This is still way too high, this is from 2005 and is still basically right:
Ok. But your problem with believing that god guided evolution or caused the big bang or whatever is...?No, just saying we shouldn't compare belief in multiverses to belief in religious dogma.
Wait, how can you believe both that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago and that scientists are right in that it's clearly billions of years old?
Fuck that chart? Where's the rest of actual AMERICA?
As pointed out, this chart ignores the rest of North America, so we shouldn't take it too seriously. My chart on the previous page also comes from that data. To be fair, the authors intent was to compare the US to Europe and Japan, not as a complete comparison with everyone. (One author, Eugenie Scott, is famously a plaintiff in Kitzmiller vs. Dover,, the case that first tried intelligent design in public schools).This is still way too high, this is from 2005 and is still basically right:
I see. I actually looked for it because I was curious about Europe.As pointed out, this chart ignores the rest of North America, so we shouldn't take it too seriously. My chart on the previous page also comes from that data. To be fair, the authors intent was to compare the US to Europe and Japan, not as a complete comparison with everyone. (One author, Eugenie Scott, is famously a plaintiff in Kitzmiller vs. Dover,, the case that first tried intelligent design in public schools).
there is no way a serious person can rationalize the christian god of the bible causing evolution when you know how ridiculously harsh and brutal early human life was before civilization. an all-loving god sitting around for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of years while humans had a 40 year life span due to natural disasters, animals or countless health problems? sorry but no.
I love yours, lol.I see. I actually looked for it because I was curious about Europe.
Love your name btw haha
Now kiss!I love yours, lol.
there is no way a serious person can rationalize the christian god of the bible causing evolution when you know how ridiculously harsh and brutal early human life was before civilization. an all-loving god sitting around for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of years while humans had a 40 year life span due to natural disasters, animals or countless health problems? sorry but no.
wasn't lifespan longer pre civilisation? ill have to look it up but i recall reading that civilisation helped in the spread of disease and made populations more vulnerable to drought and flood etc.
Not surprising, in view of our growing secularization, the percentage of Americans taking the strict evolution view — no divine role — has grown significantly since the 1980s, from 9% to 19% in the latest Gallup survey.
Well, I believe in God and evolution. Admittedly, my belief in God is more from a moral perspective and my belief in evolution stems from the undeniable scientific evidence on the matter and I simply refuse to reject the belief system I was raised on, though I also refuse to ignore basic scientific fact.
I choose to believe in both, my beliefs don't hurt anyone and I surely don't reject fact when presented with it, nor do I force my belief system on anyone else. You can have both beliefs, no harm to it.
Ok. But your problem with believing that god guided evolution or caused the big bang or whatever is...?
Because I'm an agnostic atheist and I'm racking my brain pretty hard to come up with a reason (again, assuming there's no "god of the gaps" stuff).
Well, I believe in God and evolution. Admittedly, my belief in God is more from a moral perspective that I was raised in and my belief in evolution stems from undeniable scientific evidence on the matter. I have both because I simply refuse to reject the belief system I was raised on, though I also refuse to ignore basic scientific fact.
I choose to believe in both, my beliefs don't hurt anyone and I surely don't reject fact when presented with it, nor do I force my belief system on anyone else. You can have both beliefs, no harm to it.
My belief is that God incited evolution. Could you find logical fallacies in that belief upon reflection? Sure, but it's easy to poke a hole in anything if you really try."Both" doesn't make any sense if you take five minutes to think about it. But at least this way you can have your cake and eat it too.
Comfort namely. When things are tough in my life, it's comforting to believe that a moment of silence and reflection can help me get through it. As someone who struggled/struggles with anxiety and depression, it's nice to have an outlet to seek comfort in. I choose to continue believing in God and a higher power solely because it makes me happy and brings me comfort. Nothing wrong with that from my perspective.Just curious, why?
In Heaven of course 👼If dinosaurs were on the ark, where they at now?
My belief is that God incited evolution. Could you find logical fallacies in that belief upon reflection? Sure, but it's easy to poke a hole in anything if you really try.
My point is that while my belief system may not make sense to many, it's fine for me and gives me comfort from a "spiritual" perspective and allows me to remain objective and reasonable when presented with scientific fact. Doesn't have to make sense to other people, it's my belief. At the end of the day, my beliefs are mine alone and at no point should anyone try to sway them - just like I would never try to sway someone else's. We can all have our own beliefs, people can even believe in full-fat creationism if it helps them sleep at night. A person's beliefs should never influence the way in which you view them, nor should it influence the way in which they act.
If dinosaurs were on the ark, where they at now?
Adam and Eve, no. The Bible, at least to me, is a collection of tales containing broad moral lessons, not exactly recountments of real events word for word, play by play. More just broad strokes distilled into narratives that are digestible and offer morals and methods in which to follow the faith.So you believe in evolution and Adam and Eve?
the problem is that unfounded beliefs creates toxic ideas about the world and its people in it, its not only the single unit who thinks that way, but his/her family too, the church, schools, the whole community they have to be part of a system, wich in many cases relies on belief, fear and ignorance to work.and its capable of causing real harm to anyone, psychological or others.My belief is that God incited evolution. Could you find logical fallacies in that belief upon reflection? Sure, but it's easy to poke a hole in anything if you really try.
My point is that while my belief system may not make sense to many, it's fine for me and gives me comfort from a "spiritual" perspective and allows me to remain objective and reasonable when presented with scientific fact. Doesn't have to make sense to other people, it's my belief. At the end of the day, my beliefs are mine alone and at no point should anyone try to sway them - just like I would never try to sway someone else's. We can all have our own beliefs, people can even believe in full-fat creationism if it helps them sleep at night. A person's beliefs should never influence the way in which you view them, nor should it influence the way in which they act.
Wait, how can you believe both that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago and that scientists are right in that it's clearly billions of years old?
Wait, how can you believe both that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago and that scientists are right in that it's clearly billions of years old?
I just know personally that when it comes time to have children of my own, they won't explicitly be raised through my faith persay. While baptism is something I'm definitely interested in having performed, my children will be raised solely on the basis that good morals are good morals and that their personal beliefs, religious or moral, should be used only in a positive way and expressed on a personal level. If my children see it fit to explore different religions and cultures, that will be perfectly fine by me so long as those beliefs don't fester into toxic morals or behaviors.the problem is that unfounded beliefs creates toxic ideas about the world and its people in it, its not only the single unit who thinks that way, but his/her family too, the church, schools, the whole community they have to be part of a system, wich in many cases relies on belief, fear and ignorance to work.and its capable of causing real harm to anyone, psychological or others.
Of course this doesn't apply to you because you use your faith positively and are open minded but its something i keep in mind as important.
Is the US even real?
Honestly surprised given the overall regression on scientific literacy in the US in recent years.
Well, I believe in God and evolution. Admittedly, my belief in God is more from a moral perspective that I was raised in and my belief in evolution stems from undeniable scientific evidence on the matter. I have both because I simply refuse to reject the belief system I was raised on, though I also refuse to ignore basic scientific fact.
I choose to believe in both, my beliefs don't hurt anyone and I surely don't reject fact when presented with it, nor do I force my belief system on anyone else. You can have both beliefs, no harm to it.
My "problem" with it (I put it in quotes because it doesn't bother me on a day-to-day basis) is that it's simply made up.
I could just as easily say that some other magical being caused the Big Bang. Does that mean it's a legitimate alternative? This goes back to my previous post about how we only consider god causing evolution plausible because god has was introduced a long time ago and because it has existed for so long we consider it as a plausible option. It's like, "well god has been around for so long so why couldn't he be the reason?" To me that's intellectually dishonest and touches on several logical fallacies. What I'm saying is it's no more plausible than saying than a flying space unicorn farting caused the Big Bang. That idea hasn't been around for a long time but what makes it any less plausible? There's as little evidence for the god of Abraham starting evolution as the space unicorn fart starting it. I hate to be crude but I dont think my logic is flawed.
I mean as long as it means less religious zealots trying to run science out of school it's fine. It just all seems silly to me when you keep making changes to your beliefs because reality doesn't match the book you are cheery picking from. At what point do you start questioning the entire book and why you are continuing to follow it.
I agree. The mere fact we're talking naked apes with far greater intellect than any other creature on earth is already magical in and of itselfHonestly it shouldn't matter to you why myself or any other Christian holds those beliefs.
Honestly it shouldn't matter to you why myself or any other Christian holds those beliefs.
Honestly it shouldn't matter to you why myself or any other Christian holds those beliefs.
That's the same as Trump's approval rating. Coincidence?