My Basketball comment after hours, other than that, I have no clue.I am satisfied with your answers. Why the gym?
Oh, right.My Basketball comment after hours, other than that, I have no clue.
I would lynch you this very instant if the others weren't all like 'nuuuuuu we have to use the whole day phase guysssss'
I mean we could just lynch CzarTim and end early but with the real possibility one of us will die during the night it's important we just get everything off our chest in case we don't survive.
Also everything ( well, almost everything ) that can be done Day 5 can be done now so there isn't a reason to rush. This is the second time you have suggested this too, what's the rush to get to the Night phase so quickly??
I think you're all scummy as fuck tbh
:'( it was a joke because CzarTim hasn't seen the greatest movies of all time
And I don't remember asking to end the day early before my joke?
God the atmosphere in this game is getting far too serious and tense. Look at Archer, claiming ridiculous roles all willy-nilly. Are they even serious about their KGB issue?
I'm probably remembering something wrong. It's late, I'm tired, and I probably shouldn't be posting. I didn't mean for that to be aggressive, I'm sorry. ;___;
Also don't you know this is Super High School Level Serious Club? We take NO nonsense here! None! Keep your silly shenanigans in Archer!i've noticed it too. like yo guys debating is fun but you could cut the tension with a knife sometimes.
I'm probably remembering something wrong. It's late, I'm tired, and I probably shouldn't be posting. I didn't mean for that to be aggressive, I'm sorry. ;___;
Also don't you know this is Super High School Level Serious Club? We take NO nonsense here! None! Keep your silly shenanigans in Archer!i've noticed it too. like yo guys debating is fun but you could cut the tension with a knife sometimes.
Aw, you're cute! We need more Goshu vs Makai tbh. Most entertaining debate to come out of this game so far.
You know, I've been wanting to bring in some more fun. Dots and Boxes was the best part of last game. I've got a new game planned, and this one can't be gamed with an AI. I got the impression that Crab and CzarTim would lead a policy lynch against me if I brought it out, but that doesn't seem to be a concern anymore, so let's party! The loser of Blarg's game had to reveal their role. That seems pretty harsh and Despair players will just lie if they lose. So instead, the loser of my game has to vote with the winner on Day 5. Winner gets to be a double voter for a round! First person to submit a move accepts the duel and agrees to play to completion. I'll explain the rules tomorrow and the game starts then.
CzarTim is exluded.
Every vote. Sure, there are some practical restrictions here. The loser needs a chance to match votes, so the winner probably shouldn't switch their vote super frequently or vote at the last minute. Loser definitely needs to be online during the last hours.Does the loser have to follow the winner's every single vote on Day 5 or just the end-day vote?
You all should put someone at -1. If I don't hammer, that person is scum.
Now you're playing dumb. A location is a facility.
I've been looking at the arguments for keeping Czar alive today - because frankly I don't understand them.At this point CzarTim is a mostly known quantity. I doubt that they can use their ability again and nothing that they say is going to influence anyone. We don't lose anything from keeping them alive though it would force someone else to submit the kill. If we don't vote for them today then we can focus on people who we aren't sure about and vote for them.
Of course we might lynch Hope but then we'll hopefully learn something from it. We can afford to mislynch until about D9 and still have a Hope majority if we assume that there is at most 4 Despair and continue to have one kill and lynch a day.
I do understand the argument of lynching them so someone else is forced to carry out the night kills but it could end up being that they have a ninja (which I doubt at this stage) or the next person to carry out the kills already has a night role and so is a common sight to other people at night.
Actually I have to wonder if someone in Despair has a night role and they submit the kill, do they carry out their night role and the kill in the same walk.
I've been looking at the arguments for keeping Czar alive today - because frankly I don't understand them.
Here Kalor you seem to be saying that letting Czar live might not hurt us. It seems a bit of a leap from that to "so we should let him live". Is there any potential benefitting to not lynching Tim today?
I'm also aware of Corn's alternating ninja theory: I'll explain why that argument is flawed after Kalor/Corn have responded to this question.
I was asking if you (or rather, Kalor) had any other reason to suggest we let Tim live, besides the ninja theory
I was asking if you (or rather, Kalor) had any other reason to suggest we let Tim live, besides the ninja theory
This, combined with the likelyhood of them using him to do all the night kills are probably the big reasons why I lean to kolling him at the end of today. While saving him for LyLo might be a good idea, I don't think it outways the bad side at all.I know some people floated the idea to save CzarTim at another date. But I'm not vibing to that. As I said, the safest, easiest, and best decision for this school to make on Day 4 is to kill Czar. If we let him live, he'll continue to spread FUD. And of course, he'll be able to vote.
Can you imagine Czar being a tie breaker vote? That would actually be pretty amusing. Maybe we should keep him around.
So so far I can say my reads for devotion to hope are Terrabyte, goshujin, Makai, and CornBurrito thanks to today's inquiries and responses. Terra does a good job at getting as much information out there as possible, as does goshujin. Makai's questions for Terra were pretty solid, and TB's read on him during the questioning makes me feel more confident about his Hope alignment. Also feeling pretty good about Sawneeks.
As far as despair goes, I'm feeling 50/50 on Kitty and Rest. Rest's hostility towards Terra's methods in particular on post #2959 is rubbing me the wrong way.
But that doesn't excuse you from not posting your full assesment on crab day 2. You also mention that most of us didn't give a good reason for choosing crab over kgtrep. The specific quote is "he is more useful". My reasoning was in post 1462, I state that with kgtrep being a on off power, he is now just an ordinary hope player. Then in post 1607, I defend that vote by saying that crab has more potential since kgtrep is just an ordinary student now.
Again, I think I made my arguments clear. I didn't have some long-ass pre-typed post if that's what you were expecting, I prefer to present my arguments through conversation with the accused, giving fair chance for them to defend themselves and present their own explanations and counterpoints (you can see this in D2 when I realised I had been name dropping Terrabyte without much recent explanation). Maybe my first response to kgtrep gave you the wrong impression. That post was (I thought obviously) hyperbolic. It stated "a lot of overlap" between kgtrep's case and my own thoughts, when on closer inspection kg had presented some fairly dodgy arguments (the activity graphs) and I think his best post hadn't even been made at that point. In reality, this 'hyperbole' post was more an exclamation of my surprise. I had certainly done a lot of re-reading and note taking during the 'night', and I had been planning to push Crab - but I was expecting an uphill battle. Seeing such strong support for my cause (before I had even stated it) gave me hope that this "false Hope leader" could be killed (or at least neutered).But that doesn't excuse you from not posting your full assesment on crab day 2.
Ok, that's fair.You also mention that most of us didn't give a good reason for choosing crab over kgtrep. The specific quote is "he is more useful". My reasoning was in post 1462, I state that with kgtrep being a on off power, he is now just an ordinary hope player. Then in post 1607, I defend that vote by saying that crab has more potential since kgtrep is just an ordinary student now.
It's not my fault that you didn't like my reasoning, and did not respond to it when you posted two hours later.
This reasoning actually isn't good unless you somehow knew or believes Crab was more than an ordinary student.
By 1607 crab had already insinuated in post 1387 that he would role-claim, and while that by itself doesn't mean anything. I read into him post "I am deadly bored with this game now".
To me I read that as two ways, one off killing role OR something that stops killings (like role blocker, nurse or switcher).
Without exposing that I felt my reasoning was VERY good.
Again, I think I made my arguments clear. I didn't have some long-ass pre-typed post if that's what you were expecting, I prefer to present my arguments through conversation with the accused, giving fair chance for them to defend themselves and present their own explanations and counterpoints (you can see this in D2 when I realised I had been name dropping Terrabyte without much recent explanation). Maybe my first response to kgtrep gave you the wrong impression. That post was (I thought obviously) hyperbolic. It stated "a lot of overlap" between kgtrep's case and my own thoughts, when on closer inspection kg had presented some fairly dodgy arguments (the activity graphs) and I think his best post hadn't even been made at that point. In reality, this 'hyperbole' post was more an exclamation of my surprise. I had certainly done a lot of re-reading and note taking during the 'night', and I had been planning to push Crab - but I was expecting an uphill battle. Seeing such strong support for my cause (before I had even stated it) gave me hope that this "false Hope leader" could be killed (or at least neutered).
His "ready to role claim" post was, at the time, very clearly seen as a jab at the fact that like 7 people had role claimed already.
I really just find your reasoning in this game to be... not the same as my own. Like when you reasoned that kgtrep was Despair.
Hey guys, I just sent Launch a request to be replaced. I thought I could sort it out but lately I haven't even had the time to simply read the thread at work, much less to post or make notes. That means I've been struggling to get any worthwhile reads together afterwards so I'm currently just a burden.
It's been fun though. Until next time (hopefully)!
I'll try, cheersKeep up with the thread if you can, and see if you can take part in a short form one night werewolf game via the mafia master thread. It's been fun, I know we went back and worth a bit yesterday.
Hey guys, I just sent Launch a request to be replaced. I thought I could sort it out but lately I haven't even had the time to simply read the thread at work, much less to post or make notes. That means I've been struggling to get any worthwhile reads together afterwards so I'm currently just a burden.
It's been fun though. Until next time (hopefully)!
Hey guys, I just sent Launch a request to be replaced. I thought I could sort it out but lately I haven't even had the time to simply read the thread at work, much less to post or make notes. That means I've been struggling to get any worthwhile reads together afterwards so I'm currently just a burden.
It's been fun though. Until next time (hopefully)!
Holy shit