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David Bowie "Space Oddity" or Elton John "Rocket Man"?

David Bowie "Space Oddity" or Elton John "Rocket Man"?

  • David Bowie "Space Oddity"

    Votes: 68 76.4%
  • Elton John "Rocket Man"

    Votes: 21 23.6%

  • Total voters
Just to bump this thread, I want to state that Bowie has some wonderful music of his own even if it does not quite have the vocal polish of some of Elton John's greatest hits. However, before Elton John dethroned the Beatles from the music charts and made a name for himself, Bowie created "Life on Mars?" which is many days my favorite song of his. Throughout his career he also went out of his way to set trends and recreate himself, an endeavour partially captured in his funky "Fame" composition. It is also beyond question that Bowie's impromptu studio collaboration with Queen resulted in their timeless "Under Pressure" track.

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Gold Member
I feel like the line, “planet Earth is blue, and there’s nothing I can do” is a throw away line in Space Oddity. Just to make the rhyme work. Feels cheap.

But the FEEL of both songs are what I like
Blue as in sad.
I voted for Space Oddity, I still listen to both artists though.


Blue as in sad.
I voted for Space Oddity, I still listen to both artists though.
I don’t mind if after all.

Looking at it on paper vs playing the song back, is what threw me off.

I love both songs, but chose Space Oddity as the one I couldn’t live without. That’s why I created the poll.
They’re so close in subject matter, feel, era, lyrics…etc

At the end of the day, for this poll, it’s hard to do, but we have to weed out the artist’s catalog/portfolio of music and just pit each song against each other

It’s technically not D. Bowie vs E. John. It’s not “who has more hits” or even “who you like better”? It’s simply “that one song vs that one song”


Well the longer this poll goes on, the better ROCKET MAN does. It’s up to 24% now.

I don’t think it could pass SPACE ODDY, but it went from only having 2% of the votes, to 12%, to 18%, and now 24%


elton john is awful, David Bowie is a good.

What a silly question.
But like I said in the OP, it’s solely about the two songs. Not the artist or their catalog of music. It’s not David Bowie versus Elton John.

In this hypothetical situation, which ever song you pick means you could never listen to the other song ever again. Hahaa.
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Gold Member
I love both singers, but it's Bowie evey time. I've seen a crazy amount of bands over the years, but none of them were anywhere near as captivating or awe-inspiring as Bowie was, when I saw him perform at the Isle of Wight festival front and center. I was about fifteen feet away from him, watching him singing new and classic songs. a moment I'll treasure until I die!


What say you guys about Rocket Man's work week:

"And all this science
I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man
A rocket man"

If he's in a ship, shuttle or even on a space station etc., shouldn't he understand the instrumentation, the computation, the math, the "science"?

And secondly, do astronauts go home on the weekends? hahaha. Do astronauts not bother to check their instrumentation, flight paths, space debris, fuel, trajectory, oxygen etc when Saturday and Sunday arrives?
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