Hey guy's question. Currently doing a SL1 Deprived run for testing, and got to Iron Keep to loot the place and my question is...
did they nerf the water pot roll effect as you drop onto the lava walkways for the chests?
At first I thought meh I'll just roll in the water then drop down and casually get my chest loot and stroll back no problems. Then I died within seconds, then I tried in conjunction with Flash Sweat and the ATN Ring...still died. Then finally barely grabed the loot before dying using Flame Quartz+1/Small Orange Burr/Flash Sweat AND water... WTF
I use to be able to simply roll in some water and literally walk to the chest and back barely losing any health, even just stand there and taunt. :\ Lame if they nerfed that.
Edit: Oh yeah, SL1 Naked using a Magic Mace +8 no damage/no healing run Smelter Demon. Recorded!

And, finally got my last 14 Awestones for Vanquisher's Seal...would have been way better if you could just need 20 simply by using skilled play and by not dying or taking hits thus jacking up the % for Awestones to drop from any enemy, which could easily be done in about a hour in FoFFG...