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Cyberpunk 2077 | PLOT SPOILERS THREAD | Main story, sidequests, characters



It's been almost a week since the release of CYBERPUNK 2077. Many GAFers have beaten the game and may want to discuss the plot, characters and, above all, the ending(s) of this sprawling open world title. Let's talk shop, choombas. Which path did you choose? Hanako? Going out in a blaze of glory, Johnny-style? What side quests grabbed your attention?

A few ground rules to keep this thread from derailing:

  1. The game is buggy, we know. There are 7 other threads where you can complain about it. Please, let's discuss the story here.
  2. Bear in mind that other players who have crossed the finished line may have played through a completely different conclusion. Other endings you have not seen may be spoiled here.
  3. For those curious on whether most of the leaks were accurate, the old leaks/spoiler OT is an interesting read for those who finished the game.

I guess I will go first:


A big part of Cyberpunk 2013/2022/2077 as a setting is that it always had a heroic aspect to it. As Mike Pondsmith himself said a couple of times in the last 30 years, the world of Cyberpunk has gone to the shitter, yes, but it is punk precisely because the possibility of change is not closed off. Your character may rock the boat. Eliminate rogue AIs. Topple corporations. Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell were melancholy stories - of the crushing limits of consciousness itself, the fragile nature of what it means to be human, etc. All of these elements are to be found in CP2077, yes, but though the game does not really have a golden ending, all of the conclusions besides one have V living - or dying - on his own terms. If he lets Johnny take over, it is a matter of that being his volition.

A lot of people criticized the timeskip at the very start of the game, but looking back I think it was essential to give us the feeling that our character was really starting over. Like Niko Bellic stepping out in Liberty City, to some extent V's life as a merc pretty much starts in tandem with the game's introduction. Riding out to meet the Nomads, plotting mayhem with Judy over pizza, all of it resulted in me being very much invested in our main character. Geralt always felt like his own thing whereas V is a cypher, with just some bits and pieces of personality that you can then use to create your own. So to me the question on whether or not he (my first V was male) should resign himself to fate was never much of a dilemma to me. I'd rather him take his chances and die out there with the Nomads than to disappear into cyberspace or blow his own brains out.




One of the highlights of the game, in my opinion. The way the game gives you the option of slowly growing closer, as you become a sort of foil for Panam in her shadow war for the hearts and minds of her nomad clan against her father figure/leader Saul., is just beautiful. That "downtime" scene with you, Panam and Saul catching some Zs at an abandoned house as a storm rages outside was amazing. V's flirting too is somewhat realistic here, worlds apart from the "I AM SHEPARD, FUCK ME" sex appeal you see in Mass Effect. I do believe the whole "you're co-leader now, Panam" development was a tad rushed, but other than that this is a very good chunk of side-content.




One of the most disturbing missions of the game and yet CDPR does not at any point take the easy way out. We almost feel sorry for the sick fuck who kidnaps young men to his dairy farm upon visiting the memories of his desperately unhappy childhood. The way his hands crack into weird claws as he spits out his rage at his infuriated teacher is particularly disturbing when viewed from the first person perspective. The ending, with you and River getting shitfaced on top of a water tower while looking out at the city lights, is also a very strong moment.


So, GAF, what grabbed your attention? What sidequests were the highlights of your experience? What characters did you take a liking to? What ending did you get?
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Tag, you're it.
I repost here what I said in the OT:

Finished the main story some days ago, damn it hits right in the feels.
I spent the last days replaying the end to get all the points of view and hell some made me really sad, especially the end calls during the credit... My true ending is The Sun, with V seeking for revenge. That feeling when entering The Afterlife, I made it Jackie.
But I also really loved The Stars, seeing Judy happy was worth all the trouble. I really can't wait to replay this game in 2 years with all the added content and fixes, that world is so unique and those characters so well written, without mentioning the gorgeous art and design of the game.
Some screens:

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Anybody else thought Adam Smasher boss fight was underwhelming?
I mean there is not enough boss fights in the game already, why didnt they polish this one better? they could have give him more mobility more moves more deadly attacks. I just stood behind a wall and kept gunning him and going back. He is slow and weak imo. For a Night City Legend this guy didnt live up to his hype.
Oda fight was much better imo, it was intense and fast and tough.

Compared to fights from their previous games it just shows a step down. Looking at Detlaff, Olgerid, Caretaker, Toad Prince, Offeri Mage. Even Eredin and Imlerith were cooler as boss fights than Adam Smasher. And in that game there is far more amount of boss fights and lots of unique ones albeit easy to beat like the Wicked Witch.

I hope maybe in the big DLC they can add some cool sick boss fights. Someone with implants, challenging A.I and different phases and moves. I dont really ask for more than 2.
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I thought almost everything was forced and rushed, I picked corpo and it's an outright lie, you are no corpo you are a street kid. The thing I liked was my ending up there in orbit being a test subject. Pretty cool sci-fi vibes.
I repost here what I said in the OT:

Finished the main story some days ago, damn it hits right in the feels.
I spent the last days replaying the end to get all the points of view and hell some made me really sad, especially the end calls during the credit... My true ending is The Sun, with V seeking for revenge. That feeling when entering The Afterlife, I made it Jackie.
But I also really loved The Stars, seeing Judy happy was worth all the trouble. I really can't wait to replay this game in 2 years with all the added content and fixes, that world is so unique and those characters so well written, without mentioning the gorgeous art and design of the game.

Spot on, choom. Normally, I'm a cold hearted bastard and lack the feels people get from many games but goddamn this game did a number on me many times during the game. Last time I felt an emotion, besides happiness or frustration, was when I was hate finishing The Last of Us (not my kind of game, didn't like the characters or gameplay) but that last gameplay section in the hospital...like getting shot in the heart. Damn powerful.

I don't know what it is...me growing older, maturing and more comfortable with emotions or the incredible quality, nuance, the animation, their designs and humanity everywhere in the writing or...I dunno. Just everything gels together into a perfect piece of work for me.

The credit messages were such an amazing touch even if some of them were heartbreaking and devastating depending in your ending.

I did four endings: my V ending it all, literally, on her terms with a bullet in the head, while her story essentially started with a bullet in the head seemed quite fitting. Her terms and hers only for once.
Johnny seemed supportive, too. Those credits messages though...fuck. Anger, extreme sadness, heartbreak...brutal to watch but I'm glad I got those out of the way first.

Temperance: Crashing in with Rogue and Weyland was a fantastic and exceptional setpiece for the final round of combat. Slick design in the entire building as you shoot your way through until...RIP Rogue, badass until the end. It was neat to see and giving Johnny a new lease on life was an interesting choice, long life versus 6 months for V. Johnny had kind of done more for V than basically anyone else at that point imo but it's my least favorite overall. Bittersweet but a nice send-off for him, Rogue and V at the end. Brutal credits messages again and in some ways felt worse than the suicide ending? Just abandoning everyone and leaving them to guess is cold.

The Sun: the most badass ending but equally sad. V is at the top. A bonafide legend with Jackie's ghost somewhere smiling ear to ear at his friend. But it feels hollow. What do you truly have? Fame and money after Judy understandably leaves. The short section in Afterlife and then a hijacking a fucking space casino is some wild shit. The fierce look on V's face was perfect. I wish photomode worked then.

The Star: Brilliant. My canon V ending as perhaps the "happiest" ending. Rolling up with The Aldecados felt like a Mad Max movie and despite every side character not having that many dialogue lines or interaction they felt so warm and loving. Like a true family. I kind of roleplay my V a bit as a Streekid who never dreamed of leaving Night City but changed her mind after experiencing so much loss and saving but also being saved by Judy. "There's someone here for you..." I was in pieces. Then riding off into the desert, everyone happy for once. Fucking nailed it, CDPR.

Johnny Silverhand: I like Keanu and have enjoyed many of his movies but I've never been a fan of recognizable voices let alone faces in games. But he killed it. The slow burn of Johnny and V fighting to mutual respect to genuine care and love for each other was brilliant. His Act 2/Act 3 quests were so much fun and I'm glad a lot of them were dialogue heavy. Samurai's one an done reunion was special but I'm disappointed your love interest wasn't there, too.

"Goodbye V, and never stop fighting."

Things I wished were better: More stuff with the gangs The Voodoo Boys are such a fucking cool faction that it felt like they had a lot of content cut. Everything about the missions involving them is superb. That chapel funeral gave me goosebumps and was dripping with atmosphere. Hope they get fleshed out with content later. Same goes for The Valentinos and the other gangs. They're all so unique.

The subtitles were way more frustrating that any AI bug, T-posing or hitches when driving. Just give me subs for the non-English parts of the dialogues. So weird how it works now and sometimes a subtitle gets frozen on my screen.
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I hope the DLC fleshes out the factions more. I really wanted Night City to be a battleground of different factions. While there are multiple factions I feel you just fly over them throughout the story.

When you first deal with the Maelstrom, man that was intense and I was hoping you would see lots of Maelstrom vs Militech vs Animals etc.
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I forgot to mention the absolutely worst mission in the entire game. Excruciating:


Is there any way to talk him out of being crucified?

Shout out to Johhny's side quests Chippin in' where you have a heart to heart with Johnny and the one where you get the band together for one final gig. Really enjoyed those.

I also enjoyed all the different endings. The Star ending and the secret Suicide Run ending are probably my favorites.


The Star: Brilliant. My canon V ending as perhaps the "happiest" ending. Rolling up with The Aldecados felt like a Mad Max movie and despite every side character not having that many dialogue lines or interaction they felt so warm and loving. Like a true family. I kind of roleplay my V a bit as a Streekid who never dreamed of leaving Night City but changed her mind after experiencing so much loss and saving but also being saved by Judy. "There's someone here for you..." I was in pieces. Then riding off into the desert, everyone happy for once. Fucking nailed it, CDPR.

I love the fact that even though it is pretty much a "golden" ending, there's still that niggling feeling of unease: Nothing has been won, you're still dying. The only thing you have is hope, your lover (if you go with Panam) and your new family.

Anybody else thought Adam Smasher boss fight was underwhelming?

I'm right with you in the sense that some of the other CDPR boss battles in previous games were superbly designed, but at least my battle with Smasher was extremely intense - fucker kept jumping from place to place, the snipers, his absolutely killing blow wiping 1/3 of my health. I did finish the game for the first time on version 1.02, so they might have nerfed him somewhat.

As a CP2020 player, finally going against the solo of solos was incredible.


Sweet dreams, motherfucker!!


Anybody else thought Adam Smasher boss fight was underwhelming?

Yes but I wouldn't completely blame CDPR. Most people will have broken the game with a stupidly over powered sword or gun because its so easy to do, almost without trying.

I for example nuked Adam Smasher with my fully upgraded YingLong Smart Rifle that I could reload in under a second which stun locked him with it's electrical damage modifier.


TL;DR: Love it, but left wanting more.

I've spent about 135 hours in the game so far. Cleared out all of the NCPD/Outpost markers, question markers, package markers, etc etc for every district. On a mid-tier PC getting about 45-60fps depending on the situation with medium/low settings at 1080p (game still looks great to me). I enjoy the stupid random bugs, though the t-posing naked out of the top of the car is kind of losing it's charm.. especially when I'm just a floating head 4 feet above the roof. Getting randomly slingshotted 1km across the map into the river is still hilarious to me.

I love taking photos in Night City.. I will continue to spend time just walking around and getting shots of NPCs looking cool.

Now that's I've done 2 endings with male V, one an incredibly
defeatist path and another quite win-win for everyone involved
, I have a few gripes. At level cap, I had 20 in Technical and 20 in Cool.

1. Crafting system - Wish I could craft multiples at once. Wish I didn't have to hold to craft single items. Disassembling weapons works, but disassembling mods is bugged. They still disassemble, but are still present in the inventory when after it occurs, only disappearing after changing menus. (I'm sure others have dealt with this).

I plan to run another game with female V and a different build focusing solely on body/reflex with some minor quickhacking. Primary reason if to see crafting/upgrading weapons is even worth it... or if it's just an alternate path to get high dps. By end game my primary weapon was a legendary Ashura smart rifle doing 50-150k headshot crits.

2. S E X - Where is it? Cut scenes were very tame/shitty softcore. Prior to launch I got the impression this was going to be much more interactive and much more explicit. So maybe someone will mod in some wild shit post launch, but this feels more late night cable tv rather than late 90s cinemax. Night City only has 2 JoyToys available, rly? I want to experience the 3 mouth lady. : / Also... sex is basically an achievement for selecting the right dialogue options, but with
Panam's storyline, I feel like more sex with her, more moments together on an intimate level would have really made that relationship even deeper
(probably my favorite in-game romance).

3. Useless objects - Can't interact with ANY BDs because my tech is incompatible? Ridiculous. Vinyl records you can't play. Some, objects, such as 'access tokens' - really? I need a physical object for that? not added to my cyberdeck database or something, especially when the tokens themself don't actually tell you where they were from or what they access, theyre only relevant around the moment one picks them up.

4. No gambling - No pachinko in the pachinko parlor? You kiddng me. Night City should have full interactive parlors/arcades. They could have had a whole side thing with collectibles similar to Yakuza! You tellin me that the
Us Cracks
wouldn't have their own line of gacha toys? Should have full gacha parlors. But eesh, Casinos with roulette tables (often missing the roulette wheel) with no staff. No card games? I came across a handful of people surrounding two guys playing Mancala (no stones, just mime-ing actions with some sound fx) - I want to play too!

I feel like that game of Mancala is a metaphor for Cyberpunk 2077 as a whole.

I love the genre of cyberpunk and have always felt the genre lacked any real champions in the gaming space outside of maybe Shadowrun on the SNES. I feel like I'm still 'glamoured' by the game visually - the architecture of the city, steamy red lit alleyways, chinese lanterns and holographic goldfish, luminescent fishnets on chrome legs. It's all very... look, but don't touch. I love the game, just want more.

The Shadowrun games - both the old SNES/Genesis ones and the three recent Harebrained Games SRPGs (Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall and Hong Kong) go I think for another different type of Cyberpunk vibe entirely, IMO - I mean, as Gibson once said, your Cyberpunk-ness is inevitably impacted when you have elves running around.

I do believe the game would be a lot better with: (1) more thing to do (gacha, as you suggested, PACHINKO, which is referenced and yet we cannot play it, etc.; maybe even some arcadey version of Gwent with pixelated graphics); (2) significantly more aesthetic customization (barbers, surgeons, ripperdocs being able to change your face, etc.); (3) maybe two or three more long-ish sidequests.
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Ivory Blood

Yes but I wouldn't completely blame CDPR. Most people will have broken the game with a stupidly over powered sword or gun because its so easy to do, almost without trying.

I for example nuked Adam Smasher with my fully upgraded YingLong Smart Rifle that I could reload in under a second which stun locked him with it's electrical damage modifier.
Yeah, I killed him in like three bursts at lvl 50 in dont fear the reaper. Oda boss fight was much better, I was dodging rockets and shooting a big iron from the hip, very cinematic.


I do hope that the two paid DLCs we will probably get will give us more companion options for the last mission and further flesh out the factional dynamics of Night City.

If we take Witcher 3 as a reference, the first DLC will most likely be entirely about a new quest-line interwoven midway through the game and the second one will introduce us to either an entirely new area or something to that effect.


The Shadowrun games - both the old SNES/Genesis ones and the three recent Harebrained Games SRPGs (Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall and Hong Kong) go I think for another different type of Cyberpunk vibe entirely, IMO - I mean, as Gibson once said, your Cyberpunk-ness is inevitably impacted when you have elves running around.

I do believe the game would be a lot better with: (1) more thing to do (gacha, as you suggested, PACHINKO, which is referenced and yet we can play it, etc.; maybe even some arcadey version of Gwent with pixelated graphics); (2) significantly more aesthetic customization (barbers, surgeons, ripperdocs being able to change your face, etc.); (3) maybe two or three more long-ish sidequests.
Yes, I completely forgot about the Shadowrun PC titles, those were excellent!

And agree completely with the personal aesthetics. I thought they stated you'd be even be able to swap genders.. or create some kind of hybrid.. or maybe even offer something completely new and entirely cybernetic.

When they introduced BD's in the marketing prior to release, I immediately thought there would be much more of a Strange Days style storyline around it or that the investigation side of it would be similar to Decker (EDIT: Deckard... not tim heidecker's Decker! lol) slowly zooming into the photo to in bladerunner to reveal something unseen. Instead it became - here's where to look (highlight timeline) - find - move on to the next. Loses that sense of discovery.
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Ivory Blood

I love the fact that even though it is pretty much a "golden" ending, there's still that niggling feeling of unease: Nothing has been won, you're still dying. The only thing you have is hope, your lover (if you go with Panam) and your new family.

I'm right with you in the sense that some of the other CDPR boss battles in previous games were superbly designed, but at least my battle with Smasher was extremely intense - fucker kept jumping from place to place, the snipers, his absolutely killing blow wiping 1/3 of my health. I did finish the game for the first time on version 1.02, so they might have nerfed him somewhat.

As a CP2020 player, finally going against the solo of solos was incredible.


Sweet dreams, motherfucker!!
BTW, game doesn't really show it up close, but Smasher looks pretty different in 2023.

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When they introduced BD's in the marketing prior to release, I immediately thought there would be much more of a Strange Days style storyline around it or that the investigation side of it would be similar to Decker slowly zooming into the photo to in bladerunner to reveal something unseen. Instead it became - here's where to look (highlight timeline) - find - move on to the next. Loses that sense of discovery.

I do believe BDs will play a larger role in the upcoming expansions - they have to, as they're a good way of introducing new areas without having to touch the overworld.

BTW, game doesn't really show it up close, but Smasher looks pretty different in 2023.

They completely dropped the old R Talsorian designs - for the better, IMO. Silverhand looked stupid in the old p&p RPG supplements, for example.
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I do believe BDs will play a larger role in the upcoming expansions - they have to, as they're good of introducing new areas without having to touch the overworld.
If they could actualize the BDs you collect, I'm game. The investigative aspect of the BD leaves a bit to be desired. But I hope youre right. This also makes me wonder how the expansions will actually work though - I'm guessing your end game decision will hold no bearing on the content.. or will it be "Return to Night City" if you've decided to leave with the Panam/aldecados. Or like.. Judy returns to Night City? Arasaka's revenge? idk
I get this is the thread for spoilers but holy fuck there's like no warning at all what some posts will say, I've only seen one ending so it's like wtf. Anyways... I got the Temperance ending...

How would I avoid this ending? By choosing Hanako's plan and not giving Johnny control? Or had past decisions already pushed me to it?

Ivory Blood

I get this is the thread for spoilers but holy fuck there's like no warning at all what some posts will say, I've only seen one ending so it's like wtf. Anyways... I got the Temperance ending...

How would I avoid this ending? By choosing Hanako's plan and not giving Johnny control? Or had past decisions already pushed me to it?
If you are playing as Johnny in the final mission - just choose to go with Alt, if you are playing as V, just choose to go into the Well. Simple.


I get this is the thread for spoilers but holy fuck there's like no warning at all what some posts will say, I've only seen one ending so it's like wtf. Anyways... I got the Temperance ending...

My man, this is literally in the OP:

A few ground rules to keep this thread from derailing:

  1. The game is buggy, we know. There are 7 other threads where you can complain about it. Please, let's discuss the story here.
  2. Bear in mind that other players who have crossed the finished line may have played through a completely different conclusion. Other endings you have not seen may be spoiled here.
  3. For those curious on whether most of the leaks were accurate, the old leaks/spoiler OT is an interesting read for those who finished the game.
My man, this is literally in the OP:

That's nice but any time someone beats the game they get told to post in this thread and honestly it feels like a bad idea now because while I want to discuss MY ending I didn't want to see all the other shit I saw and a lot of was like no preamble to the post just straight to telling you something you didn't know.

SF Kosmo

Anybody else thought Adam Smasher boss fight was underwhelming?
I mean there is not enough boss fights in the game already, why didnt they polish this one better? they could have give him more mobility more moves more deadly attacks. I just stood behind a wall and kept gunning him and going back. He is slow and weak imo. For a Night City Legend this guy didnt live up to his hype.
Oda fight was much better imo, it was intense and fast and tough.

Compared to fights from their previous games it just shows a step down. Looking at Detlaff, Olgerid, Caretaker, Toad Prince, Offeri Mage. Even Eredin and Imlerith were cooler as boss fights than Adam Smasher. And in that game there is far more amount of boss fights and lots of unique ones albeit easy to beat like the Wicked Witch.

I hope maybe in the big DLC they can add some cool sick boss fights. Someone with implants, challenging A.I and different phases and moves. I dont really ask for more than 2.
This game runs into the classic RPG problem with leveling. I have also seen complaints that fight was too hard. For me, I just had to smack him with the katana for a few seconds, dodge his one desperation move and then finish him off.


Anybody else thought Adam Smasher boss fight was underwhelming?
I mean there is not enough boss fights in the game already, why didnt they polish this one better? they could have give him more mobility more moves more deadly attacks. I just stood behind a wall and kept gunning him and going back. He is slow and weak imo. For a Night City Legend this guy didnt live up to his hype.
Oda fight was much better imo, it was intense and fast and tough.
I've gunned Smasher down in less than 5 seconds, and that was ok with me. I think "Boss fights" with human opponents in any game that represents a halfway realistic world are pointless. You can be the meanest and baddest motherfucker on the planet, the bullet of a sniper rifle through your head still messes you up. In the ending I played (the Sun) this also felt appropriate, since Smasher, Rogue & Silverhand were all part of the old guard, the old legends, and it's time for new legends to emerge.

I found the Oda boss fight not much better, it just took longer because I did less damage. I love CDPR games for their worlds and the stories they tell, not for their boss fights. The boss fights in the Witcher games were also quite underwhelming in my view. If I want challenging boss fights I play Souls' games, not CDPR games.
The game made it sound like
V would die no matter what and that at least giving the body to Johnny someone gets to live.
My take:
Silverhand died 50 years ago.

The engram is just a copy of him, and having this copy overwriting V would just be killing V and not bring Silverhand back to life. I decided for Silverhands engram to stay in cyberspace where he belongs, and have V live out the last few months of her life on her own terms.
I've gunned Smasher down in less than 5 seconds, and that was ok with me. I think "Boss fights" with human opponents in any game that represents a halfway realistic world are pointless. You can be the meanest and baddest motherfucker on the planet, the bullet of a sniper rifle through your head still messes you up. In the ending I played (the Sun) this also felt appropriate, since Smasher, Rogue & Silverhand were all part of the old guard, the old legends, and it's time for new legends to emerge.

I found the Oda boss fight not much better, it just took longer because I did less damage. I love CDPR games for their worlds and the stories they tell, not for their boss fights. The boss fights in the Witcher games were also quite underwhelming in my view. If I want challenging boss fights I play Souls' games, not CDPR games.

My take:
Silverhand died 50 years ago.

The engram is just a copy of him, and having this copy overwriting V would just be killing V and not bring Silverhand back to life. I decided for Silverhands engram to stay in cyberspace where he belongs, and have V live out the last few months of her life on her own terms.
is V doomed to eventually die in every ending?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Question about (any of) the Alt Cunnigham based ending(s) - did I miss something, or does Alt tell V that her body is fucked and returning to their own body would instantly kill them..? Because that's how I read it, and then when I tried to walk the bridge, V started attacking Jonny as if he was about to destroy both of them by returning to the body, so I turned around and got the "Johnny takes V's body" ending which isn't what I was aiming for at all. Turns out what Alt meant was that the body had a few months left, so I reloaded and got the Crystal Palace ending, which was way more fitting to the character path I chose.

Maybe I just misinterpreted something, it just seemed as if Alt was misleading me into thinking the body was totally useless, but then when I reloaded I noticed that immediately after, she says that V can return to their body. Either I'm just being a bit dim, or it's poorly worded, especially when V starts fighting back when you try to give them their body back as agreed. Weird.


Question about (any of) the Alt Cunnigham based ending(s) - did I miss something, or does Alt tell V that her body is fucked and returning to their own body would instantly kill them..? Because that's how I read it, and then when I tried to walk the bridge, V started attacking Jonny as if he was about to destroy both of them by returning to the body, so I turned around and got the "Johnny takes V's body" ending which isn't what I was aiming for at all. Turns out what Alt meant was that the body had a few months left, so I reloaded and got the Crystal Palace ending, which was way more fitting to the character path I chose.

Maybe I just misinterpreted something, it just seemed as if Alt was misleading me into thinking the body was totally useless, but then when I reloaded I noticed that immediately after, she says that V can return to their body. Either I'm just being a bit dim, or it's poorly worded, especially when V starts fighting back when you try to give them their body back as agreed. Weird.

The options make it quite clear no? I remember it clearly saying either V go back in body or let Johnny have it. You still can choose the cross the bridge to Cyberspace/blackwall or go back to your body.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The options make it quite clear no? I remember it clearly saying either V go back in body or let Johnny have it. You still can choose the cross the bridge to Cyberspace/blackwall or go back to your body.

3 min mark is what I'm talking about:

Alt says "V will die... this is imminent". The imminent part is what really threw me off, imminent means about to happen, not "in 6 months or so". So I just assumed the choice was either Johnny takes the body, or nobody does, so I went with Johnny initially. Not a big issue, I just think it's a really poor choice of words and implies something different.


3 min mark is what I'm talking about:

Alt says "V will die... this is imminent". The imminent part is what really threw me off, imminent means about to happen, not "in 6 months or so". So I just assumed the choice was either Johnny takes the body, or nobody does, so I went with Johnny initially. Not a big issue, I just think it's a really poor choice of words and implies something different.

Ah I see, I think you chose different options on who to attack Arasaka with. I chose to have V and the Nomads. After that IIRC Alt clearly says you only have 6 months.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Ah I see, I think you chose different options on who to attack Arasaka with. I chose to have V and the Nomads. After that IIRC Alt clearly says you only have 6 months.

Just checked, Nomad ending she still says "imminent", but then if you choose the "fuck..." dialogue which I never did, she then gives you the 6 month line. Really dumb way to implement that IMO, but hey, all it took was a quick reload. The Johnny in the body ending was still good, just not what I was shooting for.


That's nice but any time someone beats the game they get told to post in this thread and honestly it feels like a bad idea now because while I want to discuss MY ending I didn't want to see all the other shit I saw and a lot of was like no preamble to the post just straight to telling you something you didn't know.

So you completely disregard the three (3) spoiler warnings on the OT and get surprised by the fact that, uh, people post on this thread as intended? That’s nice. If you care about the other endings being spoiled, maybe read the OP. The rules are clear and you ignore them at your pleasure.

Just checked, Nomad ending she still says "imminent", but then if you choose the "fuck..." dialogue which I never did, she then gives you the 6 month line. Really dumb way to implement that IMO, but hey, all it took was a quick reload. The Johnny in the body ending was still good, just not what I was shooting for.

I think a lot rides on what we understand by “imminent”. Six months is rather a lot of time to find a solution, like the Panam ending implies.

I think a lot rides on what we understand by “imminent”. Six months is rather a lot of time to find a solution, like the Panam ending implies.
So you completely disregard the three (3) spoiler warnings on the OT and get surprised by the fact that, uh, people post on this thread as intended? That’s nice. If you care about the other endings being spoiled, maybe read the OP. The rules are clear and you ignore them at your pleasure.

I think a lot rides on what we understand by “imminent”. Six months is rather a lot of time to find a solution, like the Panam ending implies.

I think a lot rides on what we understand by “imminent”. Six months is rather a lot of time to find a solution, like the Panam ending implies.

I'm not sure what you're arguing here, your OP began with a spoiler warning... so I didn't read your OP. It's one thing to try and avoid text spoilers in a spoiler thread, it's mostly okay though a few posts got me there but some spoilers are in image form and it's harder to miss, I don't think YOU necessarily did anything wrong... heck even the other people didn't, just saying I'm not sure the thread is for me if it's a total free-for-all because as much as I want to discuss how my game ended I don't want to have everything else spoiled. Next time you refer someone from OT to this thread keep that in mind, is all.



I really enjoyed the game (102 hrs), but my ending was very weak. I had a relationship with PANAM and in the end i went with the end of Johnny and Rogue going to the Arasaka Tower. But after the last level i can't do anything else. I take Rogue's place and die being a legend in Night city. I went with Johnny on the last mission as a farewell to him from life and I didn't want to put Panam and their friends at risk, and right after i wanted to stay with the panam and the "ALDECADOS", but the game took away that option and gave me a horrible end game. I had to load and go on the last mission with PANAM (then yes I got the end I wanted), but the problem is that several friends die that way, this is a good ending, but could be better.

The last level is trash, i was so strong that i killed Adam in 5 seconds (on very hard), i was so hyped to kill him and was so underwelming, the whole level was so easy, a huge let down, the only cool thing was the death of ROGUE (before i reload the game) and SAUL (the best one, simply horrible way to die, i was gutted).

I know this topic is a little slow, but i would like to know your endings and what do you guys think about the game, i loved, but could be so much better, the deaths could be so more impactfull (only death that i felt was SAUL, i didnt even liked his char, but the way he died, Adam was a badass), V is dying and 99% of the ppl (even the ones that love him) could care less, some dialogues are ridiculous and brake imersion.

I had some performance problems.

I loved the handling of some cars and bikes, but almost everytime i brake my bike goes sideways, wtf is that.

Sorry about my english.
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Gold Member
Having slept on my ending for a night I still think it was pretty bad, overall. I ended up with the "go with Panam and leave Night City" ending, which was pretty weak. I just couldn't believe we got yet another stupid turret battle in this bland, uninspiring desert dig site. And Mikoshi looked pretty bad too. Delamain AI core looked 100 times more impressive than fucking Mikoshi.

I think it's supposed to be a bittersweet ending, but when you think about it, it's actually super depressing. So many deaths, and for what?

- V is dead in 6 months
- Panam is somewhat happy now but will definately spiral in a depression once V is gone
- Saul is dead because of V [if you talk with him before the final mission he'll tell you he personally doesn't think the mission is a good idea]
- Aldecaldos are mostly wrecked and reduced to handful of people

But the more I think about it, the more I realise how many loose ends there are that the game just kinda bails out on.

- What happened with Jackie's body at Arasaka? This seemed like a big deal but there's no resolve
- What happens with Yorinobu? We straight up miss out on that entire arch
- What was the point of leaving Sasquatch alive [or any boss for that matter]
- the Adam Smasher fight out of nowhere. Why is he even there, he's Yorinubo's bodyguard
- I absolutely HATE how Perales turns into this crazy person. How does this end? How does he deal with the crazy shit V found out for him? The quest was awesome but the resolve is terrible


Having mulled the game over for a bit, I think I know why the game's structure bothers me quite a bit.

Pardon the mini-rant but I guess I just need to get it off my chest.

I think the life paths stuff is a total dud. As soon as the first mission is over, you are a Street Kid, no matter which life path you chose. And you remain a Street Kid for the rest of the game. Everyone who played GTAIV knows that it's a game where you rise to power. By taking on jobs, Niko makes a name for himself and rises higher and higher through the ranks of the criminal underbelly of Liberty City. He starts off as a lowlife chump beating down store owners for protection money but ends up a confidant of the Pegorino mafia. Niko starts out piss poor, not enough money to buy a hole-riddled sweater at the Russian clothes store down the street, and ends up with fancy suits and a lot of cash by the end of the game. This progress is also shown by Niko getting better apartments, better cars. He's moving up in the world. As gameplay mechanics, these are very rewarding to get because it shows progress and it's a payoff for your work. Now this isn't done perfectly of course, but GTAIV 12 years ago.

In Cyberpunk you are a thug for hire, and you stay at that bottom level for the entire game. You never change to a higher "tier", you never get a better situation for yourself and you never meet new fixers. In fact, narrative-wise you start at the bottom and things only get worse. By the end you're still working for the same fixers. Your "street cred" is an arbitrary videogame-y metric that decides wether or not you can equip a bit of gear. It's numbers in a menu. The world doesn't act any different wether your street cred is 4 or 40. It's a throwaway mechanic. There is no progression, no reward, no payoff other than numbers in an in-game menu. And then the game is over.

Wouldn't it be neat if you start with one or two fixers for mundane trivial shit, and as you progess you unlock better fixers with higher tier missions?

This combined with the pretty poor ending makes the journey feel underwhelming. You're working towards something that never happens [the legendary "major leagues"] and then the game is over.

[Still thoroughly love this game though, don't get me wrong]
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Hey SJRB SJRB - not my intention to pick your post apart, but I thought it'd be interesting for the sake of our discussion to address specific points you raise.

- V is dead in 6 months

You don't know that. The ending is purposefully ambiguous - they are searching new horizons, where perhaps his condition may be cured. V could go full-chroma, etc. etc.

What happens with Yorinobu? We straight up miss out on that entire arch

You'll know what happens if you go with Hanako, though it seems pretty clear to me that unless you expose him, his power grab will be successful.

I think the life paths stuff is a total dud. As soon as the first mission is over, you are a Street Kid, no matter which life path you chose.

I frankly don't understand this criticism. If you choose to play as a Nord in Skyrim, some dialog options change, a couple of things can be tackled differently... and that's it. Exactly as in Cyberpunk. There are even some side-missions that are lifepath-dependent (if you play corpo, one of the guys you see in the prologue will reach out... with a proposition).

People say you're a "street kid" regardless of the path you choose because... you are a merc? Your attitude is somewhat knowing and sassy? That would fit an exiled nomad just as well. And as for the Corpo path, people forget that your V is CorpoSec, not an empty suit in accounting - CorpoSec is basically responsible for all kind of counter-intel, they are the dirty hands of the company, the ones that prowl the underground on behalf of their employer.

In Cyberpunk you are a thug for hire, and you stay at that bottom level for the entire game. You never change to a higher "tier", you never get a better situation for yourself and you never meet new fixers. In fact, narrative-wise you start at the bottom and things only get worse. By the end you're still working for the same fixers. Your "street cred" is an arbitrary videogame-y metric that decides wether or not you can equip a bit of gear. It's numbers in a menu. The world doesn't act any different wether your street cred is 4 or 40. It's a throwaway mechanic. There is no progression, no reward, no payoff other than numbers in an in-game menu. And then the game is over.

I agree with you that we never quite move "up" the ladder as the games progresses like we see with Niko in GTAIV, but that's it - you're a merc, and as you gain reputation the only thing that changes is the # of fixers willing to work with you. Maybe it's because I played the tabletop game for years, but I cannot for the life of me imagine a Cyberpunk game where you become a kingpin. It's totally against what the setting is about, thematically.

I also agree that there a couple of loose points that are not addressed, but is that so bad? Some of the most acclaimed games in history are choke full with plot threads that go nowhere - to mention a very famous example: Final Fantasy VI and the whole brouhaha around Shadow's identity for example. He spends his whole tenure in your party basically five foot away from his child and the poor kid never learns about it and it is never addressed.

Some of it will be addressed in DLCs - I am sure we will hear more from Taka - others won't. And I am OK with that.
Having slept on my ending for a night I still think it was pretty bad, overall. I ended up with the "go with Panam and leave Night City" ending, which was pretty weak. I just couldn't believe we got yet another stupid turret battle in this bland, uninspiring desert dig site. And Mikoshi looked pretty bad too. Delamain AI core looked 100 times more impressive than fucking Mikoshi.

I think it's supposed to be a bittersweet ending, but when you think about it, it's actually super depressing. So many deaths, and for what?

- V is dead in 6 months
- Panam is somewhat happy now but will definately spiral in a depression once V is gone
- Saul is dead because of V [if you talk with him before the final mission he'll tell you he personally doesn't think the mission is a good idea]
- Aldecaldos are mostly wrecked and reduced to handful of people

But the more I think about it, the more I realise how many loose ends there are that the game just kinda bails out on.

- What happened with Jackie's body at Arasaka? This seemed like a big deal but there's no resolve
- What happens with Yorinobu? We straight up miss out on that entire arch
- What was the point of leaving Sasquatch alive [or any boss for that matter]
- the Adam Smasher fight out of nowhere. Why is he even there, he's Yorinubo's bodyguard
- I absolutely HATE how Perales turns into this crazy person. How does this end? How does he deal with the crazy shit V found out for him? The quest was awesome but the resolve is terrible


Having mulled the game over for a bit, I think I know why the game's structure bothers me quite a bit.

Pardon the mini-rant but I guess I just need to get it off my chest.

I think the life paths stuff is a total dud. As soon as the first mission is over, you are a Street Kid, no matter which life path you chose. And you remain a Street Kid for the rest of the game. Everyone who played GTAIV knows that it's a game where you rise to power. By taking on jobs, Niko makes a name for himself and rises higher and higher through the ranks of the criminal underbelly of Liberty City. He starts off as a lowlife chump beating down store owners for protection money but ends up a confidant of the Pegorino mafia. Niko starts out piss poor, not enough money to buy a hole-riddled sweater at the Russian clothes store down the street, and ends up with fancy suits and a lot of cash by the end of the game. This progress is also shown by Niko getting better apartments, better cars. He's moving up in the world. As gameplay mechanics, these are very rewarding to get because it shows progress and it's a payoff for your work. Now this isn't done perfectly of course, but GTAIV 12 years ago.

In Cyberpunk you are a thug for hire, and you stay at that bottom level for the entire game. You never change to a higher "tier", you never get a better situation for yourself and you never meet new fixers. In fact, narrative-wise you start at the bottom and things only get worse. By the end you're still working for the same fixers. Your "street cred" is an arbitrary videogame-y metric that decides wether or not you can equip a bit of gear. It's numbers in a menu. The world doesn't act any different wether your street cred is 4 or 40. It's a throwaway mechanic. There is no progression, no reward, no payoff other than numbers in an in-game menu. And then the game is over.

Wouldn't it be neat if you start with one or two fixers for mundane trivial shit, and as you progess you unlock better fixers with higher tier missions?

This combined with the pretty poor ending makes the journey feel underwhelming. You're working towards something that never happens [the legendary "major leagues"] and then the game is over.

[Still thoroughly love this game though, don't get me wrong]

Awesome, detailed post. I think they deliberately left certain plot threads open with dangling hints like Peralez, who wears the exact same ring as Mr. Blue Eyes (who can also be seen overlooking your quest ending meeting with Peralez) and Garry the CohhCarnage Prophet. I didn't pick up these details but others have. Mr. Blue Eyes also hints that he might be able to cure V and some people speculate that is related to the major leagues, Crystal Palace heist in the ending. I've seen some theories that Mr. Blue Eyes works/is a doll for Night Corp., the secretive corp founded by can't remember his name...the guy who basically built Night City and opposed Arasaka, Militech, etc but was mysteriously murdered as he looked at Night City from his balcony. Not sure if that last bit can be learned in the game (shards overload) or strictly from the tabletop lore or both. V dying isn't confirmed and a lot of people are speculating DLC(s) which explore V searching for and maybe finding a cure.

I think the endings are good and fitting because all have some level of closure for V but can leave your friends feeling abandoned, heartbroken, worried, happy, or enraged. I liked the suicide ending and how it played out. It was depressing as hell, especially as I romanced Judy, but it felt fitting V could finally take control of what's happening and end things on his/her terms. Johnny's dialogue in the scene was fantastic for me. No blowback, acknowledges the bond you've formed and how you learned from each other. Bittersweet, tragic ending.

What constitutes a happy ending is subjective and an excellent discussion point about the endings because you raise some great points about the Panam ending. Yeah, V and Panam "won" but at what cost. Saul originally wanted to protect and preserve the family by working for Biotechnica yet came around because for him, freedom is all. I feel he saw Panam fighting for freedom and family. Her will and determination lit that old Nomad spark in him, which was dormant because he carried the burden of being the leader of such a large group, so he chose to reconcile with her. The dead Aldecaldos knew the risks but their whole creed is do anything for the family, no matter the cost and they all lived for the Nomad life of freedom, smuggling and doing jobs to survive. At the same time it felt hopeful for everyone who survived in my ending. Judy is happy and in love with someone who truly cares for her for once, V can breathe, and both are finally surrounded by family led by Panam with her co-pilots in Mitch, the beautiful bastard, the gunslinger cowboy and the tech lady...forgot her name lol.

Street Cred does affect some gigs and side quests but I do agree that fleshing it out more would be a great benefit to the game. One gig was entirely different low vs high SC. Low: Punks picked a fight, High: Punks said, "Oh shit, that's the V. Let's get outta here." and in Sinnerman with high SC, the cop basically said at the beginning, "I know who you are and nothing good will come of this." I love these small details but I can also understand how they'd disappoint people who wanted more.

I think the problem with not moving up in the world is the story's urgency because V dying is emphasized at the expense of a true rise to power, as you said. They definitely clash. Rogue didn't become Queen of the Afterlife overnight that's for sure.

I also agree Fixers could have been implemented better and shown more of a progression curve. Maybe they do and I just didn't notice but it seemed like just cruising around opened them up in Act 2. I would have loved a short dialogue heavy mission to go meet new fixers face to face to see if V checks out like you did with Dex in Act 1. They all had distinct personalities and styles so I really wanted more.


My take:
Silverhand died 50 years ago.

The engram is just a copy of him, and having this copy overwriting V would just be killing V and not bring Silverhand back to life. I decided for Silverhands engram to stay in cyberspace where he belongs, and have V live out the last few months of her life on her own terms.
My counter take : the ending V in this case is not original V either. The V that converse with Alt and Silverhand is actually a copy of V.

When we jacked into Mikoshi, Alt use Soulkiller to copy both V and Johnny from the combined psyche in V's body. She then use one of those two (copy V have the honor to choose) to totally overwrite the combined one. So in the end, Johnny and V are both engrams, not the original anymore.

I read that Arasaka path is different tho. They didn't use the copy method. They just wiped Johnny.

I chose V btw
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I read that Arasaka path is different tho. They didn't use the copy method. They just wiped Johnny.

Yes, the Arasaka space scientists delete Johnny's engram. IMO the "Where is my mind?" ending is the worst of all possible outcomes.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I must have missed more than I thought. I don't remember a Crucifying at any point.
Did anyone else think that Jackie with his own version of Silverhand would show back up at some point? I kept thinking maybe since he did have the chip in his head for a while.
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I must have missed more than I thought. I don't remember a Crucifying at any point.
Did anyone else think that Jackie with his own version of Silverhand would show back up at some point? I kept thinking maybe since he did have the chip in his head for a while.

Crucifying thing is part of a side quest, it's called Sinnerman. Because Jackie removed the chip before dying it didn't activate, it's designed to activate in a dead body, hence V's temporary escape into the afterlife triggering its functions.
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yeah but the whole game is you finding a way to fix that
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

I found that a large point of the game is coming to terms with the past (Silverhands arc) and how to come to terms with receiving a diagnosis of a terminal condition that can't be cured (V's arc). V has a unique condition where there is no miracle cure, and even if you find the smartest people on the planet to help you and somehow get the signficant resources Arasaka has available, you can't just follow a quest marker and have it magically solve all of your problems. I think it's also interesting tha the corpo ending of just going along with Arasaka is the worst possible outcome for V, Silverhand and anyone else in Night City who is not Arasaka shareholder. Other endings have more of an optimistic tone (when you go with Panam and the nomads, what I would call the fast & the furious aka "family" ending. Or on the other extreme, with "the Sun" ending pretty much looking at one of Kurt Cobains final lines "better to burn out than to fade away" and taking that to the logical conclusion.

That said at the end of the game V is not necessarily dead yet, except for the endings where you chose to have Johnnys engram to take over, effectively killing V. But the endings not outright killing V have V still raging against the dying of the light as the credits roll. Let's wait for DLC how this develops further I guess. In the Witcher the DLC was some of the best storytelling of the game, let's see if Cyberpunk follows the same path.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

I found that a large point of the game is coming to terms with the past (Silverhands arc) and how to come to terms with receiving a diagnosis of a terminal condition that can't be cured (V's arc). V has a unique condition where there is no miracle cure, and even if you find the smartest people on the planet to help you and somehow get the signficant resources Arasaka has available, you can't just follow a quest marker and have it magically solve all of your problems. I think it's also interesting tha the corpo ending of just going along with Arasaka is the worst possible outcome for V, Silverhand and anyone else in Night City who is not Arasaka shareholder. Other endings have more of an optimistic tone (when you go with Panam and the nomads, what I would call the fast & the furious aka "family" ending. Or on the other extreme, with "the Sun" ending pretty much looking at one of Kurt Cobains final lines "better to burn out than to fade away" and taking that to the logical conclusion.

That said at the end of the game V is not necessarily dead yet, except for the endings where you chose to have Johnnys engram to take over, effectively killing V. But the endings not outright killing V have V still raging against the dying of the light as the credits roll. Let's wait for DLC how this develops further I guess. In the Witcher the DLC was some of the best storytelling of the game, let's see if Cyberpunk follows the same path.
def hoping DLC addresses V dying, to me it was enough of a compromise that you allegedly lose your soul when you're made into an engram and re-inserted into your own body, why still have death be inevitable?


Finished the game yesterday, went with Johnny’s plan and in the end gave V’s body to Johnny.
I’m massively disappointed with how anticlimactic the ending was.

1. Ok, we convinced Rogue to join us, hell yeah, good old times, let’s push it to the Edge (one of the core tenants of Cyberpunk)
2. Ok, we storm the Arasaka tower, minimal resistance, I cannot even get in the flow since everyone makes pauses to talk
3. Alt gets inside the Arasaka system WTF can’t I have Samurai playing inside the tower during the attack? We are a rockerboy or what?
4. WTF is Smasher doing here out of nowhere? Why the talk with him?
5. Ok, in Mikoshi now, zero action, some talk. Graphically the area is super basic and not impressive at all.
6. V goes away, we are Johnny now. Who the fuck is Steve? Where is our car? Why can’t I drive around? What is this lousy apartment? Why is Steve getting a guitar? Why are we leaving Night City - we are Johnny Fucking Silverhand, time to rock not take a fucking bus.

In the end I think by trying to show Johnny being a different person they overdid it - Johnny could stay loyal and change for V, but in the end he is still anarchy-loving rockerboy.

FFS, this is a guy that fucked Alt, then fucked her again while sipping on whisky, then broke into Arasaka tower headshotting everyone and planted a nuclear device because FUCK YOU corpo.

This should have been the main plot of the game - standing up for yourself and others, Johnny teaching V about values and ideals, showing her and others not to complain but seize the moment and push it to the Edge! Is it just me that thinks V was named like that on purpose after Alan Moore comic? Where is that angle?
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Gold Member
After putting this on pause for about a month, I went and finished it last night. Went with the Aldacados ending with my male V. This was the path the fit my character and really liked its ending. I can tell that Panam doesn't know that V is still going to die but maybe picked up on it when you coughed up blood in the epilogue scene. Liked how on the radio in the car with Panam you hear that Yorinobo basically killed his sister as well. Nice little nod on how that got wrapped up.

Overall, I really enjoyed Night City but you can tell there's a lot cut content in regards to the gangs (Voodoo Boys namely. Their few missions had great atmosphere and I want more!)


I finally finished it by doing the secret ending and overall I really enjoyed it but the secret ending should have been the happily ever after one. We should have had the option to run away with Panam after you take the shower with her then you meet up with Judy somewhere who finds a way to reverse the damage to your body then Alt and Johnny live again with donor bodies or new synthetic body technology that looks and feels real. I know that is over the top but the secret ending should have been that.

Despite the obvious flaws I really enjoyed it and I look forward to a replay when it is fully patched up and has hopefully some improvements to the issues beyond the bugs. It should have been much longer as well but when gamers constantly complain that games are too long and don't respect their time what do you expect devs to do.
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