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Crisis at age 25?

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Mike said:
Speaking of, I'm turning 25 this Saturday. It's really weirding me out, in that "What the hell am I doing with my life?" way. Anyone else going through this?

I took this out of Matlock's birthday thread cause we don't need to derail that one.

Well, this is normal. Now, granted, much of my advice comes from my deity, Adam Carolla, and my own personal experiences, but yes, everyone goes thourgh that question several hundred times in their life. Bless you if you feel that you've figured out your life, as you know it, and have preprogrammed your life's goals. I know I did, at 17. I was going to graduate college, be a radio DJ, spin night clubs, and make a boatload of money. Never mind taxes...

Here's the awful truth: men, you won't likely be a blip on anyone's radar at ages 21-28. In your early 20s, you'll be busy finding some sort of identity and question your choice in your career. If you're like me and you feel you know what your career is, you're busy trying to get established. This is the time where you pay your dues, find out what love is, get to sexxin', ruin your liver, and pine over some stupid girl, while dating another one to feed your ego.

So my advice? Just get your shit together, look out for #1 and your family if you care about them, and roll with punches. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about things, go out and experiment, travel, date tons of women, and walk with a swagger (but not with a chip on your shoulder) cause you'll be hell of a lot better to hang with than moping around feeling sorry for yourself.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm 25 in a month. Quarter of the way baby!


Great stuff!

My birthday was on Tuesday and I realized that I'm exactly where I want to be in my life right now, and that was really nice to know.
there's actually a quarter-life crisis. There was an absolutely useless book written about it by some women a while back. While the book acknowledges the problem it offers little in the way of actually helping people deal with it.


I turned 26 a month and half ago. Crisis? Nah. Although I am now coming to terms with my mortality. I guess statistically, I'm about 8 years from my official midlife crisis, but there are a lot of things I need to do before then. So, I've basically set in motion the wheels that will take me to my final destination. I'm getting a sports car, I'm gonna start doing some autocrossing so I can maybe move up to sports car racing. Then, I'm going to start traveling. Cali first, maybe for a year. Then either Asia or Europe. I keep pushing this big move back, but I don't want to push it past 28. I'm now timing my moves, and I honestly want to see the world before I go. And I want to be able to do all the cool and wild things there are out there. I can't wait until retirement for that, I gotta do it while I'm young. So I'm gonna travel the world, with any luck, land myself in some sports car or open-wheel racing tour by my mid-30's. If not, I'll just globetrot as a teacher, b/c that will work as well.

It's not wrong to panic at this point. Everyone does. You just gotta accept that what other people think means fuck all. It's all about doing what you want to do. Choose something and go for it, but don't sit around and wait or second-guess it. That's when you start procrastinating, and that's when the dream fades away. PEACE.
WasabiKing has quickly become my favorite poster on GAF.


+1 WasabiKing for telling it like it is.

Doth Togo

WasabiKing said:
I took this out of Matlock's birthday thread cause we don't need to derail that one.

Well, this is normal. Now, granted, much of my advice comes from my deity, Adam Carolla, and my own personal experiences, but yes, everyone goes thourgh that question several hundred times in their life. Bless you if you feel that you've figured out your life, as you know it, and have preprogrammed your life's goals. I know I did, at 17. I was going to graduate college, be a radio DJ, spin night clubs, and make a boatload of money. Never mind taxes...

Here's the awful truth: men, you won't likely be a blip on anyone's radar at ages 21-28. In your early 20s, you'll be busy finding some sort of identity and question your choice in your career. If you're like me and you feel you know what your career is, you're busy trying to get established. This is the time where you pay your dues, find out what love is, get to sexxin', ruin your liver, and pine over some stupid girl, while dating another one to feed your ego.

So my advice? Just get your shit together, look out for #1 and your family if you care about them, and roll with punches. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about things, go out and experiment, travel, date tons of women, and walk with a swagger (but not with a chip on your shoulder) cause you'll be hell of a lot better to hang with than moping around feeling sorry for yourself.

IAWTP. Remeber, 3 heads are better than 2. :D

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
**sits down and reads Theraputic Session #164 with Dr. WasabiKing**

**lies down on the couch and awaits the doctor's analysis**

I'm just sharing some knowledge I wish someone had told me when I was 21. Would have made life a bit easier, and a hell of a lot more fun. That's why I scoff at threads about people saying that they're going to marry the girl they dated at 16. My advice is just out there, I don't need to be the answer man or all knowing, I could be wrong for some of you, but I can tell you, I'm livin' life the way I want to, and I'm very happy with the way things are for me...

And I usually hate the "if I can do it all over again" stuff, but if so, the only thing I would have done differently was take time off to travel and see how the other side of the world lives. Do a pub crawl in London... AND Scotland. Race through the autobahn in a junker, you know, crazy stuff.

So all you kids out there, do everything you want before it's too late...


What a positive, enlightening thread! Seriously. That was a great post. It's stuff you may realize, but having someone else say it so succinctly is always a pleasure.

I'm 20. And beginning to realize this is the time where I've got to do crazy shit and just fuck the consequences. I'm such a careful person, though. I need to kick that.
Socreges said:
And beginning to realize this is the time where I've got to do crazy shit and just fuck the consequences. I'm such a careful person, though. I need to kick that.

Just don't get drunk and run around like a maniac, or worse, drive drunk. Common sense still prevails over all, but if you want to stuff like jump out of an airplane with a chute, go for it.


WasabiKing said:
Just don't get drunk and run around like a maniac, or worse, drive drunk. Common sense still prevails over all, but if you want to stuff like jump out of an airplane with a chute, go for it.
With a chute? Dude, you don't know how to live!


Ugh, so true, so true.

I was most likely to succeed in my High School yearbook. I can't point to one thing in my life that has been a success... I graduated college, but it's not like it was hard to get a History degree or anything. I'm 27 as of 15 minutes ago(yee haw, my birthday is the day after Matlock's) and I feel the fear of being thirty and not having done jack shit creeping up on me. I look around at my friends and peers and feel obligated to measure my lack of accomplishments up against theirs(my friend Jacob just shot a feature film, for fuck's sakes) and when I do this I wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life... posting on forums, mostly. I think I need to redefine my life, shift the paradigm, yadyadayada. I shouldn't have to feel like I'm going through a quarter life crisis, but I DO.


Heh, I just poured myself a Jack and Coke. Now I'm going to clean my room, but don't worry I won't post a thread about how my girlfriend Rosy Palm and her five sisters helped me do it.


raoul, look at the bright side...i thought you were way older from that picture you posted. :/
anyway, i think you are one of the funniest posters here for sure.
to the original poster, very well said. im gonna be 24 this year...and have gone through some dramatic ups and downs the past 2 years or so. i lost all my childhood friends due to mutual differences, we just grew up to be different people...but i had such a hard time to get rid of the self pity and stop blaming others, in fact it still comes back from time to time. as in "oh they did this..." "they did that..." "its all their fault..." "why am i such a loser..." "i was never good neough for them..." blah blah blah.
in the back of my mind i always knew i should just move on and get a life, meet new people that are more similar to me and so forth, but its just pretty tough to do.
but finally, for the last six months or so i have been getting over my past and finally starting to move on.
this post of yours resonates very well with me.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I turn 23 this september and have been feeling like shit lately because I have NOTHING going for me in my life and have absolutely zero direction, and I'll be coming out of college with pretty much no friends and never having been in a real relationship with a girl. The bright side? I suppose, I'm still in my early 20s. That's pretty much it though. I've just become kinda jaded on life and have been kinda depressed lately, and feel like I've forgotten how to have fun. I mean saying "go out and party motherfucker!" is one thing, but doing it while trying to support yourself on a shit minimum wage job and just trying to get by is another. I just don't know what I'm going to do after college. Jumping out of a plane with or without a chute is definitely on my to-do list, though.


The pretentious uninspired John Mayer refers to your problem as a "quarterlife crisis," ah yes. When I forced myself to see him live last summer, I wasn't going through that, but it most certainly was some other type of crisis.

I blame John Mayer. For both your problems and mine. Let's get him.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Doing something with your life if highly overrated.

I blame John Mayer. For both your problems and mine. Let's get him.

I'm with you dude. Some girl told me I had nice John Mayer hair once.....I almost hit her in the face.
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