Well the zwei should be but it depends on your stats as a drangleic sword already has C/A scaling so you probably skew what you get from the stats you already have 20/25 so you've got a higher DEX bonus than STR. You will need to upgrade the zwei and put points into STR then you will see it start to overtake the drangleic sword.I got the zweihander and wanted to 2 hand it, but then i realized its not even stronger than the drangleic sword i'm using (with shield). Whats up with that? What would be good to 2 hand?
As you're one handing it with a shield a claymore has the same one handed moveset. 2 handed there's not really much similar other than probably the royal greatsword.That makes sense, thanks! Are there any good 2H swords with a similar move set to the drangleic? I like that little R2 (strong attack) when i have the shield, it just pokes forward which is nice.
It's still using SM tiers to match you up with others it's not level based.also how are you supposed to constantly pvp at a set soul level?
It's still using SM tiers to match you up with others it's not level based.
You are as you can just infinitely farm the piglets for cracked eye orbs whilst being in champions. As for what to start as probably a knight is the best choice.yeah i worded that poorly but that's what i meant. for instance if you want to duel at like 500k soul memory, you couldn't invade infinitely without paying souls again and again for orbs unless i'm mistaken.
Yes that was a lot of fun. You have some major poison buildup ability going on there. I tried not to use the same weapon twice. Some of them I shouldn't be using at allDid a bunch of duels with SourShoes yesterday. Was really fun, esp as gave us both a chance to try out new weapon combos/etc.
While trying to duel with him, I actually got invaded 5 times by blue arbiters. haha. So if you are wondering why sometimes it took me a few minutes to put down my red soapsign, it is because of that. First guy actually rage quit on me! That is pathetic, I mean this isn't a duel. I'm not going to give you a fair chance and will attack you instantly. I may be nice most of the time and let invaders do 1 buff and wave at them to make sure they are ready, but I only do that out of politeness, still aint a duel idiot. :lol
Also, Soul Memory really sucks. Esp early on. But once you start to get in the millions +, the range for summons/pvp/invasion really expands since the ranges then are huge and become less of an issue.
So, I'm playing DkS2 for the 2nd go round. I'm starting a fresh character and was thinking about going either a dual wield build or 2 handed, but have no idea what I should shoot for in terms of stats or weapons. Any tips?
Bastard sword is the best early two handed weapon you can find in the forest of giants and can take you pretty fine to the lost bastille and get the Sinner greatsword or the pursuer great sword with Ornifex.
There is also the red twinkle blade too on the amana shrine
That sounds bad, sure you've not missed one?Goddamn steam achievements only needed all pyromancies and when I just got chaos storm for the first time in 3 play throughs it didnt pop up. I have them all...
There's also the old knight greatsword, bandit greataxe, great club, and mace available early.Alright, cool. Thanks!
There's also the old knight greatsword, bandit greataxe, great club, and mace available early.
Goddamn steam achievements only needed all pyromancies and when I just got chaos storm for the first time in 3 play throughs it didnt pop up. I have them all...
Goddamn steam achievements only needed all pyromancies and when I just got chaos storm for the first time in 3 play throughs it didnt pop up. I have them all...
That sounds bad, sure you've not missed one?
We hunt the beast, retry 17!?
Those who are worthy, CLAIM IT!
I think at 8.9 million Soul Memory is the most competitive using the red soapstone because you get summoned for 3 tiers down and 2 up. That's where I'm locked with the Agape Ring. Once you get into the 9 million tier, you can be summoned by the infinite tier and face SL700 ultra filthy Havelmages. That would not be my idea of fun.
Not much you can just warp out after each fight if anything the twins get the most annoying gimmick mechanic, Nashandra and Aldia are pretty straight forward. If you can do the ivory king you'll probably be fine with those 4.Only stuff left to do before next week is beat the Ivory King and go challenge Aldia. How much of a bitch is it to get through The Throne Watcher and Defender, Nashandra, and then Aldia? Will need to use a bonfire ascetic to bring the folks back unfortunately.
That is the fast wayIs there a fast and easy way to obtain all those without going NG++?
Having never played Dark Souls 2 before I was not aware of the 60fps durability glitch and to my knowledge (which isnt very much) it still has not been fixed.
For those that have experienced this, does it affect the overall fun of the gameplay drastically? Do your weapons break that quickly?
Low durability weapons can be a challenge, but you adjust by having dupes or multiple weapons to use. There are really only a couple areas that it becomes an issue. Bonfires are so frequent.
Souls 2 gaf I just beat DaS for the first time (what an incredible game) & while I purchased DaS2 when it came out I assumed I would get to it. But after tons of procrastination & delays of beating souls 1 I never got to it. Now I own a PS4 & was wondering if I should purchase the PS4 version seeing as it comes with all the DLC or should I stick with my PS3 version?
Souls 2 gaf I just beat DaS for the first time (what an incredible game) & while I purchased DaS2 when it came out I assumed I would get to it. But after tons of procrastination & delays of beating souls 1 I never got to it. Now I own a PS4 & was wondering if I should purchase the PS4 version seeing as it comes with all the DLC or should I stick with my PS3 version?
Just realized that the Northwarder Set is one of the best and lightest armor set, it also looks good with a Hunter's Hat.
And in time for my 100+th attempt to kill.Aava
Why use a one of the mirrah greatswords when a drangelic sword ends up stronger than both ever will be, unless you really like the move set of the mirrah twins?Two-hand the Mirrah Greatsword or the Old Mirrah Greatsword if your Aestic'd the first Aldia Keep bonfire a bunch of times and got lucky like me.
Next set up from that is the black set its got higher defenses and is .2 units heavier, chaos set is pretty much identical with some jigged around elemental defenses.Just realized that the Northwarder Set is one of the best and lightest armor set, it also looks good with a Hunter's Hat..
Why use a one of the mirrah greatswords when a drangelic sword ends up stronger than both ever will be, unless you really like the move set of the mirrah twins?.
If I switch to Drangelic Sword
Been trying the boss fight till now with Winged Spear +7 (you get in this DLC)
Well you have the stats to use one if you wanted to it's twice as heavy as the winged spear is though so that will probably sour you a bit. Comparing a plus +7 weapon to a base twinkling one is a bit disingenuous, but with the remaining 6K plus souls you have left in the teir you can upgrade it to +3 where it does overtake a +7 winged spear.Thanks for the suggestions, but I am under extreme restrain due to my locked SM. Improving slowly, but I am trying out everything available to me (all the possible weapons and combinations)
Why use a one of the mirrah greatswords when a drangelic sword ends up stronger than both ever will be, unless you really like the move set of the mirrah twins?
Next set up from that is the black set its got higher defenses and is .2 units heavier, chaos set is pretty much identical with some jigged around elemental defenses.
Well you have the stats to use one if you wanted to it's twice as heavy as the winged spear is though so that will probably sour you a bit. Comparing a plus +7 weapon to a base twinkling one is a bit disingenuous, but with the remaining 6K plus souls you have left in the teir you can upgrade it to +3 where it does overtake a +7 winged spear.