You invaders are so funny! Trying to invade my world and kill me. That's cute. Just as cute as your guts on the ground now. I find it funny that when it comes to being invaded/invading others, my kill/death ratio is pretty high. Like 90% wins. Like opposite for duels oddly enough haha.
I had 2 people invade me yesterday in NG+. Actually 4 total, but 1st 2 was while I was trying to take on the 1st Lost Bastille boss. But was having none of that and entered the boss.
Afterwards, I got invaded by a Blue Sentinel while at bottom of Sinner's Rise. I went up to the top to have a better fight and waited. This invaded failed my 2 important rules of invading. Never play the enemy game, which he did several times as I would go up and down the stairs and lead him into an ambush each time. And never, ever, let the enemy heal. Which he failed several times.
Next I got invaded in Huntsman's Copse by a guy wearing that DLC ring that makes you appear human/non-phantom/etc. Was dressed as the enemies in the region. Confused me for a little bit, but I eventually killed him. Good strategy though. Only downside really is that your PSN/etc name appears over your head always. If it didn't, it would have been much easier for the guy to sneak up on me or damage me from afar.
I love being a sinner and being constantly invaded.