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Crowbcat soul vs soulles Resident Evil 4 Remake

What is shitting except for the title? Its just comparison clips.

And I never claimed to play the whole game. I played the village section. That was enough for me to see the changes in controls, enemy reaction, lighting and art design. I played that original demo on GameCube like 100x. Of course I'm happy to see someone compile extensive comparison clips because I was literally trying to do this with my hdmi channels at home.

I still intend to buy thr remake but my initial impressions were pretty poor. I've kept quiet about it while everyone else discussed how perfect it is. This thread finally speaks to my experience so far. Of course that may change when I play the full game. Im still allowed to talk about it.
The demo is not great. It is less polished than the final release in graphics and responsiveness. I think the Mercenaries-like version of levels in the remake are much better. There is definitely more tankiness to enemies though. Mercenaries is also the best it has ever been if that's up your alley.
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One of the best bits with Chris is the computer in the lab. Jill touch types and has a more subdued reaction when she gets the code wrong. Chris on the otherhand chicken pecks at the keys, I mean he can't do anything else so why should be able to type, and slams his fist on keyboard when he screws up.
Dude, you are really making me itch to play through OG RE as Chris sometime this weekend. lol.


Gold Member
Man, GAF gets so militant when you try to shit on daddy Capcom.

I know what i'm making my next thread about...

Honestly it's the same names every time who are just militant about everything, long as its the cinematic third person action game of the month.

It's weird because I throughly enjoyed my time with the Dead Space Remake, but iv been generally disappointed with the RE4 one. I think iv not enjoyed it more on a mechanical level, but perhaps it was all these changes to the ambience of the game that made it feel more generic for me.
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I played remake
Then played original HD textures + hd_tweaks
Then played remake again.... and I could barely finish it again.

I do recognize the remake as a fantastic game but it's not as good as re2make and resi4 original is just a different beast.
Was way late to RE4 a few years ago, but loved it.

downloaded the remake demo and didn’t get into it or finish it.


Solid video. Crowbcat's done a lot of similar videos in the past and the format here is exactly the same, but none of his older videos have gotten nearly as much backlash as this one. Now that it's criticizing the new hotness, which apparently has some sort of consensus that it's good (as if anyone should fucking care about that), suddenly this video goes from being his typically insightful commentary to 'clickbait' and 'contrarianism'. Just laughable how opinions sour when the sacred cow is being mocked.

I think because the games in previous videos were several years old when they got theirs, people had more time to digest what they really thought of them. Opinions change with the times very quickly - MGS4 and Halo Infinite were GAF game of the years for example, now they are either derided online or forgotten. It seems like this video is rustling a few jimmies because RE4 Remake still has the new game smell. Give it a few years and perhaps the video will age far far better than people imagine.


Dude, you are really making me itch to play through OG RE as Chris sometime this weekend. lol.

Remake had fantastic environments
Absolutely average RE Engine environments, within the same franchise less artistically stimulating and visually cohesive than RE2R & RE3R (spot-on Softimage Pre-Render aesthetic), Village and especially OG RE4.

and great audio design, what are you even talking about?
Ordinary and by the numbers audio design, technically miles better than OG of course and yet plain and uninspired, complemented by some of the worst voice acting in mainstream AAA gaming in years.
If you want a great audio design in recent Resident Evil games, guns SFX and VO aside it's RE2R.

It's weird because I throughly enjoyed my time with the Dead Space Remake
Not weird at all, Dead Space: Remake is legit and plays like nothing else.
That one also got some things worse than its OG, fact is those truly were unimportant details and most of the time debatable anyway.
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Nah, they did my man Barry dirty in REmake. He just comes off as a total dick, his internal conflict is handled much better in the OG, bad voice acting and all.

Revelations 2 even shows as much. They went back to Barry's original character model and his personality/voice is 1996 Barry all day, no semblance to REMake Barry whatsoever.

I also think the tank controls are tighter in 1996 RE. They're more floaty in REmake.

Nobody cares about Barry :messenger_sunglasses:

Nothing, for the game that it is, the problem is the game that is sucks by todays standards. In 2005, a revelation, but it was a first draft for a reason. This ain't just a horror game like the first 3, moving like a tank isn't cool, fun or even tense anymore, and they know it aswell hence why they changed it even for the non-action titles like RE2.
No, people nowadays just don't have the patience to learn non-standard controls hence why every AAA game has to play the same. Og RE4 plays better than the remake, it's much more responsive, for starters.


Gold Member
waiting for "demons souls remake is souless too"

Well, the remake certainly missed the mark with the music... and some of the voice acting... and a few of the enemy redesigns... and some of the environmental design...

One could actually very easily argue it lacks soul compared to the original underneath the new coat of paint.
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Solid video. Crowbcat's done a lot of similar videos in the past and the format here is exactly the same, but none of his older videos have gotten nearly as much backlash as this one. Now that it's criticizing the new hotness, which apparently has some sort of consensus that it's good (as if anyone should fucking care about that), suddenly this video goes from being his typically insightful commentary to 'clickbait' and 'contrarianism'. Just laughable how opinions sour when the sacred cow is being mocked.

I think because the games in previous videos were several years old when they got theirs, people had more time to digest what they really thought of them. Opinions change with the times very quickly - MGS4 and Halo Infinite were GAF game of the years for example, now they are either derided online or forgotten. It seems like this video is rustling a few jimmies because RE4 Remake still has the new game smell. Give it a few years and perhaps the video will age far far better than people imagine.

People were fellating the second remake too, despite its clear flaws. It is like some people just want all the games in the series to play the same or else they are garbage.
It is pretty pathetic. You even have people asking them to remake 1 again ao it can play exactly like the other remakes, lol.
Wow this guy has a knack for inspiring me to dislike games I previously had no opinion on. Pretty hard to cherry pick like 100 a/b comparisons. I tried the demo and it plays really smooth and looks good, but hard to argue with the atmosphere downgrade.

Dr. Claus


Absolutely average RE Engine environments, within the same franchise less artistically stimulating and visually cohesive than RE2R & RE3R (spot-on Softimage Pre-Render aesthetic), Village and especially OG RE4.

Ordinary and by the numbers audio design, technically miles better than OG of course and yet plain and uninspired, complemented by some of the worst voice acting in mainstream AAA gaming in years.
If you want a great audio design in recent Resident Evil games, guns SFX and VO aside it's RE2R.

Not weird at all, Dead Space: Remake is legit and plays like nothing else.
That one also got some things worse than its OG, fact is those truly were unimportant details and most of the time debatable anyway.
Sure Jan GIF


The original has its qualities but it's another boomer case of "childhood experience couldn't be 100% replicated so game is trash".

I wouldn't call the remake "soulless" knife combat was a great addition too.
I haven't played either the original nor the Remake and I think the original has a bit more personality and charm to it. Not everyone is blinded by nostalgia.


I dont know who this guy is watched a few mintues and Imma keep it that way. I thought the video was a Crowbar releasing a resident evil 4 song. It hurts that it's not that


No, people nowadays just don't have the patience to learn non-standard controls hence why every AAA game has to play the same.

Og RE4 plays better than the remake, it's much more responsive, for starters.
Infinitely better reticle as well.

People were fellating the second remake too, despite its clear flaws. It is like some people just want all the games in the series to play the same or else they are garbage.
It is pretty pathetic. You even have people asking them to remake 1 again ao it can play exactly like the other remakes, lol.
The second Remake was the wet dream incarnated of 90's survival horror fans though.

Flaws or not (it had many), it got the very best gore ever in a game, the very best zombies ever in any media which were, at least in games, actually scary for the first time in decades.
Game structure, first portion especially, was addicting and immaculate and playing it the very first run at Hardcore brought me right back to my room as a kid playing the OG.

Brilliant experience, a great and super replayable game, with insane graphics and fluid and responsive controls (I suggest to play without reticle though).


OG RE4 and RE4R both have something to offer. You want over the top campy horror? Go with OG RE4. You want something that takes it's horror elements more seriously? Go with RE4R. Both games are fantastic, both games can co-exist, and both games have their place.

Boiling it down to Soul vs. Soulless is honestly the worst way you can describe these two games.


Gold Member
I would rank the remakes:

RE3 >> RE4 > RE2 >> RE1

With that said, I hate the original RE3, love the original RE1, enjoy the original RE2, and love/hate different segments of RE4. This remake is very competent in its quality of life changes, but some changes in direction are dissappointing (looking at you defective knife collection, emo Ada, and Sancho-lover).
re1 needs a now remake in the re2 remake way.


Not a bad comparison video. There are definitely things I prefer in the original and things I like better in the remake.
It's funny that people get so upset with the title when "soul vs soulless" is a pretty old meme at this point.


Man that sound design in the original is top notch

I'd say some of the direction choices are just better in the original for evoking tension and fear. Some of the cheesier stuff I can do without

Also think a more muted colour pallette and all the dead trees suited the game better
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Crowbcat is shit, he appeals to casual normie gamers you see on Youtube, the type that loses their shit over GTA. I'd avoid, also extremely lazy youtuber.


Just gonna leave this here, but Crowbcat fucked with the decibels so the ambient sound in the Remake in his "Soul vs. Soulless" video sound quieter than it actually is.

Not a bad comparison video. There are definitely things I prefer in the original and things I like better in the remake.
It's funny that people get so upset with the title when "soul vs soulless" is a pretty old meme at this point.

Because calling the Remake "Soulless" is just a bad take. A really bad take. It's a great game, whether it's better than the Original or not.
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I haven't even played the Remake yet, but knew the audio was edited or at least not normalized. Could easily tell during cutscenes when NPCs speak.
It was flat out noticeable for me because I'm playing through the remake right now and have visited some of those areas recently and it didn't feel muted. There's things you can cherrypick or complain about, but fucking with the sound levels to make one appear worse than the other is plain dishonest.


The art in the castle segment is probably the poorest handled aspect of the remake. For the original game, Capcom sent people over to Spain to take hundreds of photos for research purposes. A lot these ended up as textures in the game. The creator of the RE4 HD mod, Albert Martin, was even able to find these in real life and take higher-res photos for his mod.

It's sad that the remake basically ignores a lot of the original team's research and just opts to re-imagine the castle as a generic spooky medieval thing farted out from the artist's minds. It's no longer something carefully designed to resemble the region where the game is set. The comparison at 14:28 is especially damning. Some very true-to-life architecture and brickwork in the original - trashed for what looks like bricks downloaded straight from a Quixel Megascans texture library, and replete with an ugly copy pasted window model across the surface.

Another example is at 14:32 and 14:43 in the video. We can see all the incredible, ornate artwork decorating the castle interiors is replaced by some dull stonework (which looks like it was lifted from the RE Village castle). The only thing i'd hazard to call an improvement is some of the exteriors, like the hedge maze, but then that has its own problem of the new plagas wolf design looking goofy as shit.
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The art in the castle segment is probably the poorest handled aspect of the remake. For the original game, Capcom sent people over to Spain to take hundreds of photos for research purposes. A lot these ended up as textures in the game. The creator of the RE4 HD mod, Albert Martin, was even able to find these in real life and take higher-res photos for his mod.

It's sad that the remake basically ignores a lot of the original team's research and just opts to re-imagine the castle as a generic spooky medieval thing farted out from the artist's minds. It's no longer something carefully designed to resemble the region where the game is set. The comparison at 14:28 is especially damning. Some very true-to-life architecture and brickwork in the original - trashed for what looks like bricks downloaded straight from a Quixel Megascans texture library, and replete with an ugly copy pasted window model across the surface.

Another example is at 14:32 and 14:43 in the video. We can see all the incredible, ornate artwork decorating the castle interiors is replaced by some dull stonework (which looks like it was lifted from the RE Village castle). The only thing i'd hazard to call an improvement is some of the exteriors, like the hedge maze, but then that his its own problem with the new plagas wolf design looking goofy as shit.

I really love the design of the Castle in the Remake. The OG Castle is great but also too well lit for my taste. I have no idea where the lighting is coming from half the time.
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What time is it?
As someone who had a lot of fun with the remake, crowbcat's video is great as usual even if the title is a little clickbait'ish. Artistry can't be easily overtaken just by higher fidelity assets and remakes don't often supplant their original works. A lot of the additions to the remake are pointless and a lot of the cuts of the original are missed. The original is the game that I'll return to and play every year or two.


This is a clown shoes take. But crowbcats smooth brain can only cagegorize things as “old good new bad!”. No one should take his opinions seriously


A lot of the stuff in this video is just misleading/wrong.

Enemies can sidestep you when aiming at their head like in the original, once you beat the game the “Resident Evil 4” voice will play when hitting “Start Game” (or is it when you turn on original OST, not sure), etc.


Gold Member
Some of the stuff cut out of R4MAKE does bother me...but it's a great effort nonetheless.

I do think the original has a more consistent look. It's tough, though, because R4MAKE does so much right.

Dr. Claus

As someone who had a lot of fun with the remake, crowbcat's video is great as usual even if the title is a little clickbait'ish. Artistry can't be easily overtaken just by higher fidelity assets and remakes don't often supplant their original works. A lot of the additions to the remake are pointless and a lot of the cuts of the original are missed. The original is the game that I'll return to and play every year or two.

His takes are bad and outright false. He literally lies multiple times and changed sound levels to prove non-existent points. Dude is a scam artist in this video.


RE4Remake is absolutely excellent and is one of the few remakes that gets the original's atmosphere down very well. I think a lot of people here are genuinely mistaking the original's "excellent atmosphere" (in comparison to the remake I mean) by not realizing how absolutely dull the lighting is in OG RE4 and how compressed to hell and back the sounds are which make them sound "eerier" to some people.

I know you can't please anyone but I swear some people are just being ridiculous, I fucking hate most modern games and I absolutely adore RE4Remake, its amazing and probably better than the original game.


I watched the video, feels more like a comparison piece. Personally the game feels like a side grade, they're both different enough that they both stand on their own.I will say tonally the new game is a lot more inconsistent. They tried to make the it more grounded, but there's still too many fantastical elements to give it gravity.The old game understood that and made it more toung and cheek.The new games feels too reserved for what's going on.
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I watched the video, feels more like a comparison piece. Personally the game feels like a side grade, they're both different enough that they both stand on their own.I will say tonally the new game is a lot more inconsistent. They tried to make the it more grounded, but there's still too many fantastical elements to give it levity.The old game understood that and made it more toung and cheek.The new games feels too reserved for what's going on.

Yeah, RE4 is too batshit stupid at its very core that making it more serious was never going to really work without basically rebuilding it from the ground up. At least they were able to fix the combat and actually make the ganados worth a damn.
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