Blarg has the quote.
Honestly I took a bit of inspiration from your quarantine play to give myself a bit more prominence in the thread otherwise I wouldn't know what to do. But I didn't want to make an anti-town gambit. A mild play at best.
...Here are my reads again. Can't back out now, sorry for being anti-town but I'm the vote leader so here we go.
Uh, isnt Kark talking about Sorian there? As in little did Kark know that it is Sorian's FA to allow conversation? It is a joke post?Blarg has the quote.
Honestly I took a bit of inspiration from your quarantine play to give myself a bit more prominence in the thread otherwise I wouldn't know what to do. But I didn't want to make an anti-town gambit. A mild play at best.
FAs suck
That quote wasn't directed at you, and it means the opposite of what you're claiming I said
and now, we wait
2 votes plus plenty of previous suspicion.
And yes, for those who can count my FA isn't post poetry. That was just a way to engage the thread and break the ice. I didn't think it was anti-town, in fact it has given me better reads imo so pro-town if anything.
Welcome, to the third and final battle between Hope and Despair.
You are the Ultimate Sherlock Holmes Fan. And are aligned with the Future Foundation (This is town).
Youre a big fan of the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Youve read all his novels at least once, sometimes maybe even twice. Seen all the adaptations and even written your own fanfiction. And as the biggest fan of the world's greatest detective, you feel you therefore must be a pretty good detective yourself. That is how things work isnt it? Therefore you are an alignment cop.
During the night, you may investigate a player by PMing me with the command Elementary my dear Watson was never a quote from the original novels and only showed up later in movies and I cant believe that it would feature in the role PM of me, the ultimate Sherlock Holmes fan of all people <player>. This will return a result of Town, or Not Town, assuming the action goes through.
You win when all threats to town have been eliminated
Looking at your wrist, you see a bracelet displaying a message. Your forbidden action is Role claiming in any capacity. This includes directly claiming, or strongly implying or hinting at your role. If you are uncertain as to whether something would be acceptable, PM a mod before posting.
For new page.Here are my reads again. Can't back out now, sorry for being anti-town but I'm the vote leader so here we go.
To those who voted me:
I would say I believe in town, but I don't. Use that to prove me wrong I guess.
So long suckers!
Star Wars is so kodomo
It's a good thing I don't have one
so, you didn't even receive a forbidden action?
According to the google doc (which apparently works on my tablet), no. Faddy has 2, Blarg has 4.Also, is majority still 9 and does any vote Terrabyte made still count?
It says I don't have one. Am I the only one?
if you don't have one, does that mean you can't suicide by FA? like Terra or others who can purposely or accidentally violate their FA.
Awesome. Our goddamn cop is dead, and the only reason he's dead is because a suspect few decided to start a train on him for no reason other than "He keeps denying he's scum, he must obviously be scum!" Good lord.
Day end is apparently 4pm my time, which is right when I am commuting home. I will have spotty connection while in the metro (subway for non DC folks) but will do my best to keep up.
I am actually a lot less sure of my vote for Faddy. He has come clean on both lying and why he lied, and I kind of buy the reasoning.
OTOH, it seems a pretty easy cover for scum in case a mass claim goes out. Shouldnt have been that hard to keep up either, so I am curious why Faddy didnt stick with it.
As of now, all five of you at the very least lean scum to me. What the hell were you people thinking?
Lol, you think they knew he was cop who couldn't claim?Kingkitty
As of now, all five of you at the very least lean scum to me. What the hell were you people thinking?
Making bad reads on day 1? Welcome to Town
I say we go back to lynching for inactivity.
Awesome. Our goddamn cop is dead, and the only reason he's dead is because a suspect few decided to start a train on him for no reason other than "He keeps denying he's scum, he must obviously be scum!" Good lord.
As of now, all five of you at the very least lean scum to me. What the hell were you people thinking?
Or we could lynch the dude who was lying about his FA and people have generally been suspicious of until now.
As of now, all five of you at the very least lean scum to me. What the hell were you people thinking?
As of now, all five of you at the very least lean scum to me. What the hell were you people thinking?
Most suspicion has been because of my FA claim. How did my lie harm town, please explain.
I will move with the majority and hope Nakito comes over as well.
Blarg you're good at making codes (I could have sworn you've done it before)
If you're town, make one for when you're 'AFK'
:-( it was a good gambit tho. Not necessarily enough to make me unvo-I miscounted posts. :-(
Although I was ready to come out with it a few poems ago. It was getting me in trouble.
Making bad reads on day 1? Welcome to Town
I say we go back to lynching for inactivity.
Why the self-vote Blarg? I coudnt figure that out.
Where was this defense for the last 50 odd hours?
Let's lynch an inactive shall we?
VOTE: Bronx-Man