Gold Member
IGN DVD: Have you heard any word from Universal? I heard first week DVD sales were fantastic.
Twohy: They were. I don't think Universal will act immediately. I think if the past is prologue, it will take some months if not years to recover from the process (laughs) and move forward from there, because it does take a big mindset to pull the trigger on the next film. it took them three and a half years between Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick and you know what, if it takes another three-and-a-half years between Chronicles one and Chronicles two, then so be it. I'll just be busy making other hopefully interesting years.
IGN DVD: Have you considered continuing the story in another medium, either anime or animated, a novel, or whatever, if Universal doesn't give the green light? Because you left the story hanging as it is.
Twohy: We certainly did. I think you have to remember what the dog is and what the tail is, and you have to make sure the tail doesn't wag the dog, and that all things spring from the film and not vice versa. So anything spun off from that would have to be done in such a way that it didn't inhibit the creativity of the next film.
IGN DVD: Well what I meant is if they pass on the film, would you finish the trilogy in another way?
Twohy: But there's never a non-green light meeting at a studio. They never get together and say no. It's, 'We will green light it when the economics fall into place.' That's Universal's attitude. That could be next month or a year from next month.
IGN DVD: Would you settle on doing it for a lower budget? The first one was $20 million bucks.
Twohy: Possibly, but only if we could make it an R-rated adventure. That would be the quid pro quo.
IGN DVD: Are all the sets still around so the next go-around won't be so expensive? Or is that not how it works?
Twohy: The sets had to be taken down in Vancouver because Fantastic Four was coming in behind us, but a lot of the assets are there, like the Necromonger costumes.
IGN DVD: So at this point, there's no thumbs down or thumbs up for the sequels yet?
Twohy: Yeah, it will be a gradual process. We're all doing other things in our lives. There's always a magic moment in time for a film when it comes together. My mind has to be in the right place, Vin's head has to be in the right place and Universal's as well. So it takes several people thinking 'Yeah, we should do this.' I think that'll take some time yet.