well again , I disagree that ists not an important distinction, and I think all can tell I understand perfectly well what is going on cause I tested it thanks......no need to reply but there is a huge difference between a "set route" which absolutely isnt true, and a completely random route. Its up to RNG where she goes. You speak as if planned routes were a bad thing...but that would actually be the biggest baddest game of all time if they did that. A team of 1000 developers all planning each of the 2000 NPCs and cars in the games life ALL going Exactly where they were prgorammed to go in cyles like the NPC;'s in oblivion, would have been the best game of all time. Oblivion was actually pretty decent with 20 per city. NIght city has 2000 people in it.....its an easy concept. The only other developer that tried this was whats his name ?Sean Murray or something with Happy games (or whatever obsequious name he came up with) and No man's sky. Well we all saw the results. I think poeple protest too much...what they did do was unprecendented, no other game has 2000 NPC's in it, but anone who thinks each of the 2000 NPC's woud have a set life is being unreasonable. THat said, 20- 30 of the characters could easily have had more detailed lives, like Judy, Panam, Misty the fixers etc. so there is room to grow. How fucking incredible would it have been if you could actually follow Judy around and see her buy the gifts she leaves at your door etc, Mind would have been blown.