Cronos: The New Dawn - concept art & new info from Bloober Team


Gold Member

Cronos: The New Dawn – Conceptualizing Sci-Fi Survival Horror!
A never-before-seen collection of concept art pieces from our upcoming game


Fellow Travelers!

As the end of the year draws near and winter holiday season is almost upon us, we would like to leave you with a small gift. We are thrilled by the support we’ve received since revealing Cronos: The New Dawn and by all the love you’ve shown us throughout the whole year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today we’d like to share a few pieces of concept art from Cronos and spice them up with a little more context. Yes… we are still a bit secretive since we are cooking up a lot of cool stuff for you in 2025.

But when it comes to the art shown below, we have curated images related to the game’s protagonist, as well as to the world itself with its various enemies and all the enigmatic technology you’ll find in the game.

Check it out below!


“The work of the Travelers is eternal. But the tools that serve us are just... crude matter.”


The first concept we would like to show you depicts the futuristic suit of the Traveler. It hides a few surprises – each of them very helpful when it comes to survival in the ravaged wasteland.

The world of New Dawn will often put your Traveler’s gear to the test. Whether it‘s a tense combat sequence, exploration, gathering resources, or traversal through the desolate parts of the city – the suit’s functionalities and additional tech will definitely come in handy.

Time travel and dealing with temporal anomalies are no exceptions.


“All citizens approaching the quarantine zone of Steelworks are obliged to follow the rules established by (…). Only by submitting to them will we defeat the plague!”


As you might have already noticed, the setting of Cronos will let you visit 1980s-era Poland. The exact location is not a coincidence… some of our team members pass by these very sights when travelling to the office from the city each day.

Bloober Team had its start in Kraków, one of the former capitals of Poland, so the city is very special to us. We are tied to its history, traditions and general vibe, and we’ve already referred to it quite often in our previous games.

When it comes to the twisted time-travel journey depicted in Cronos, we will be letting you explore New Dawn, a district heavily inspired by real-life Nowa Huta, one of Kraków’s actual areas.

The district of New Dawn itself is a monument of Brutalist architecture. It was once a place filled with people and life, but when The Change occurred – it turned into a hollow, barren wasteland.
The places you’ll visit in Cronos also feature tons of details connected to Polish culture and history, such as interior design elements, cars and the general atmosphere of Kraków as it was in the 1980s.

If you plan to visit our city anytime soon, just stop by the Central Square in Nowa Huta – maybe you’ll recognize some of the spots from our CGI trailer. 😉


“Patient information forms confirm several common early symptoms: high fever; cold shivers; fainting; appetite loss; limb numbness; hallucinations; severe sudden eyesight deterioration.”


The enemies you will encounter wile roaming through the grim wastelands of New Dawn are born from the remnants of humanity. As we want to save the details about their origin and behaviour for a special occasion, we can only tell you one thing for now: in Cronos you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled and watch your step, for danger lurks around every corner.

A quiet resource scavenging session can turn into a pulse-pounding struggle for survival in the blink of an eye. Both combat and navigating the world will require focus, a tactical approach and the ability to plan ahead. We cannot wait to show you more!


“Survive the nightmare of the future to save what remains of the past”


As an agent of the mysterious Collective you will travel through time in order to locate key people from the past and extract their essences. This journey would not be possible without the retro-futuristic tech at your disposal.

The extraction process is conducted with a powerful tool known as the Harvester, which is attached to the Traveler’s gauntlet. Besides that, you will also witness strange technological artifacts in several locations throughout the game.

What function do they serve in a world where a mysterious catastrophe seemingly wiped out all of humanity? And how do they tie into the story of your character and your overall mission?

Pave the path of the Traveler and you might just find your answers…


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Getting Scorn vibes from those designs, cool stuff.


The nicest person on this forum
They did great job with Silent Hill 2, I’m more than happy give this game a chance.
A quiet resource scavenging session can turn into a pulse-pounding struggle for survival in the blink of an eye. Both combat and navigating the world will require focus, a tactical approach and the ability to plan ahead.
This makes it sound like they give you a lot of freedom to explore, instead of it being a linear survival horror game. Looks and sounds exciting.

If they would've released this trailer a year ago I would shrug and move on, but Bloober is responsible for my 2024 GOTY now. So things are different.


Getting Scorn vibes from that abomination design. Not bad. Scorn gave me one of the most unique game experiences in my life.
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