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Dark Cloud 2: Not Again


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Haha, we're in the same boat. I played a total of three hours of Dark Cloud 2 yesterday. For some reason I picked it up again on Wednesday, and I've been having a blast. Honestly one of my favorite PS2 games of all time. There is just so much to do. You got Spheda, Monster Badges, fishing, Invention System, Photography Scoop system, Ridepod, weapon evolution, character building, support characters, and of course the amazing Georama system. And there is tons more. Not to mention top notch graphics, voice acting, and music.

I thought the original Dark Cloud was crap. I played it a little and just didn't enjoy myself, Georama was the only thing I liked about the original. Level 5 made a total 180 in the fun factor department with Dark Cloud 2, the game is just amazing. Yeah, the dungeons can suck at times, but I found tons of fun even in them. Getting Medal Badges for the different goals and such.

Bring on Dark Cloud 3 and Dragon Warrior VIII, they'll both be GOTY for whatever year they come out. :)
I've still got to get back to DC2 to play that additional level you get for finishing the game. I heard it was a very nice bonus. Anybody remember what they thought of it?


I don't like the randomly generated dungeons in the Dark Cloud series,I find them boring and without personality plus as a GDR the story is bland.By the way I'm really looking forward to see Dark Cloud 3 since DC2 was a big step over the first game.


Is playing Dark Cloud a pre-requisite for playing Dark Cloud 2? (Not like I don't have a stack of ten games in my backlog, but I'd like to know anyway.)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Prospero said:
Is playing Dark Cloud a pre-requisite for playing Dark Cloud 2? (Not like I don't have a stack of ten games in my backlog, but I'd like to know anyway.)

Nope, you don't need to play Dark Cloud to understand the sequel.


sonycowboy said:
I've still got to get back to DC2 to play that additional level you get for finishing the game. I heard it was a very nice bonus. Anybody remember what they thought of it?

I remember the additional level, it's a fairly long dungeon and kind of hard. Never did beat the very, very last "part" of that level though. People who reached that part knows what I'm talking about.
Also, the additional level kind of ties together Dark Cloud 1 and 2 in a certain way IIRC.
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