Oh absolutely, hell I don't think "Antifa" in particular is the correct group given their context in other countries, but they're the one that's taken root, like BLM has taken root as the primary response to polce brutality.
I would love for a group to pop up with the message that Nazis will be protested and they will do everything in their power to protect non-violent protesters. I think that is a better and more singular message.
Basically an armed militia group on the left that does not provoke violence, but steps in when they are needed. The right would still villify them regardless.
That's the thing. Antifa is not the group that's taken hold. In most cases thousands or tens of thousands of like Minded Americans show up to protest, march etc. without any desire to burn buildings, cars or attack people.
Then a Small group of Antifa show up and do their antifa ways and hijack what was otherwise a successful event and turn the headlines into Antifa does XYZ. Antifa is doing its thing for its own endgoals and it directly conflicts with the others.