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Dark Cloud 2 questions

Ok, so I read a lot on Dark Cloud 2, but I still have some questions :

1. If I didn't like Dark Cloud 1, are there any chance I will like the second one? I mean, the dungeons in the first were shit, always the same thing...

2. How is the game customization-wise?

I hope you can answer these two questions.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Never played Dark Cloud 1, so I can't really say. I think the consesus is that Dark Cloud 2 is better than the first one, so there's probably a chance you'll like it. The dungeons are still a bid crappy though, and they're randomly generated. Thankfully there's more than just dungeons to this game, but it's up to you to get sucked into the mini games and town building stuff

Customization...you can feed certain things to your weapons to level them up (remember, the weapons level up, not the characters themselves). How you feed it will determine what kind of weapon it will be as there are various branches that the weapon upgrades go to. You can customize your robo machine thingy that you get later. You get to build towns later on, which is required to progress through the game. As you build towns, you have to recruit people into your town, which is done by going back to previous towns and doing some little side quests

Ranger X

Customization is alot more part of the game this time around. But the model of game itself and it's style of play is the same. I suppose that if you don't like the first you won't like this one. Except maybe that all the stuff you can do (there's ALOT of extra shit you can do with everything if you feel like it) could be something that change your mind and make you dig the game.
Other than that, the visuals are excellent and the music is good, but not very memorable. The storyline sucks though, and the voice acting can easily get on your nerves. The customization and weapon building is really where it's at. And the town building is very nice. I liked it enough to put 60+ hours in it, so that's something.
I am like 15 hours into the game and gotta say its really tough. The game is just huge and theres a lot of stuff to do. Sometimes things can get confusing. Anyway this game would be better if it had less random dungeons and good long dungeons. The random shit pisses me off, and there are sooo many floors at each one. X_X


Unconfirmed Member
Littleberu said:
1. If I didn't like Dark Cloud 1, are there any chance I will like the second one? I mean, the dungeons in the first were shit, always the same thing... .
Yes. There are few sequels that I can think of that were as drastically improved over the original as Dark Cloud 2. The dungeons are still a bit on the repetitive side, but I found them to be fun most of the time, plus you get the nice option of being able to play golf in the dungeons. :)


Shouta said:
The town building on DC2 isn't as good as the town-building in DC1 =(

not entirely true. I found that building a 100% completed town was less fun in DC2, but building your own town is much more fun as you have many more options available to you


Traveling through the same looking dungeon for about the 12th time gets old after while,this game blew.It has alot of shit to do,but whats that matter if the combat blows and the dungeons are repetitive as hell?

Bob White

1. If I didn't like Dark Cloud 1, are there any chance I will like the second one? I mean, the dungeons in the first were shit, always the same thing...


I believed this LIE of "it's sooo much better than the first one" too. Don't fall into the fucking TRAP.

This game is SHIT ON ICE. The same ass shit OVER and OVER. It's a beat em up thats very boring. Thats all DC2 (AND 1) is.
I haven't played the first Dark Cloud do to reviews not being so good.
I played the 2nd game and at first I thought it was okay, but then dungeons quickly become annoying and repetitive. I found that a lot of the game was very corny and for those reasons the game did not feel fun and I stopped playing the game.

I don't know if it's just me, but i've been having a difficult time finding any RPG's I enjoy playing this generation... On SNES and PS1 there were always RPG's to play.


I loved the graphics, loved the characters and voice acting, and even the battles. And the whole Georama system (building) was pretty neat. But the game became really tedious and needlessly complicated. The randomly-generated dungeon thing was annoying.

And I hate the idea of weapons breaking. The whole synthesize/spectrumize and invention system got to be a pain as well. If it had just been a more basic action rpg it could've been really fun.

Ranger X

I'm really wondering why people seems to dislike generated dungeons from DC2 10 times more than any other Diablo genre of RPGs....


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
I think it's some sort of thing where people expect all japanese rpg's to be linear and fixed and then they have a breakdown when one isn't what they were expecting.


My main beef with Dark Cloud 2 is the combat engine is crap. Really sloppy. The framerate was a step down from DC1 as well.


Wyzdom said:
I'm really wondering why people seems to dislike generated dungeons from DC2 10 times more than any other Diablo genre of RPGs....

In terms of random dungeons:

NetHack >> Diablo II >>> Dark Cloud 2 >>>> Dark Cloud
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