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Damn, they're STILL burying Reagan?!?

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belgurdo said:
Nancy should be shit tired by now...

Although what you said was entirely insensitive and inappropriate....

....I wholeheartedly agree. :)

I'm fucking SICK of this Reagan coverage! I want to see some fucking news! My only escape is CNN Headline News.


MIMIC said:
I'm fucking SICK of this Reagan coverage! I want to see some fucking news! My only escape is CNN Headline News.

You think you're sick of it? My hometown is Simi Valley. I'm going back there for 2 weeks tomorrow. Bleah.
Damn, I nearly cried when Nancy said her very last goodbyes to Ronnie. You could see her breaking down, with flag in arms, and cheek on casket. Thankfully, her kids came to the rescue.


Great coverage all around. I watched on ABC since Brit Hume and the rest of those idiots on Fox News never shut the fuck up.


I watched on CNN...nice and quiet.

There has been a lot of coverage though, I think too much. It's time the 'mourning' ends.


This is the first funeral for a President (state funeral) in ~30 years, so most people have forgotten (or don't even know) what it's like to bury a President.

FYI, Nixon didn't have a State funeral (his family didn't want one)
Btw, belgurdo, looks like you aren't the only person who's wishing it were over with already:



Ever the showmanship, Bill is...
Tenguman said:
This is the first funeral for a President (state funeral) in ~30 years, so most people have forgotten (or don't even know) what it's like to bury a President.

FYI, Nixon didn't have a State funeral (his family didn't want one)

if thats the case, i hope Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton live forever.


Tenguman said:
This is the first funeral for a President (state funeral) in ~30 years, so most people have forgotten (or don't even know) what it's like to bury a President.

Really? Never knew it was quite this involved. I wonder if it'll be as insane when they bury Bush or Carter.


Ninja Scooter said:
if thats the case, i hope Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton live forever.

To be blunt, Carter and Clinton simply aren't nearly as important as Reagan in the minds of many americans. And neither are the Bushes, for that matter. They'll get their coverage, but I don't know that it'll be anywhere near what Reagan's is.

OTOH, the media these days likes to overhype just about everything...
Clinton will certainly have a state funeral such as this, and the outpouring of respect will be just as tremendous as it was for President Reagan. People won't admit it now, but looking back it'll be said that he guided this country to new heights during his 8 year tenure. Booming economy, great international relationships, the welfare bill, liberating Kosovo, etc..

As for Bush Sr and Jr... I won't even get into that.


HalfPastNoon said:
Clinton will certainly have a state funeral such as this, and the outpouring of respect will be just as tremendous as it was for President Reagan. People won't admit it now, but looking back it'll be said that he guided this country to new heights during his 8 year tenure. Booming economy, great international relationships, the welfare bill, liberating Kosovo, etc..

As for Bush Sr and Jr... I won't even get into that.

Methinks about 90% of Bush and Dubya's coverage will just be Desert Storm and 9/11, and no acknowledgement of the meltdowns that occurred afterwards.
I must say Bush Jr is beginning to rid himself of that retard stigma that's attached to him like a cancer with what his G8 speech, news conference yesterday and the Reagan eulogy today.


Tenguman said:
This is the first funeral for a President (state funeral) in ~30 years, so most people have forgotten (or don't even know) what it's like to bury a President.

FYI, Nixon didn't have a State funeral (his family didn't want one)
I thought he couldn't get a state funeral because he resigned?


HalfPastNoon said:
Clinton will certainly have a state funeral such as this, and the outpouring of respect will be just as tremendous as it was for President Reagan. People won't admit it now, but looking back it'll be said that he guided this country to new heights during his 8 year tenure. Booming economy, great international relationships, the welfare bill, liberating Kosovo, etc..

No, it won't. For starters, conservatives *hate* Clinton (And never mind that he was pretty moderate). Secondly, he wasn't around when a major international crisis was won, as Reagan was for the Cold War. And while I've said that Gorbechev had more to do with this than Reagan did, it's certainly true that Reagan helped to forge the current relationship between the US and Russia, and was one of few people who denounced the USSR when most people were willing to tolerate that broken regime. Compared to that, Kosevo and the welfare bill are nothing.
Mumbles said:
No, it won't. For starters, conservatives *hate* Clinton (And never mind that he was pretty moderate). Secondly, he wasn't around when a major international crisis was won, as Reagan was for the Cold War. And while I've said that Gorbechev had more to do with this than Reagan did, it's certainly true that Reagan helped to forge the current relationship between the US and Russia, and was one of few people who denounced the USSR when most people were willing to tolerate that broken regime. Compared to that, Kosevo and the welfare bill are nothing.

Reagan was President at the right time, that's all. I have no doubts that even Bush Jr would have brought down communism had he been in office at the time.


HalfPastNoon said:
Reagan was President at the right time, that's all. I have no doubts that even Bush Jr would have brought down communism had he been in office at the time.

He wasn't just president at the right time. The truth is, he was exactly what the country needed - honest and charismatic, even when he was completely wrong (eg. apartheid, Afganistan in retrospect). Clinton was too slimy, Carter and Bush Jr. too oafish, and Bush Sr. was just meh.


I know man, I was bitching about this to someone else... they have been dragging his corpse around for like six days. BURY HIM plz


Gold Member
Guzim said:
I thought he couldn't get a state funeral because he resigned?

No, he could've had one. He requested that he wouldn't get one.Every President, President-elect, and Former President can request have one, but State Funerals aren't just for Presidents as a President can order one for someone. There have been four (I think) for non-Presidents.
HalfPastNoon said:
Damn, I nearly cried when Nancy said her very last goodbyes to Ronnie. You could see her breaking down, with flag in arms, and cheek on casket. Thankfully, her kids came to the rescue.


Great coverage all around. I watched on ABC since Brit Hume and the rest of those idiots on Fox News never shut the fuck up.
yeah same here, and Nancy just looks so weak and half dead. i feel so sorry for her, but yet i'm sick of hearing about Reagon on every damn channel and everywhere i go.

also couldn't stand Bush earlier today, sat there waiting for something like "yuh all may morn now" to come out of his drunken texas mouth.
its going to be sad seeing any President die, but I have to concur with Bill O'Reilly on this and say that they should limit this to a 3 day thing, and not drag it for almost a week.
you know what. I grew up as a young boy under Reagan. I don't remeber him, and thus I can't say anything that I remeber about him. I have to say though seeing a President Die is horrible (maybe exepct for Tricky Dicky), but I would feel as bad for seeing Clinton dead as I would for any President. I'm a conservative, but you know you have to pay respect to anyone that lead your country, and I would have to be honest and say when Clinton dies (really the first person I remeber as President) I would treat it the same way as what happened last Sunday.


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What's worse about this whole situation is the people standing in line for hours to LOOK AT A FUCKING COFFIN. For Christ's sake, what sense does this make? What does slowly walking past a wooden case holding a corpse signify? I just don't get it.
Minotauro said:
What's worse about this whole situation is the people standing in line for hours to LOOK AT A FUCKING COFFIN. For Christ's sake, what sense does this make? What does slowly walking past a wooden case holding a corpse signify? I just don't get it.

so what? why do you care?


Minotauro said:
What's worse about this whole situation is the people standing in line for hours to LOOK AT A FUCKING COFFIN. For Christ's sake, what sense does this make? What does slowly walking past a wooden case holding a corpse signify? I just don't get it.

People do that at normal funerals. What's your fucking point?


Originally Posted by Minotauro
What's worse about this whole situation is the people standing in line for hours to LOOK AT A FUCKING COFFIN. For Christ's sake, what sense does this make? What does slowly walking past a wooden case holding a corpse signify? I just don't get it.

i think its just tradition, and thats important to people. Its a tradition that im not used to so i dont get it either... but whatever makes people feel better I guess.


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KingGondo said:
I guess they also tend to "know" the person at a "normal funeral."


Walking past the coffin of a man you only knew through television is just another weird form of celebrity worship. I swear, if they were selling handfuls of dirt from the hole he's going to be planted in, people would be lining up.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Reagan was President at the right time, that's all. <<<

Same goes for Clinton, but doubly so. He just happened to be President during a period where people were dumping their retirement money into mutual funds en masse, (and tech company snake oil salesmen were coming out of the woodwork) making stocks ridiculously overvalued, in turn increasing consumer confidence, in turn increasing consumer spending. It's a shame that boom was fueled by credit, resulting in record consumer debt and bankruptcy rates. It's also a shame that though the bubble burst at the end of Clinton's presidency, that people think that Bush caused the high times to end. The reality is that neither Bush nor Clinton had much to do with either the rise or fall.
Oh, and I fucking hate Bush.


Reagan is exactly why I will demand cremation, or even cheaper, donation to science. No funeral, no wake, nothing. I can't imagine making my family go through all that for me, and my ass is freaking dead.
Did anyone catch Ron Reagan Jr's jab at Bush Jr. during the eulogies? I paraphrase: "My dad never wore his religion on his sleeve; he never used his religion as a political advantage like some people"


Minotauro said:

Walking past the coffin of a man you only knew through television is just another weird form of celebrity worship. I swear, if they were selling handfuls of dirt from the hole he's going to be planted in, people would be lining up.

I totally agree. I almost seem to think that there is this air of conformity, like if you don't mourn for President Reagan then you're deemed "unpatriotic". I honestly, don't feel bad that he died. People die everyday, it's a part of life. I just don't understand the hooplah.


RobotChant said:
Did anyone catch Ron Reagan Jr's jab at Bush Jr. during the eulogies? I paraphrase: "My dad never wore his religion on his sleeve; he never used his religion as a political advantage like some people"

Nope I didn't, but that's awesome! Even Fox News' coverage has had a religious tinge this week; reporters talking about how "we've been blessed with clear weather for the California burial," etc. What the hell is happening to this country?
So sorry you folks were inconvenienced by the former President's funeral. But don't worry, it's all over now. Back to the usual Bush-bashing and "doom 'n gloom" of the daily news media.


I agree with Minotauro and Ceros...it's a shame so many people are sheep and just do things for the sake of perception. I can respect the situation from a historical point of view....but not the ridiculous corpse cock-worshiping and idolization.

Doth Togo

RobotChant said:
Did anyone catch Ron Reagan Jr's jab at Bush Jr. during the eulogies? I paraphrase: "My dad never wore his religion on his sleeve; he never used his religion as a political advantage like some people"


Which ceremony was that taken from? I'd love to have a URL to that.
OmniGamer said:
I agree with Minotauro and Ceros...it's a shame so many people are sheep and just do things for the sake of perception. I can respect the situation from a historical point of view....but not the ridiculous corpse cock-worshiping and idolization.
Yes, because that many people couldn't possibly really WANT to go and pay their respects to the former President in person, saying "thank you" for his part in guiding America to a better place, and offer their condolences and comfort to the deceased's family. It's gotta be because they're all single-minded sheep, happily sacrificing their time to get a glimpse of the casket, all for the sake of following the herd.

MrPing1000 said:
Reagan on tour!
Hey, it worked for Lincoln.


Spike Spiegel said:
Yes, because that many people couldn't possibly really WANT to go and pay their respects to the former President in person, saying "thank you" for his part in guiding America to a better place, and offer their condolences and comfort to the deceased's family. It's gotta be because they're all single-minded sheep, happily sacrificing their time to get a glimpse of the casket, all for the sake of following the herd.

Way to speak in absolutes....I didn't say they're ALL sheep...i didn't even say "most"...I said "so many". And I do believe there are "many" who are just doing that just to be a part of something and/or satisfy their sense of "duty" as an American. And IMO, you don't need to go through those motions to pay respect and mourn...and it would seem more worthwhile to say thanks to the man while he was actually still alive, instead of to an inanimate casket. Call me whatever you may wish(cynical, naive, unpatriotic(ha)), but it's no secret many people change their tune about someone when that person dies.


Minotauro said:

Walking past the coffin of a man you only knew through television is just another weird form of celebrity worship. I swear, if they were selling handfuls of dirt from the hole he's going to be planted in, people would be lining up.

Just because you never met a person face to face doesn't mean that they didn't have an impact on your life to the extent that you'd want to 'pay your respects' to them. Millions of people visit the grave of MLK Jr. every year - would you just call that celebrity worship?
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