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Datel officially jumps the shark... or who ARRR!! they kidding?

first they announce their Max Media Player device, which sort of just seems like they really need to get rid of those 4GB microdrives they stocked up on with their PSP kits...

then they announce the Max Media Launcher as a standalone product and tout it's support for many 3rd party flash card devices...

then they actually release them both, and it turns out their software support is pretty nonexistant and they rely on the homebrew app, Moonshell, to do all their media playing...

and then, magically, days after the Max Media Player's release, two random guys who nobody has heard of before release rom patching software for it, and release several updates in the following days, and even go as far as to suggest taking out the microdrive in the MMP and using a compact flash card instead...

then they drop the final bomb, the Max Media Dock, which is a Compact Flash adapter for DS...

they used to really walk the tightrope before, but it really looks like they've jumped off to one side this time...
They are getting lazy lately. The last cheat device they made was Action Replay for Gamecube. Now all of their so called "cheat devices" are just game save devices. Cheat devices are awesome for finding "hidden" stuff in a game that was left on the disc but can't be accessed normally.
shuri said:
Haha, well if you know about their history, well it's no surprise.
well, they used to walk the line before, but now they're not even trying to balance, they's all over on one side now, not caring about the line...


Is that Max Media dock thing just using the DS slot, or the GBA slot? I can't tell.

If it is the DS slot, homebrew will boom on the DS dramatically. I'm hoping for some sort of DOSBox port so I can play Commander Keen on the DS :p


It sucks that they're going out of their way to appeal to pirates -- by associating themselves with homebrew and having "hackers" release software (if that really is what they're doing), they're making legitimate homebrewers look bad.

On the other hand, the max media dock seems to be a more flexible, cheaper way of doing homebrew than the GBA flashcarts.


jgkspsx said:
It sucks that they're going out of their way to appeal to pirates

wikipedia said:
The Commodore 64 and Amiga Action replays included the ability to save the entire contents of a home computers memory to Floppy disc or Compact audio cassette, and then to reload very quickly. This proved extremely popular with people, especially when the Commodore 64 could take 20 minutes to load a game from notoriously unreliable tape. It also did not escape peoples attention that you could use Action Replays to copy games. The name Action Replay referred to the fact that you could instantly restart a game from the position that you had saved it.

Datel also made numerous unique copy devices for various systems that proved extremely popular. Devices such as the Syncro Express as well as the Action Replay exerted a heavy toll on the fledgling Video Games industry. It has been said that Datel in part was responsible for the demise of the home computer games market. 100's of thousands of Syncro expresses, each copying 10 to 100 games may have had an impact. The 1988 act Copyright law of the United Kingdom was designed to arrest the casual copying of Games in this way.


Gilatif said:
Does anyone here know where the phrase "Jump the shark" came from?
The Fonz jumped a shark on Happy Days in their later years. (Hollywood Part 3) People said at that point the show had run out of ideas. (Fearless Fonzarelli Parts 1 and 2)

Thus "Jump the Shark" was born.



shuri said:
Posters who think they've got one over on a n00b, and are wrong, are the most pathetic kind of funny (especially when they selectively quote to make their "joke"!)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reviews of how well this works for legitimate purposes. I've been meaning to get into GBA/DS development for a while -- if I can't play demos on the real hardware, it's not fun enough to justify. Having a major company sell these domestically is a much more appealing alternative to having to order a flash cart from overseas.


jgkspsx said:
Posters who think they've got one over on a n00b, and are wrong, are the most pathetic kind of funny (especially when they selectively quote to make their "joke"!)

The internet is serious business!

edit: on a more serious notes, there are lots of reviews online for the device, mostly from people who manage to order it from their site.


shuri said:
edit: on a more serious notes, there are lots of reviews online for the device, mostly from people who manage to order it from their site.
Wait, for the Max Media Dock? I found none. Didn't it just come out?


Ummm. you realize that all of these tools are awesome for Homebrewers right?

THe media launcher is a nice DS-cart formfactor passthrough, so you don't have the bulky ass PassMe with a DS game stuck in it sticking out of your DS.

The media dock is a GBA slot pass-through that takes CF cards and has a USB cable in in, so you don't have to do this when you're coding:

Take out the GBA Adapter.
Take the CF card out of the Adapter.
Plug it into your PCs CF Reader
Put on your code.
Take it out of the reader
Put the CF Card in the Adapter.
Plug the adapter into the DS.
Test your code, oops, a bug, start over.

Can it be used for Piracy? Probably. But if it helps homebrewers, then tough titties, I'm all for it.


Bojangles said:
Ummm. you realize that all of these tools are awesome for Homebrewers right?
Well, the OP's problem lay with the "hackers" who posted a firmware hack to allow playing of pirated DS games two days after the product released. His (perfectly reasonable) suspicion was that they were Datel employees releasing something that the company couldn't, legally speaking.

But, yeah. So has anyone actually used it? Any links to impressions/reviews around?
wow, the story got more interesting...

The Datel Max Media Player , is a device for Nintendo DS made for
media playback. A week or so after Datel released this device a warez
loader for it was sent out to the WWW console fag scene.

This is where things were getting suspicious, because nobody knew how
to utilize the I/O of the Datel device.. except datel ofcourse.

So we decided to have a quick look at this thingie and found something
very cool. The Datel(tm) device is in fact a COPY of another device,
the so-called GBA Movie player. This GBA Movie Player is a $25 cheap device which does exactly the same as the datel one. Yet they changed
some bits which made it not run-able from a normal GBAMP.

In the end it turns out datel stole a design for a device, tried to
make money of everything by releasing the 'third party' warez loader. So we decided to crack this bitch, and now it FULLY works on GBAMP. Included is the cracked M.O. application, put it as _boot_mp.nds on your CF CARD to autoboot it. With the included *cracked* patcher u can generate patch (.PAT) files for the ROMs. Put the PAT + NDS files of the games on your root of the CF card, power on, and play!

So now all enjoy your ROMs on the cheap way, TRIFORCE does in no way
guarantee that any of them work or not, so don't ****ing bother us with that shit.

shady shady shady guys over at Datel...

though i guess in other news, the GBAMP now plays roms... wonder how fast Lik-Sang will stop selling it?


I was looking for a thread to post this, so I guess this one will do.

The XSATA, that device that lets you store 360 content (demos, movies, etc.) on your PC is/has been out. I don't know how long, but if you're as tired of having no space as everyone else is, get it. $50
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