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Dave Chappelle attacked on stage during a comedy performance. He's ok, suspect was detained by security


Gotta get some more coffee for this. Brb...

EDIT: Well, glad he's alright. Seems a little sillish, but eh. What in the fuck can make a person say to themselves, "I must express my rage in public, armed, because Chappelle says silly shit about transgenders/poor whites on heroin/and endless dick jokes"?

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This is a man that's already paranoid and scared of people. Hope this doesn't affect him long term and he recuperates quickly.
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Boss Mog

Weird that the guy brought a knife and gun but didn't use them in his assault (thank god he didn't). Weirder or perhaps just more depressing is the fact that he was able to get those weapons into the venue.

The fact that we don't know the motive yet tells me that this doesn't fit the narrative.
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If the attacker was wheeled into an ambulance, hopefully that sends the message that not everyone gets away with what Will got away with.

Security are about to get more contracts from comedy shows, I think. Good time to reach out if you own a security firm


Neighbours from Hell
There might not have been a motivation. It could’ve been someone drunk or coked out of their mind. I know people will assume it was someone who hated him because of his jokes and maybe it was but we don’t know yet.

If someone ever tries this on Rogan he’s gonna roundhouse them off the stage


There might not have been a motivation. It could’ve been someone drunk or coked out of their mind. I know people will assume it was someone who hated him because of his jokes and maybe it was but we don’t know yet.

If someone ever tries this on Rogan he’s gonna roundhouse them off the stage
Chapelle has gained size so I imagine he can semi-take care of himself (versus Chris Rock, who is skinny).

The attacker got the shit kicked out of him behind the stage mind you.

Here is a video:


Neighbours from Hell
That doesn't make me particularly happy. Don't like seeing people get hurt like that. And "if I'm being honest," seems like his security fucked up by letting an armed person into the building in the first place. Hopefully, he hires better help in the future.
If it makes him or anyone else think twice next time he or anyone else wants to run on stage and attack a comedian, then the broken arm is a positive. These kinds of actions need consequences.


If it makes him or anyone else think twice next time he or anyone else wants to run on stage and attack a comedian, then the broken arm is a positive. These kinds of actions need consequences.
I agree. So, like I said, hopefully, he'll hire better help in the future.

The perp would have been charged regardless.


Glad to hear that Chapelle's OK, but I fear comedians will have to perform in front of a barrier, or bulletproof glass in future.


Gold Member
They don't care about racism and discrimination, defending ideology trumps all.
Donald Trump GIF by NowThis


The moment that lunatic wasn't detained at the oscars, ended the night in applause and still had loonies after defending his behavior, you normalized violence against comedians.

Oh look at the deluded cunts at Retardera:

All rejoicing at the fact Chapelle was attacked because they can't take a joke.

edit: Lmao, Chapelle spitting fire
"It was a trans man"

You go Dave!

This thread reads exactly like /pol/ lol.


Gold Member
Reee cheering on a black man being attacked on stage by someone with a gun and a knife sure is something to see...
You may want to take a look at the modern oppression pyramid dude, black men are under trans people in term of importance.

A black man who joke about trans people? Almost as bad as white blonde rich women.
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Neo Member
Oh look at the deluded cunts at Retardera:

All rejoicing at the fact Chapelle was attacked because they can't take a joke.

edit: Lmao, Chapelle spitting fire
"It was a trans man"

You go Dave!
They’ve gone into the “committing terrorist acts are a-ok” territory, and the mods are okay with allowing that kind of radicalized rhetoric. Somewhere along the way they let the most unbalanced people take mod positions in their own team.
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Boss Mog

They don't actually have this problem because they don't consider Chappelle black. in their eyes if a black person doesn't conform 100% to their beliefs they, aren't black and should be called a "c-word" or a "house n-word". It's pretty disgusting and yet they think of themselves as anti-racists. That's where we are in America today, the mostly white mentally ill degenerates calling black people that don't agree with them the n-word are the so called "anti-racists".


If the attacker was wheeled into an ambulance, hopefully that sends the message that not everyone gets away with what Will got away with.

Security are about to get more contracts from comedy shows, I think. Good time to reach out if you own a security firm
I bet Chappelle's security team gave him something to think about

Yeah I just saw some footage and the guy's arm is literally pointing the wrong way
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Reading the resetera thread is a dumpster fire. Any rational person see this and thinks this is completely irrational and unacceptable behavior.

But you see over there it's like they've lost their humanity. A significant portion are glad it happened or think it's deserved.

One person even saying transphobia is violence. If that is thier belief then of course physical violence is appropriate retaliation. It's so backwards the way they rationalize things.
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