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Cyberpunk 2077 HypeTrain | Just breathe (No leaks)

What platform are you going to play on?

  • PC

    Votes: 612 50.1%
  • PS4 Amateur

    Votes: 84 6.9%
  • PS4 Pro

    Votes: 139 11.4%
  • XBox 1

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Xbox 1 X

    Votes: 130 10.6%
  • Waiting for the next gen

    Votes: 377 30.9%
  • Stadia

    Votes: 13 1.1%

  • Total voters
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Are these are some of the worst facial animation we've seen in a long time? Their mouth movement doesn't correspond to what they are saying.

Scotty W

I‘m trying to be excited for this game as I adore The Witcher... but there’s something that ‘s just not clicking with me. I think it’s because there’s nothing here about the storyline that‘s grabbed me. It all feels a bit pedestrian so far. Maybe it’s the fact you don’t play as defined character 🤷🏻‍♂️ Glad lots of you are hyped for it, but with all the delays, and the footage that’s come out, my interests gets less and less.
I have never played a Witcher game and I have not been following the development of this game at all. But I just watched a video above on Arusaka, and I was very impressed.

I honestly don’t think that even the best videogames have good narratives. If you take the narrative from the game and then compare it with a good film or novel, the stories are strange shapeless things. But in the context of the game, you don’t notice.

Think of a few examples. The story, in terms of storytelling, in FF7 is ridiculous, but the characters and lore are what make it great.

Or Zelda. The story is paper thin, everytime, but you don’t notice because of the world and the lore.

Watching the above video on Arusaka, I was very impressed by the lore. Maybe there is no predefined character... but it might be useful to recall why Miyamoto gave Link that particular name: “I wanted him to be a link between the player and the game.”


Or Zelda. The story is paper thin, everytime, but you don’t notice because of the world and the lore.

It depends on what you mean with narrative and storytelling. Most movies have a paper thin story as well. But if you take the Witcher3, RDR2 or TLoU into account things look very different. Interactive media like videogames have the inherent advantage that the playing itself is part of the story (you walk within a movie so to say). Even an almost non-existent story of let's say Demon Souls can outclass a well directed movie by a country mile, because the experience is directly tight to your engament within the story. You simply cannot sepertate the narrative, lore, experience within the world from the term 'story'. They are often indistinguishable.


I'm not sure if it has been said, but the campaign will be shorter than The Witcher 3, one of the quest designers said it in the post event of Night City Wire today.

Two of the main reasons were:
- Complaints received from the game being too long.

- Metrics, huge % of the player base didn't finish the game.
I don’t mind that. There’s plenty other stuff to do in the game even more than TW3


Tbh is hard to be hyped about this game unless you have an amazing PC 'cause we haven't seen how this will look on PS4, XBO or even an average PC... and how it will benefit at launch from PS5 and Series X without a patch... and how long we will have to wait into 2021 to have a proper next-gen patch.

If it had a next-gen patch at launch... It will be no brainer for me to play it on PS5 'cause I don't have a gamming PC... but with other games being $70/80€ on next-gen who won't say to you that when the next-gen patches roll over the game isn't half the price...
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Tbh is hard to be hyped about this game unless you have an amazing PC 'cause we haven't seen how this will look on PS4, XBO or even an average PC... and how it will benefit at launch from PS5 and Series X without a patch... and how long we will have to wait into 2021 to have a proper next-gen patch.
While its true you can also go take a look at TW3 on current gen. Still looks beautiful and I’m sure CP2077 won’t look less

Scotty W

Even an almost non-existent story of let's say Demon Souls can outclass a well directed movie by a country mile, because the experience is directly tight to your engament within the story.
I have never played one of these games (though I would like to) but from what I understand there is not much in the way of direct storytelling, but rather, the story is indirectly told by interaction with the world, which is a reflection of the lore. If that is what you mean, I am in total agreement.

I think the idea that From Software has for their next game is amazing, where George Martin creates the mythical background, and they tell a st

Interactive media like videogames have the inherent advantage that the playing itself is part of the story.

I would make a careful disagreement there. Videogames have enormous potential in storytelling, but no one has figured out how to do it yet. Even the best videogame narratives (as opposed to the lore) have so far been fairly simple stories with surface meanings. Nothing has yet approached the infinite depth of Shakespeare. Gameplay and interpretation unfortunately have not overlapped much so far.

Just think the idea of a videogame telling a serious story is a relatively new phenomenon. It took centuries for Greek drama to mature, Russian literature remained quite primitive for centuries before finding its voice, and even English literature slavishly copied first its medieval contemporaries, and then the Romans, before exploding creatively with Sidney, Marlowe, Spenser and Shakespeare.

Videogames seem to be trying to tell book and film stories. I don’tthink they have yet figured out how to properly utilize the medium. But they will.

SF Kosmo

Tbh is hard to be hyped about this game unless you have an amazing PC 'cause we haven't seen how this will look on PS4, XBO or even an average PC... and how it will benefit at launch from PS5 and Series X without a patch... and how long we will have to wait into 2021 to have a proper next-gen patch.

If it had a next-gen patch at launch... It will be no brainer for me to play it on PS5 'cause I don't have a gamming PC... but with other games being $70/80€ on next-gen who won't say to you that when the next-gen patches roll over the game isn't half the price...
I think it will have a next gen patch at launch, just not an "optimized" one. It will just be the last gen one with next gen performance unlocked. That is my understanding at least.


I‘m trying to be excited for this game as I adore The Witcher... but there’s something that ‘s just not clicking with me. I think it’s because there’s nothing here about the storyline that‘s grabbed me. It all feels a bit pedestrian so far. Maybe it’s the fact you don’t play as defined character 🤷🏻‍♂️ Glad lots of you are hyped for it, but with all the delays, and the footage that’s come out, my interests gets less and less.
I can definitely see where you're coming from. My hype for this game has been yo-yoing for a while now, very hit-or-miss with everything they release. Hype was at its peak when they dropped that 48 min walkthrough and official trailer in 2018. Plus all these fucking delays didn't help. That Deep Dive thing a year later was kind of meh but not bad. The trailer from this past June was alright. Started getting kind of excited again with the weapons trailer from the last NCW and this one thread with new info that was made here recently. But what they showed yesterday, and the fact that they keep adding these Youtube celebrities/influencers/whatever the hell they're called to the game, is off-putting. I was cringing to those stupid tv hosts in the postcards trailer. Lmao! They're so quirky! /s Wasn't feeling the shitty music either. There's a few other parts in the trailer that looked ok though. Those gangs look kind of wack ngl (gAnGsTeR lIfE pUtO) apart from maybe The Animals and Tyger Claws. I don't know, just wasn't impressed. Why didn't they add that gang of clowns? They sound the most interesting out of all of them and they aren't even in the damn game, must be saving them for an expansion later.

I haven't completely written off CP2077 but part of me wishes we were getting TW4 in 2 months instead. I'd gladly take it even if it was TW3.5 and the graphics were only slightly improved and they reused some assets here and there. Improve the combat a bit, add a bunch of new monsters, interesting quests, characters, new world to explore obv, have the same quality writing as 3 and it'd be another slam dunk. Just give us a bigger variety of NPCs at least, got tired of the same 10 or so they reused 2 million times in TW3. Plus the whole concept of being a witcher is more appealing to me.

Considering buying something like Miles Morales instead and probably waiting for a Complete Edition of this one. MM looks really good but of course I'll have to accept it won't be anywhere near as packed with content as CP2077. It should feel fresh since I skipped Spider-Man 2018. Anyway, maybe I'll like what I see again in the next NCW, or not. The video reviews are gonna be its last chance to impress me. It's possible this is another case of what I call RDR2 syndrome, largely uninteresting and mediocre trailers but I'm like this when I watch the gameplay in the reviews:



The poll should include PS5, XSS and XSX.

If the console versions for current gen are somehow dynamic resolution they should benefit from the raw power of the nextgen.


When I first saw that gameplay trailer a couple years ago my hype was through. It was like Blade Runner the game. Now it still looks good but it just looks cartoonish to me and Jackie has the potential to be one of the most annoying characters I have come across.


Unconfirmed Member
Still hyped for this - CDPR earned my trust with Witcher 3, I have faith in them. The tricky bit will be putting Mario 3D Allstars aside for a bit to play it!


Looks like CDPR are going with the Chromatic Aberation soft, plasticy look but I think I'm going to sharpen the image a bit and do without it. Can't freaking wait until this game arrives. Just around the corner now.
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Gold Member
Anybody know if this is going to be PLay Anywhere compatible ... like I could play a bit in my PC in my office, and then later stroll out to the living room and pick up where i left off on my XSEX?


I was looking at images from the game here and noticed that there are child NPCs in the game. Apart from a few instances in Red Dead Redemption 2, I can't think of any games that have child NPCs, so this is novel and interesting. I wonder if you can hurt them.



Nope, you won't be able to hurt children in the game. Source.
Why on earth should you be able to hurt children? Also Witcher 3 had children anyway.


Neo Member
Resetera is sure trying their damnest. There's a ban wave going on in that new thread of theirs about the "hypersexualized in-game ads.

Aren’t hyper-sexualized ads a good thing for so-called “progressives”? Don’t they like sex, promote sex, and make fun of conservatives who don’t like racy, sexual content? I’m confused, at what point did leftists become old church ladies? When did that transition happen? Was it around the same time that they were all told that they have to pretend that transitioning is normal? Some one fill me in. I’m confused about the dumb shit that people believe in, the same people who profess to have no beliefs. Very confusing. Very disturbing.

PS. I know that there will be no next-gen console version of this game at first, but if we play the PS4 version on a PS5 on release date, will we at least get faster load times, and possibly a higher frame rate, and MAYBE a higher resolution? Anyone know any details about that? It seems strange that new PS5 owners will simply get the PS4 Pro version of the game, with zero enhancements.


I thought the mouth movement looked kinda bad, but I remember The Witcher it being pretty good. Don't get me started on how bad Andromeda was compared to the older Mass Effects. Maybe its my nostalgia talking.


I can't wait to play it. I'll be playing on PC and I'm really happy to see that DLSS 2.0 is supported. It was excellent in Control and the Cyberpunk world looks much more ambitious, especially with all the ray-traced reflections.


This game is gonna destroy every gpu on the market on pc...

It should not though, it´s designed with a 1.8 tflop gpu as basis (ps4)... which is slower than a lame gtx 760 (2.3 tflop). If it is well optimized nobody should have performance problems.


It should not though, it´s designed with a 1.8 tflop gpu as basis (ps4)... which is slower than a lame gtx 760 (2.3 tflop). If it is well optimized nobody should have performance problems.
Every game is optimized for consolles, it doesn't mean that it can't be trash ported or just far more heavy on pc.

Current gen console are gonna run this thing at low-medium details, 30 frame shit-solid and with a lot of things vastly reduced like npc density, rtx, ultra details, etc, a comparison with the pc version is silly.

Also this game is gonna run like trash at launch on console, you can bet on that.
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Looks insane but man I think the scope of the game I'm imagining is a bit too much. I honestly want to explore vertically a lot of buildings, go into apartments, read emails, discover stuff - Deus Ex style but amped to 9000 but my gut is telling me, there won;t be any of that shit, at least not to a scale I am dreaming. :(

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I was looking at images from the game here and noticed that there are child NPCs in the game. Apart from a few instances in Red Dead Redemption 2, I can't think of any games that have child NPCs, so this is novel and interesting. I wonder if you can hurt them.



Nope, you won't be able to hurt children in the game. Source.

Pre-order canceled?



Hope this game fills the hole Deus Ex and Fallout left. Think is a combination of both , I really do not care if its not graphically above other games surely will be vs. Fallout 4-76 , the most important are the plots and stories developed while you play , if CDPR make them fun an interesting as they did with Witcher 3 main story and secondary ones , Cyberpunk will be a great experience.
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