I really enjoyed this one. Loved seeing Lorenzo and Leonardo put aside their differences (and Lorenzo's homicidal attitude) and totally bro it out, ultimate style. That last scene, I was on the verge of man-tears (but not really).
Not enough Count Riario this week, but I really liked that scene with the slavemaidgirl. Interesting story about King Solomon, I did not know that one. Also, I liked Riario telling Nico that he kept him alive cause he liked him. I was like "What?"
Catherine's brother, the priest, was hilarious. He totally thought he was gonna be rescued by his sister after conspiring to murder her and her daughters and her husband and then abandoning them to their deaths very visibly.
Also, Zoroaster is just such a dick, I love it. I wonder where Lucrezia goes from here now that I'm pretty sure her relationship with Lorenzo is dead and Leo is heading to South America.
Oh, and Amerigo Vespucci. Fucking LOL. I hope he goes on the trip, dude's hilarious.