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'Dangerous' Peppa Pig Episode pulled from Australian TV - Again


My aunt runs a childcare and she has a chart that identifies common spiders and which ones you need to be wary of. I honestly didn't even know there were that many types in urban areas and I sure as hell wouldn't want kids trying to tuck any of them into bed any way.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I visited my sisters house in Sydney recently and went out the back yard and thought I'd sit on the bench out there. Glad I had a little check under it first though - redbacks galore


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
A Sydney mother, named only as Jess, told Fairfax Media she complained to Nick Jr. The channel initially refused to pull the episode, saying Mister Skinny Legs “did not look real”.


Way to miss the point.


I visited my sisters house in Sydney recently and went out the back yard and thought I'd sit on the bench out there. Glad I had a little check under it first though - redbacks galore
*looks up redbacks*
Historically, victims were often bitten on the genitalia, though this phenomenon disappeared as outhouses were superseded by plumbed indoor toilets


It's a miracle people stayed in Australia
We have a constant loop of Peppa episodes in our house. Started with my daughter and now continues with son who is 2. I find it hilarious that this show -- of all shows -- has an episode banned. Regardless of the reason, someone has banned an episode of Peppa Pig. 😳

And yes, to an earlier comment, Daddy Pig is a moron.
Didn't they have to edit back-in seat belts into car scenes because previously daddy pig didn't wear one? I am sure I read that years back.


My daughter has almost every playset and figure except for Grandpa Pigs boat. I think it's a UK exclusive. That show caused her to start talking with a British accent. "It's a bit funny Daddy" etc and now it's a Spider peace platform..Whats next??

Show is great. I like to watch it as well.
Peppa Pig is so ridiculous anyway. It's savage as all hell.

I saw my little sister watch this episode and I was laughing my ass off.


At first I thought it was the mom blowing off the Peppa's concern with her problem. Then I thought it was how Peppa reacted to her friend's reply , but no it was that ending. Lmao

That clip had me going to HA to Peppa is kinda of a jerk to dying at the ending.
So this show is my daughter's favorite. She's 2... and very well spoken for her age.

This episode only bothered me because I'm afraid of spiders and keep running into crazy huge mofos here in SC.

To be honest, it isn't a good message to teach my 2 year old that it's okay to play with spiders. Not here in SC where one bite from the right spider and decimate your arm. Literally. Peppa and her brother George play with the spider and coddle it like a pet. Give it tea... it's very British.

Having lived in England, it'd be okay to play with their spiders. They can't do what American and Australian spiders can do. So I don't think this is an over-reaction. Everything wants to kill you in Australia cept the Koalas.


I was wondering wtf Australia was on seeing the title, then read a bit...

Yeah. Australia is 100% right on this one.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Funny my kid just watched this episode this morning, asked if he could have a pet spider

Well, you can have spiders as pets. My cousin had a couple of tarantulas, for instance, and, fun fact, was the go-to guy for the local ranger whenever dangerous snake-related incidents popped up (needless to say, he also had a pet snake). You just have to know your relatively harmless wheat from your deadly chaff.
Australia of all the fucking places in the WORLD, taught kids to tuck spiders into their bed.

Yeah lmao, my parents would always get pissed off if I brought insects or spiders into the house. Too many dangerous spiders in Aus.

When I was a kid during the summer, my cousin and I would collect huntsman spiders and redback spiders from around the backyard and put them into seperate containers. After this, we'd then pour both containers into an old fish bowl I had to watch the 20 spider battle Royale.

Now that I think of it, that was pretty fucked up lol. Ah well.


41 > 38
USA has black widows, but I've honestly only ever seen them in the woods.
We also have brown recluses whom are also dangerous, but I've never seen one period.
So the 'spiders are harmless' thing flies here too.

We get black widows all over the place here in Southern California. There are probably six chilling on the sides of my house as we speak, even though I feel like I'm constantly killing them.

I would definitely appreciate it if my kid's propaganda machine didn't tell him to pick them up.
I've been in Sydney for 2 months and i've never seen the spiders usually posted here (in the wild or houses).

It's been better than my home country, lol.

In the city you're unlikely to see anything except Huntsmen and the odd Whitetail, if you go digging up a garden or rummaging around a shed you may see Red Backs or very rarely a Funnelweb. Up here in the Blue Mountains we get a lot of Funnelwebs, big wolf spiders and Huntsmen, but I've never seen a Red Back. Guess it's a bit too cold in winter for them to survive, got bitten by one before we moved up here and it fucking hurt! Only see Funnel Webs in the garden and when I shove my inspection camera down a suspect hole, it's like a live Aliens film, scares the shit out of you even though you know they are a metre away and underground. We get more Funnel Webs than our neighbors, I'm guessing because our land runs off into a creek and so is pretty moist all the time, which Funnel Webs like. Never had one get in the house but then they are shite climbers and we have steps to every entrance, plus the cat and dogs will kill them and are immune to their venom.


surely kids will be kids and will pick up creepy crawlies anyway? And in a country with some dangerous ones, they'd quickly learn or be taught which ones to keep away from?


Junior Member
My 2 year old son likes this show. I watched this episode with him the other day, funny enough. I remember watching these characters playing tea party with the spider and thinking "man I really don't want him to think it's cool to pick up and play with random spiders"

Looks like I'm not the only one.


We get black widows all over the place here in Southern California. There are probably six chilling on the sides of my house as we speak, even though I feel like I'm constantly killing them.

I would definitely appreciate it if my kid's propaganda machine didn't tell him to pick them up.

It could make an interesting episode of Black Mirror. So many parents use the TV or tablets as virtual nannies, that you could get something like Peppa Pig socially conditioning an entire generation of children.
USA has black widows, but I've honestly only ever seen them in the woods.
We also have brown recluses whom are also dangerous, but I've never seen one period.
So the 'spiders are harmless' thing flies here too.

Haha. I mean, I'm not trying to play up some irrational fears that dangerous spiders are everywhere or anything, but I don't think citing anecdotal evidence and concluding "I've never seen them so they clearly aren't a problem in the whole country" is very sound logic.

Brown recluses are pretty common here. I've seen them plenty. There are some in our house. As their name implies, they are reclusive and mainly stick to areas like the garage, attic, shed, etc.
Haha. I mean, I'm not trying to play up some irrational fears that dangerous spiders are everywhere or anything, but I don't think citing anecdotal evidence and concluding "I've never seen them so they clearly aren't a problem in the whole country" is very sound logic.

Brown recluses are pretty common here. I've seen them plenty. There are some in our house. As their name implies, they are reclusive and mainly stick to areas like the garage, attic, shed, etc.

They love to hide in shoes.
Red backs and funnel webs can kill a child while white tails and huntsmen can really fuck your day. All are common in Australian houses on the eastern seaboard.
It was right to be pulled.
Haha. I mean, I'm not trying to play up some irrational fears that dangerous spiders are everywhere or anything, but I don't think citing anecdotal evidence and concluding "I've never seen them so they clearly aren't a problem in the whole country" is very sound logic.

Brown recluses are pretty common here. I've seen them plenty. There are some in our house. As their name implies, they are reclusive and mainly stick to areas like the garage, attic, shed, etc.

That was not what my post was saying. It was anecdotal evidence for why here in the US the idea of spiders are harmless flies so regularly.
The sink looks appropriately terrified.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Seattle. We have hobos (necrotizing bite in rare cases) but I let everything else live. If you head east you can find small widows and rattlesnakes.

There are zero brown recluse spiders in seattle but plenty of erroneous reports.


My daughter has almost every playset and figure except for Grandpa Pigs boat. I think it's a UK exclusive. That show caused her to start talking with a British accent. "It's a bit funny Daddy" etc and now it's a Spider peace platform..Whats next??

Show is great. I like to watch it as well.

It's one of the few children's shows that have content aim squarely at adults, with all the political, philosophical and child rearing commentary.

Another show along similar lines is Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom which is done by the same team
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