Back on D1, we had a neck-to-neck closing with a seemingly inevitable outcome between StarSketch and SkyOdin, in that one of them was bound to be banished then. So I tried to make more of both.
By attempting to create a tie, I was essentially soft-investigating both StarSketch and SkyOdin before one of them flipped, via forcing others to intervene with tie-breaker votes to see who picked what side under a semblance of pressure. But Sky just had to be a martyr and took up one of those slots himself, which only left me with the Flame lead after that hammer-vote of his, and hence the subsequent forced pursuit of him on D2.
The odds that Flame flipping Town were admittedly high, naturally, given a normal Town:Mafia ratio plus the circumstance of my accusation of him (born at the end of Day, when players' actions are less well-thought out than usual), and I will admit that we
might have been better served by lynching TheWorthyEdge Yesterday instead. A very tiny "might", that. A mite-sized "might", you might say.
Because, I still maintain that it was entirely worth banishing Sky's hammer-voter, EXACTLY because the odds of Flame being Town were naturally high; we can now better examine those players who had helped me attack Flame_AC on D2. Hence, why I said to look at the D2 votes on Flame again. Also, the lack of any real useful activity Yesterday was an indication that Flame was Town before the flip, hence why I also suggested now looking at those who didn't vote for Flame as well, and also at the inactives, as both types could be Mafia low-layers, taking full advantage of the easy bus I set up as bait.
BUT, in this bloody game, EVERYONE'S a scum-sucking inactive, so that kinda shits all over my original intent, doesn't it?
So, as we stand now in the current absence of any Power Role help, we have to rely on GOOD OLD-FASHIONED WHODUNNIT CROSS-REFERENCING, and so
our true best banishment bet Today is to lynch StarSketch, finishing what we started on D1 instead of watching Corn and TWE fling mutual poos at each other until we banish me. By doing so, we can put this sordid D1 triangle to rest once and for all, and tangibly advance our reads (provided that any of you actually bother updating your files).
We need to know StarSketch's alignment in order to:
- exonerate myself so that we prove I wasn't acting to save her (in the event that she's scum) in some bizarre method of mine, and more importantly,
- in order to cross-reference the ones who directly voted against Sky on D1 with the ones who directly voted against Flame on D2, in the light of the knowledge now that they are both Town.
If StarSketch flips as scum, it's likely there's scum among the list of players that voted against SkyOdin for her sake, and we can see if any names of those who pursued the now-confirmed-as-Town Flame on D2, also pop up on Sky's list.
If Star flips as Town, then I laughably trust in y'all knowing what to do in that case. ¬_¬
VOTE: StarSketch
I'm locking this in as my final vote for Today, and this'll be the last time I explain why I did that what.