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CW Confirms Arrow/Flash Spin-Off Superhero team show starring ATOM/Firestorm/CC/BC

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haha, wow, enormous arrow/flash spoilers just from the casting. I would be legit surprised if they went
full flashpoint
this early on, though, like some are speculating.
I wish they'd get rid of Captain Cold, he's been the worst part of Flash.

I think you mean the best. Wentworth Miller was born to play that role. He's hilariously hammy, and Dominic Purcell is great as Heat Wave, too.

I dunno if this is too much of CW blowing its wad, though. I'd rather see Captain Cold/Firestorm be regularly recurring on the Flash show. However, if this is just a plan to nail them down as regulars on one show so they don't have to worry about their recurring stars being scooped up by another show, and therefore still have Firestorm, Captain Cold, etc. show up in Flash I'll be cool with that. I wonder what city they'll put all these people in.

I think Robbie isn't going to be on the show because he's gonna end up being a regular on the Flash, though. He's gotta stay connected to Caitlin.
I wish they'd get rid of Captain Cold, he's been the worst part of Flash.



Firestorm without Firestorm? How are they going to do that? Seems dumb. Maybe they'll recast?

Why isn't Adam Strange in this?
Is that Teen Titans show still happening i wanna see live action Starfire
I bet you do.
I just can't stand seeing an actor i know to be someone else within the universe of a show playing someone else in said universe in another spin-off show (it takes me out of it) - it comes from my Buffy and Angel days (Joss did this a few times),
Who, exactly? Knox? That's all I can really think of. Oh, and I guess Luke/The Judge. Those are all minor save for Knox, though. Don't see why they'd bother you. Anyone else is extraordinarily minor characters.


Bet they use the other Firestorm; Jason Rusch and he'll be bounded to Stein. Plus it would add some diversity to the group as he's a black guy.


I guess this means Jason Rusch is stepping up.

Or Victor Garber is going to be the den mother for this new team.

They barely established Jason Rusch and the actor wasn't exactly dynamic. An older, wiser character as a den mother does make a lot of sense though. He'd probably bounce off Ray well.

I wish they'd get rid of Captain Cold, he's been the worst part of Flash.

You have awful taste. Just atrocious.



I love boobs just as much as the next gaffer, but there is a point where it is just ridiculous. Cleavage is fine, but it's like they have the world's biggest push up bra stuffed in there. She's popping out every single scene!

It's just overboard for me unless that's intentional and from the comics or something


If Robbie really isn't going to be in this, I bet Stephen is really disappointed. This is probably the best opportunity for them to be in the same show together.


I love boobs just as much as the next gaffer, but there is a point where it is just ridiculous. Cleavage is fine, but it's like they have the world's biggest push up bra stuffed in there. She's popping out every single scene!

It's just overboard for me unless that's intentional and from the comics or something
Where do they get these insane push up bras is what I wanna know.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I love boobs just as much as the next gaffer, but there is a point where it is just ridiculous. Cleavage is fine, but it's like they have the world's biggest push up bra stuffed in there. She's popping out every single scene!

It's just overboard for me unless that's intentional and from the comics or something

Where do they get these insane push up bras is what I wanna know.

It's a corset. They have to cut her out of it when they're done filming. No joke.

Even with how ridiculously pushed up everything is, it's still a relatively safe version of the costume. While there have been a few different versions, most look like this:


So, yeah, better or worse depending on where you stand I guess.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
As someone who doesn't have cable and can only keep up with Arrow on Netflix, I'm kinda peeved I just got spoiled about Sarah :(

It's on the CW, an over-the-air broadcaster. It's also put up on the CW website the day after.

Not saying it doesn't suck to be spoiled, but it happens early in Season 3 and with roughly a year or so wait time until it'd come to Netlfix, the onus is on you to avoid potentially spoiler filled threads.


To me it sounds like an "Atom and friends" kind of deal. Maybe Atom will be the main character? And I really hate Captain Cold in Flash but am happy to see the Canary is joining the show.

I wish they'd get rid of Captain Cold, he's been the worst part of Flash.
This so much!

And I wish this show didn't happen, and that they would get their asses together and FIX Arrow instead.


It's a corset. They have to cut her out of it when they're done filming. No joke.

Even with how ridiculously pushed up everything is, it's still a relatively safe version of the costume. While there have been a few different versions, most look like this:


So, yeah, better or worse depending on where you stand I guess.

I mean I guess if it's intentional to the point that she has to be cut out of it, I can deal. I personally would prefer the look from the comics with the cleavage, something about the massive push up effect bothers me


I wouldn't draw too much conclusions about the Amell thing, it seems mostly speculation just like the fact Garber is listed as Firestorm. ATOM is probably the only one that we can be sure off. Miller could be just as well Citizen Cold if this is some alternate reality thing or some superhero re-imagination and they can't confirm who Caity Lotz plays. So why think they're certainly right about their Amell doom and gloom? At the moment we don't know on which show Luc Roderique ends up. If he is meant to be on this show too, than we know Garber remains Firestorm. If he stays on The Flash, Amell is probably there for Firestorm.

On the other hand, Ronnie dead = Caitlin + Barry!
People in the comments of that article think:
Flash is gonna go back in time ala Flashpoint and change the past so Sara isn't dead and Ronnie isnt part of Firestorm, etc...

While I want this to happen
Flashpoint, would make for an amazing season of Flash and what better way to follow up this season of Flash than Flashpoint for season 2?
, I'd rather it not happen if that's the end result.
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