A) Mifune's best roles actually are the ones where he doesn't chew the scenery - High and Low, The Bad Sleep Well, Samurai Rebellion, etc., but B) the movies where Mifune most chewed the scenery were mostly pre-Brando Japanese period pieces where he played thieves and nuts, not literary but nevertheless realistic period dramas where some fidelity to reality is necessary to make the whole thing work. Setting aside how derivative it is, the thing about There Will Be Blood that works less and less the more you watch it is how very, very silly and over-the-top it gets.
And while his Lincoln was "soft-spoken", his performance in that movie was still all surface, no depth. Immaculately-polished surface, unlike, say, Leonardo Dicaprio, who always looks like he's playing dress-up, but still, surface. That's partially the script's fault, because it just sucks, but, y'know, he didn't have to do the movie with that script.