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Crazy eBay Mom

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Found this off digg:

This website is a son documenting in pictures how insane his mother is with ebay buying. She has every single room in their house stacked to the ceiling with crap. Look at all the pictures - this is creepy!






asking dangerous questions
That's pretty sad.
I wonder why the son doesn't do anything - perhaps he doesn't care about his mom.
Anyway, that place is just begging to go up in flames.


*drowns in jizz*
How the fuck do they move in that house. Instead of making a damn thread about it, the guy should try to knock some sense into his mom.


Slurpy said:
How the fuck do they move in that house. Instead of making a damn thread about it, the guy should try to knock some sense into his mom.

Using that scary-as-hell vegitable would probably do the trick.


When I first finished reading that post, I grabbed some trash bags and started sorting out the stuff I didn't need.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
why isn't this dude profiting wildly by selling his mums dumb crap straight back to ebay?


catfish said:
why isn't this dude profiting wildly by selling his mums dumb crap straight back to ebay?
There's probably a little chain reaction of things leading to him not being able to.

Person puts up crap for .01 trying to get rid of it.
CrazyMom buys said crap for .01 "OMG I WON THE BID!"
CrazyMom stores stuff in house.
Son lists crap on ebay.
Son "Woo, sold it to....FUCK WHAT?"
CrazyMom "Now I have those to match my other set."
Son "@#$%^Y&"


Teddman said:
Is that just the old SomethingAwful post from about a year ago?

Yeah, looks old.

Pochacco said:
That's pretty sad.
I wonder why the son doesn't do anything - perhaps he doesn't care about his mom.

What's that supposed to mean? Maybe you should give him your magic wand so he can cure her obsessive/compulsive hoarding.

MC Safety

Some of those pictures made me feel claustrophobic and short of breath, as if I was in that box- and junk-filled house with that crazy lady.

"I'm assured all this stuff in quite valuable, by the way."

I especially enjoyed:
1) The shower now holding boxes
2) The glass insulators
3) The windows taped over with cardboard

This is an extreme case of hoarding, and I suspect a lot of therapy/medication is indicated.


impirius said:
When I first finished reading that post, I grabbed some trash bags and started sorting out the stuff I didn't need.

I am a lazy bastard who keeps old game boxes and useless magazines... but all I have right now is the burning desire to clean, organise, and throw stuff away.

Funky Papa

Non related fun fact. There was this pissed off mom that was selling her son's GC on ebay. I bought it in mint condition with two pads, two games, an excelent carrying bag and a 1019 memory card for $50 =)

ebay is full of trash but sometimes you can step into some cool bargains.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
The scary thing is I'm almost 100% sure my Dad would turn his house into something like that if he were ever living on his own with no one to keep him in check. Amongst other things, the guy has like hundreds of VCR tape recordings of all kinds of random stuff, including recordings of the Home Shopping Network, enough to fill up a small room.

I fear the forthcoming clutter for all the people still living at my parents' house as that guy works his way into his sixties and eventually toward even more craziness.


I remember one local story where this woman (after the death of her husband) couldn't bear the thought of throwing ANYTHING away. There was literally no room wo walk around anymore except for a narrow path to the bathroom and kitchen. The worst thing about it though were the rats...over a hundred living with her. The absolutely sickest thing was that the bathroom tub was full of rat droppings and garbage to the point that it was overflowing...I never felt so much pity for a woman I never met.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
my mother is bi-polar.. and shopping sprees are what she does on her up-swings... sadly the US won't allow you to help people that don't think they are sick. She has been on meds before but has stopped taking them because she "doesn't need them" She has a mental health history but there is nothing we can do... hopefully this woman isn't as bad as my mother... but looking at her shopping habits I would say she's out there...
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