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CS:Source, Stress Test?


Where the heck did this come from?



I got confused. CS:S and the Stress test are two different benchmarks. We will have to wait for the final game to ship I guess.

Concerning CS:S as a benchmark...

marsomega said:
Counter Strike: Source = says nothing.

You should really throw those results out the window. What they don't highlight is that there are graphical options (from what I hear, lots of them) that can't be turned on. And CS:S doesn't push anywhere near what has been seen in Half Life 2 from other sources.

Also, this is an earlier build . Another reason CS:S benchmarks are pointless.

I find that benchmark to be a little suspicious. It just doesn't seem feasible that there would be THAT massive of a difference.

Until I see some benchmarks of the full game in action, I take these results with a grain of salt.

Here's another set of benchmarks that tell a different story. Ati still is quicker in HL2 (which is to be expected), but the rediculous gap in performance isn't there any more.



I'm waiting for the shipped game. Doom 3 doesn't run as bad on my ATI hardware (9700 PRO) as the websites made it out to be. Think the same thing applies to Half Life 2.


Considering there's like three announced games using the Source engine that I really want to play, as opposed to no games using the Doom3 engine that I want to play, obviously I care more about Source performance than Doom3 engine performance.


Heh, that bench is fine.

However, it is a bit misleading though. You aren't going to be running your gF 6800 in 8XAA. It kiills performance. Drop that to 4XAA and the GF6800U will be right around the X800XTPE numbers.

Hmm, i just saw the second set of 4XAA8AF benches, maybe not.

However, is the X800PRO a bit weaksauce or what? The 300 dollar 6800 is keeping up with it!


Even with everything set at max the X800 XT is still going over 60 fps. So people will be using Temporal AA and getting 12x AA. :eek


Mrbob said:
Heh, that bench is fine.

However, it is a bit misleading though. You aren't going to be running your gF 6800 in 8XAA. It kiills performance. Drop that to 4XAA and the GF6800U will be right around the X800XTPE numbers.

Hmm, i just saw the second set of 4XAA8AF benches, maybe not.

However, is the X800PRO a bit weaksauce or what? The 300 dollar 6800 is keeping up with it!

Its the 16 pipes of the GT that keep it in the game really. CS:S loves fill rate at which the X800 XT PE has plenty to spare. (A big advantage compared to the 6800 class).


So those tests include the 6800GT overclock? That's a bit better, then. It's confusing because the benches says BFG 6800OC, which is the name of the 12 pipe non ultra non GT card BFG makes. They need to fix this error.


Mrbob said:
So those tests include the 6800GT overclock? That's a bit better, then. It's confusing because the benches says BFG 6800OC, which is the name of the non ultra non GT card BFG makes. They need to fix this error.

Agreed question marks all over. The 30% is acceptable on the X800 XT PE, as it has the fill rate advantage plus the DX9 paths which the X800 comes out on top anyway. These benchmarks show a huge gap. We are talking 45 to 60%. (off the top of my head).


The entire array of Driver Heaven benches are off it seems. Many people w/ both cards reporting much closer numbers -- closer to what Gamer's Depot is reporting.

I say wait until the major hardware sites get articles up.


Firing Squad has come through with some benches! Here is the article:


Confirms that Nvidia cards below the 6800 series run in DX8 mode. Also can see the difference between the 6800 and the other high powered cards (6800GT, X800PRO, X800XT, 6800Ultra). 6800 doesn't hold up nearly as well in these benches. But the 6800 seems to smack around the 9800 though....


Mrbob said:
Firing Squad has come through with some benches! Here is the article:


Confirms that Nvidia cards below the 6800 series run in DX8 mode. Also can see the difference between the 6800 and the other high powered cards (6800GT, X800PRO, X800XT, 6800Ultra). 6800 doesn't hold up nearly as well in these benches. But the 6800 seems to smack around the 9800 though....

You really can't compare the vanilla 6800 to the 9800. We need an X800 SE for that. (vanilla 8 piped X800).

So far, I'm really lilking the pics from the stress test.


the 6800 vanilla is sorta the in-between of the 9800xt and the 6800gt. It only has 128mb of RAM, so it keeps it from being in the same class as the 6800GT/x800 Pro --- but its fast rendering performance keeps it from being in the same class as a 9800xt


Yeah, on a whole, the 6800 vanilla is really impressive. Especially since prices have come down to about $275 on the card. I'm actually contemplating selling off my 9800PRO and getting a 6800 vanilla. But if I do that I might as well go with the GT.

Although sometimes these benches confuse me a bit. Take a look at this page:


I have a 9800PRO O/C to 425/385, above 9800XT speeds. At the 1024 X 768 4xaa/8af bench the 9800PRO 128MB scores 48 fps average, but then the 9800PRO 256MB scores 61? Ehhh what? Texture usage that big of deal? If it is, why does the vanilla 6800 score so high it is only 128MB as well....but then the 9800XT scores 77 fps and that is another 16 fps jump over the 256 radeon 9800. So bumping up the core and clock from 380/340 to 412/365 makes that big of a difference?


woh, compare the screenshots. THere's some obvious differences in texture quality between the ati shots and the nvidia shots

i smell optimizations :/


Tenguman said:
woh, compare the screenshots. THere's some obvious differences in texture quality between the ati shots and the nvidia shots

i smell optimizations :/

Which shots you talking about? The FX shots? The game is running in DX 8 mode for Nvidia cards underneath the 6800 series while ATI cards run in DX9 mode.
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