions" he would ask seemed rather pointless.

The Five Questions were something he started on The Daily Show, and managed to take with him when they fired him/forced him to resign/didn't renew his contract. (Take your pick.)

In the context of TDS, it was actually a lot better.
Desperado said:
Craig was pretty damn lame on SportsCenter Old School.

Yes, because I think he was trying to damned hard. Maybe he could come back to SC now that he's looking for a job.

Speaking of SC Old School, how much did George Grande kick ass last night? Guy hasn't done a SportsCenter in years, and you couldn't tell one bit.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Fine by me, I never really cared too much for it. The whole show seemed to be a giant ego trip for Kilborn. And the way he constantly flirted with every female guest... ugh. It wasn't even in the joking manner that Conan occasionally does. It was just rather sleazy.


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Man, I wish they would replace him with Tom Green. I still maintain that his MTV Talk Show was even superior to Conan's. Then again, most of the enjoyment stemmed from the fact that he had no idea what he was doing but still. His "interview" with Aaron Carter will go down in history as one of the greatest television segments of all time...in my mind at least.
I never watched his show much, but I'll long remember (and make jokes about with my brother) this one commercial that I thought really showed how much of a low profile his show had compared to the other, more successful late night talk shows.

Full regular ad for The Late Show, followed by "Then watch Craig!" in the space of about 1.5 seconds.
I know people who used to love saying "The Daily Show is not as good without him" and I would respond with "Are you on crack?"


I really liked him on The Daily SHow and was sad when he wasn't there. It took me about 2 years to really warm up to Jon Stewart. It wasn't just Jon though, they re-structured how the show ran and it was just a lot funnier.

The anchors under Kilborn would do normal interviews with people and then change angles and the questions to make it funny. Now the anchors just ask those fucked up questions with a straight face and let the person squirm. Much funnier IMO.

I liked 5 Questions though. Mainly the dudes head exploding though.


element said:
probably quit due to sexual harassment.
That wouldn't necessarily surprise me. As for Kilborn, I thought he could be pretty funny at times, but not as consistently funny as Conan. I liked his Asexual Man segments.

As for replacements, I wouldn't mind Tom Snyder coming back for the show (of course he won't though). It wouldn't beat Conan in the ratings, but you'd be guaranteed good conversations. Really, it's too bad Steve Allen is dead. Course, if he were alive he'd never get the show, but if you wanted unscripted comedy, he was your man. He ad-libbed more stuff in one episode than Leno, Letterman, O'Brian, Kilborn, Stewart, etc. combined do in a week's worth of episodes (plus Allen didn't have 20-30 writers to back him up like the aforementioned hosts do today). And usually those ad-libs were a lot funnier than today's late night hosts scripted stuff. You truly never knew where Allen was going to take you.


The only reason I watched his show was because he had Dave Grohl on so many times. He would let Dave do all sorts of crazy things that musical guests don't normally get to do on talk shows. Usually, artists are just shoved to the tail end of the show and told to go do their radio single. That said, I didn't find him all that funny on the Late Late Show. I didn't even know it was still on. :p Conan beats him by FAR.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I was thinking the exact thing. Grohl's cover of 'Stairway' rocked!


Haha he did the guitar solo with his mouth. :rock

Tiny Dancer was pretty good too. I have a few of his appearances on this pc. Hoohah!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I always thought he was a second rate Tom Snyder anyway...and that is saying something. I just never found Kilborn's show funny.


kimmel isnt funny either. he was funny on the man show cause it was a lot less restricted and he had correla to work with.


Minotauro said:
Man, I wish they would replace him with Tom Green. I still maintain that his MTV Talk Show was even superior to Conan's. Then again, most of the enjoyment stemmed from the fact that he had no idea what he was doing but still. His "interview" with Aaron Carter will go down in history as one of the greatest television segments of all time...in my mind at least.

Can you describe it?


Five questions was a good segment back when The Daily Show was new and they weren't afraid to humiliate celebrities with their questions. Getting more than 1 or 2 questions right was rare. Then they pussied out and started trying to make their guests look as good as possible.


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GG-Duo said:
Can you describe it?

There were just a ton of awkward moments. Tom didn't know what questions to ask and his audience didn't know how to react to the answers. I suspect that, if it weren't televised, they would've booed Carter off the stage.

I'm probably not doing a very good job of conveying just how entertaining it was. It's kinda a "you had to be there" moment.


It's hard to imagine Tom Green trying to be a real talk show host.

His stuff is about making stupid paintings, putting it in an art gallery, and getting chased by the security guard for manipulating his own art in the art gallery.
That and making his talk show audience members touch his poop.


FortNinety said:
How come? Did something go down between Snyder and CBS or Letterman?
No bad blood as far as I know, but Snyder is in his late 60's now and certainly doesn't fit the young, hip and cool vibe the network would want in a replacement for Kilborn.
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